Volume: 3 Issue 4
5 Article(s)

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Review of bio-optical imaging systems with a high space-bandwidth product
Jongchan Park, David J. Brady, Guoan Zheng, Lei Tian, and Liang Gao
Advanced Photonics
  • Publication Date: Jun. 26, 2021
  • Vol. 3, Issue 4, 044001 (2021)
Single-shot spectral-volumetric compressed ultrafast photography | On the Cover
Pengpeng Ding, Yunhua Yao, Dalong Qi, Chengshuai Yang, Fengyan Cao, Yilin He, Jiali Yao, Chengzhi Jin, Zhengqi Huang, Li Deng, Lianzhong Deng, Tianqing Jia, Jinyang Liang, Zhenrong Sun, and Shian Zhang
In ultrafast optical imaging, it is critical to obtain the spatial structure, temporal evolution, and spectral composition of the object with snapshots in order to better observe and understand unrepeatable or irreversible dynamic scenes. However, so far, there are no ultrafast optical imaging techniques that can simul
Advanced Photonics
  • Publication Date: Jun. 18, 2021
  • Vol. 3, Issue 4, 045001 (2021)
Optical superoscillatory waves without side lobes along a symmetric cut
Yanwen Hu, Shiwang Wang, Junhui Jia, Shenhe Fu, Hao Yin, Zhen Li, and Zhenqiang Chen
Advanced Photonics
  • Publication Date: Jun. 23, 2021
  • Vol. 3, Issue 4, 045002 (2021)

About the Cover

The image on the cover for Advanced Photonics Volume 3 Issue 4 depicts a fast-flying butterfly with colorful information on its wings – this dynamic scene is captured by a multidimensional computational camera with super high temporal, volumetric, and spectral resolution. The camera is built based on compressed ultrafast imaging technology, which can simultaneously capture 5D information in a single snapshot by combining compressive sensing with temporal-to-spatial and spectral-to-spatial conversion techniques.
