【AIGC One Sentence Reading】:本研究对“樱花雨”石英岩玉进行了宝石学特征分析,通过光谱测试确定了其矿物组成,为蔷薇辉石石英岩玉和锂电气石石英岩玉,为该类玉石的鉴定和定名提供了依据。
【AIGC Short Abstract】:本研究对“樱花雨”石英岩玉进行了多项光谱测试及成分分析,发现其白色基底为石英,粉红色主体分别为蔷薇辉石和锂电气石。通过红外光谱和激光拉曼光谱特征,确定了两种玉石的矿物组成,为“樱花雨”石英岩玉的鉴定和定名提供了重要依据。
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Two types of “cherry rain” quartzite jade were analyzed using standard gemological tests, X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, infrared spectroscopy, and laser Raman spectroscopy. The white-base part of both minerals is quartz, while the pink component of one variety is rhodonite and for the other one, it is elbaite. The infrared spectrum exhibits Si—O stretching vibration absorption peaks at 1078 cm-1, 962 cm-1, and 911 cm-1, the Si—O bending vibration absorption peaks at five places in the range of 750?550 cm-1, and cationic coordination octahedral absorption peaks in the range of 550?400 cm-1. The laser Raman spectrum primarily shows the [SiO4] tetrahedral vibration Raman displacement peaks at 669 cm-1, 975 cm-1, and 1000 cm-1. In the infrared spectrum, notable peaks were observed, including the [BO3]3- stretching vibration peaks at 1359 cm-1 and 1306 cm-1, Si—O—Si asymmetric stretching vibration peak at 1115 cm-1, O—Si—O asymmetric stretching vibration peak at 1033 cm-1, O—Si—O symmetric stretching vibration peak at 998 cm-1, Si—O—Si symmetric stretching vibration peaks at 796 cm-1, 721 cm-1, and 601 cm-1, and the Si—O bending vibration or [BO3]3- group vibration absorption peak near 507 cm-1. The laser Raman spectra reveal vibration displacement peaks of the [Si6O18]12- group hexagonal ring at 224 cm-1 and 376 cm-1, a [BO3]3- vibration displacement peak around 710 cm-1, and a stretching vibration displacement peak of Si—O (non-bridging oxygen) near 1089 cm-1. This indicates that the mineral composition of the aggregate is elbaite quartzite jade. The gemological characteristics of these two mineral aggregates are crucial for the identification and classification of "cherry rain" quartzite jade.