Volume: 4 Issue 5
6 Article(s)

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Research Articles
3.6 W compact all-fiber Pr3+-doped green laser at 521 nm
Jinhai Zou, Jinfen Hong, Zhuang Zhao, Qingyuan Li, Qiujun Ruan, Hang Wang, Yikun Bu, Xianchao Guan, Min Zhou, Zhiyong Feng, and Zhengqian Luo
Green semiconductor lasers are still undeveloped, so high-power green lasers have heavily relied on nonlinear frequency conversion of near-infrared lasers, precluding compact and low-cost green laser systems. Here, we report the first Watt-level all-fiber CW Pr3 + -doped laser operating directly in the green spectral r
Advanced Photonics
  • Publication Date: Aug. 30, 2022
  • Vol. 4, Issue 5, 056001 (2022)
Hybrid brightfield and darkfield transport of intensity approach for high-throughput quantitative phase microscopy | Author Presentation
Linpeng Lu, Jiaji Li, Yefeng Shu, Jiasong Sun, Jie Zhou, Edmund Y. Lam, Qian Chen, and Chao Zuo
Transport of intensity equation (TIE) is a well-established non-interferometric phase retrieval approach that enables quantitative phase imaging (QPI) by simply measuring intensity images at multiple axially displaced planes. The advantage of a TIE-based QPI system is its compatibility with partially coherent illuminat
Advanced Photonics
  • Publication Date: Sep. 27, 2022
  • Vol. 4, Issue 5, 056002 (2022)
Highly tunable broadband coherent wavelength conversion with a fiber-based optomechanical system | On the Cover
Xiang Xi, Chang-Ling Zou, Chun-Hua Dong, and Xiankai Sun
Modern information networks are built on hybrid systems working at disparate optical wavelengths. Coherent interconnects for converting photons between different wavelengths are highly desired. Although coherent interconnects have conventionally been realized with nonlinear optical effects, those systems require demand
Advanced Photonics
  • Publication Date: Oct. 31, 2022
  • Vol. 4, Issue 5, 056003 (2022)
High-capacity free-space optical link in the midinfrared thermal atmospheric windows using unipolar quantum devices
Pierre Didier, Hamza Dely, Thomas Bonazzi, Olivier Spitz, Elie Awwad, Étienne Rodriguez, Angela Vasanelli, Carlo Sirtori, and Frédéric Grillot
Free-space optical communication is a very promising alternative to fiber communication systems, in terms of ease of deployment and costs. Midinfrared light has several features of utter relevance for free-space applications: low absorption when propagating in the atmosphere even under adverse conditions, robustness of
Advanced Photonics
  • Publication Date: Nov. 01, 2022
  • Vol. 4, Issue 5, 056004 (2022)

About the Cover

In the system, a high-quality mechanical mode serves as a coherent link between the pump and probe photons at different wavelengths. The information carried by the pump light traveling in the fiber core is coherently transferred to the probe light of a cavity mode traveling orthogonally in the fiber cladding.
