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Mode evolution and nanofocusing of grating-coupled surface plasmon polaritons on metallic tip
Fanfan Lu, Wending Zhang, Ligang Huang, Shuhai Liang, Dong Mao, Feng Gao, Ting Mei, and Jianlin Zhao
We present a detailed analysis on mode evolution of grating-coupled surface plasmonic polaritons (SPPs) on a conical metal tip based on the guided-wave theory. The eigenvalue equations for SPPs modes are discussed, revealing that cylindrical metal waveguides only support TM01 and HEm1 surface modes. During propagation We present a detailed analysis on mode evolution of grating-coupled surface plasmonic polaritons (SPPs) on a conical metal tip based on the guided-wave theory. The eigenvalue equations for SPPs modes are discussed, revealing that cylindrical metal waveguides only support TM01 and HEm1 surface modes. During propagation on the metal tip, the grating-coupled SPPs are converted to HE31, HE21, HE11 and TM01 successively, and these modes are sequentially cut off except TM01. The TM01 mode further propagates with drastically increasing effective mode index and is converted to localized surface plasmons (LSPs) at the tip apex, which is responsible for plasmonic nanofocusing. The gap-mode plasmons can be excited with the focusing TM01 mode by approaching a metal substrate to the tip apex, resulting in further enhanced electric field and reduced size of the plasmonic focus..
Opto-Electronic Advances
- Publication Date: Jul. 20, 2018
- Vol. 1, Issue 6, 180010-1 (2018)
Probing defects in ZnO by persistent phosphorescence
Honggang Ye, Zhicheng Su, Fei Tang, Yitian Bao, Xiangzhou Lao, Guangde Chen, Jian Wang, and Shijie Xu
Native point defects in ZnO are so complicated that most of them are still debating issues, although they have been studied for decades. In this paper, we experimentally reveal two sub-components usually hidden in the low energy tail of the main broad green luminescence band peaking at 547 nm (~2.267 eV) in intentionalNative point defects in ZnO are so complicated that most of them are still debating issues, although they have been studied for decades. In this paper, we experimentally reveal two sub-components usually hidden in the low energy tail of the main broad green luminescence band peaking at 547 nm (~2.267 eV) in intentionally undoped ZnO single crystal by selecting the below-band-gap (BBG) optical excitations (e.g. light wavelengths of 385 nm and 450 nm). Moreover, both sub-components are manifested as long persistent phosphorescence once the BBG excitations are removed. With the aid of a newly developed model, the energy depths of two electron traps involved within the long lived orange luminescence are determined to be 44 meV and 300 meV, respectively. The candidates of these two electron traps are argued to be most likely hydrogen and zinc interstitials in ZnO..
Opto-Electronic Advances
- Publication Date: Jul. 24, 2018
- Vol. 1, Issue 6, 180011-1 (2018)