We present detailed characterization of laser-driven fusion and neutron production (
- High Power Laser Science and Engineering
- Vol. 12, Issue 1, 010000e2 (2024)
1. Introduction
The penetrating power and element-dependent cross-section of neutrons render them a useful tool for non-destructive evaluation of materials and structures[1]. Consequently, portable neutron sources are in high demand for applications in the neutron radiography[2,3] of jet engine turbine blades, concrete structures for bridges and roads and also in the detection of sensitive nuclear[4] and explosive[5] materials for national security applications. Neutrons are also useful for cancer treatment[6]. Typically, available neutron sources with high spatial resolution are not movable (e.g., nuclear reactors), and conventional portable neutron sources do not offer the high resolution required for many applications.
Ultra-intense laser-based neutron sources, first demonstrated by Pretzler et al.[7], Norreys et al.[8] and thereafter by others[9,10], offer both portability and the promise of high resolution, and have been studied for over two decades[11–17]. Such experiments have been mostly single shot in nature, typically offering
Furthermore, in the previous laser-based neutron generation studies, a plethora of neutron diagnostics in two broad categories are used: (1) energy resolving and (2) counting or measuring the total dose. For energy resolution, neutron-time-of-flight (nTOF) detectors are most common, among them scintillation detectors (plastic or liquid scintillators) coupled with photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), where the on-shot signal is captured with the aid of fast oscilloscopes[14]. The typical lifetime of these events is multiple nanoseconds, with longer decay tails following the faster rise time[24]. Since all laser–plasma interactions at ultrahigh intensities with solid density targets produce copious amounts of X-/gamma-rays, in TOF settings, the neutron signal observed in these detectors appears within the decay tail of the gamma signals, resulting in a poor signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Therefore, to improve the SNR, one has to move the nTOF detectors farther away from the interaction region, thereby lowering the neutron signal due to the inverse r
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In this paper, we address the detection issues by detailed characterization of the fusion source with a suite of neutron detectors: bubble detectors, liquid scintillators and a
2. Experimental setup for kHz-rate neutron generation and the detector suite
In this section, we discuss the experimental setup as well as the relevant nuclear physics and neutron detection principles. Laser and liquid target parameters are discussed in Section 2.1; for more details on the liquid sheet target system, see Ref. [28]. Earlier, this system was also used in ion acceleration experiments described by Morrison et al.[29] and Snyder et al.[30]. Section 2.2 provides a brief review of the underlying nuclear physics of the tabletop laser-induced fusion, and Section 2.3 explains the principles of operation of the neutron detectors.
Figure 1.Simplified overhead view of the target chamber and surrounding detectors. The main beam has a central wavelength of 780 nm with 8 mJ energy; the probe beam has a central wavelength of 420 nm with 80 μJ energy.
2.1. Liquid target chamber setup for neutron generation
A 1-kHz Ti:sapphire laser was incident on a sheet of room-temperature, free-flowing deuterium oxide (
The target is a sub-micrometer-thick liquid flowing sheet formed from two intersecting 25 μm diameter
A second laser, temporally locked to the main laser, is used to image the interaction region in a pump–probe scheme. The energy in this frequency-shifted probe (80 μJ) is significantly lower than that of the main laser pulse. The probe has a 420 nm central wavelength and 80 fs pulse duration[31]. A simplified chamber diagram can be seen in Figure 1 and a 3D rendering is shown in Figure 2. The probe beam passes through the target and the microscope objective to be imaged onto a camera, allowing real-time video diagnostics with temporal resolution of approximately 50 fs and spatial resolution of 1 μm. This video is the primary diagnostic that is used to align the laser–target system and maximize energy into the sheet.
Figure 2.Three-dimensional model of the interaction region. As in Figure 1, the main beam is shown in red and the probe beam is shown in blue. The jets are in white near the top of the image, and the size of the liquid sheet is exaggerated for illustration.
The 107-cm diameter stainless steel chamber is brought to a final vacuum of approximately 1 Torr, which is limited by the vapor pressure of heavy water and the tendency of the liquid target to freeze. This is below the approximately 7-Torr threshold for ion acceleration noted by Snyder et al.[30]. This pressure is measured at the edge of the chamber; it is expected that the pressure in the vicinity of the target may be significantly higher than the stated 1 Torr. The distance between the target and pressure transducer is approximately 53 cm.
2.2. Laser-induced deuterium–deuterium fusion
When ultra-intense laser pulses interact with a deuterium-rich target, two processes can give rise to neutron production[13], from the bulk and from a deuterium-rich catcher placed at the back of the target (the so-called pitcher–catcher scheme). Neutron production in the bulk may be categorized by two general processes. Firstly, as the absorbed laser energy is transferred from hot electrons to ions in the bulk, the local temperature at and near the focal region may become very high, which may cause deuterium–deuterium (D-D) fusion. Secondly, a significant portion of the hot target then explodes after some time, where the exploding high-energy deuterons collide with each other, causing D-D fusion events (a few nanoseconds after the pulse leaves the target; see, for example, the supplementary movie target explosion dynamics captured for a liquid target in Ref. [32] for similar intensities). At our laser intensities of high
In the neutron producing branch, the 3.27 MeV Q-value is distributed as kinetic energy of the two products. With roughly a quarter of the total mass, the free neutron will take roughly three quarters of the energy, or 2.45 MeV. Our experiment is designed to detect neutrons from these D-D fusion events. We also provide evidence in Section 3.2.1 that the neutron energies are 2.45 MeV, as expected.
In the center-of-mass frame, neutrons are emitted without a directional bias. The approximately
2.3. Suite of three neutron detection systems
Three independent detection systems are used to verify the generation of neutrons: an EJ-309 organic liquid scintillator (Eljen Technology) coupled to a photomultiplier tube (Hamamatsu, R7724), a
EJ-309 organic scintillator: the EJ-309 scintillator consisted of a 5.08 cm right-hand circular cylindrical liquid cell in a thin aluminum housing. This cell was coupled to a 5.08-cm diameter PMT via a borosilicate glass window and EJ-550 silicone grease. The scintillator and PMT detector system, housed in 1.3-cm thick bismuth box with an additional 1.3-cm thick lead sheet at the front of the bismuth box, was placed 150 cm from the target interaction area. Both photons and neutrons were measured during laser operation even with the shielding in place, indicating an extremely active photon source. Photon and neutron events can be separated in the analysis via PSD due to the different scintillation decay profiles created by recoil electrons (corresponding to photon interactions) and recoil protons (corresponding to neutron interactions). The EJ-309 has good discrimination between photons and neutrons, even in a high gamma-ray environment[37]. The detector was biased to –1300 V and events were analyzed with a waveform digitizer (CAEN Technologies, DT5730) and CoMPASS software.
In post-processing, typically a scintillation light-yield threshold is set, below which the neutrons and photons are indistinguishable. Such below-threshold events are discarded from the analysis. A GEometry ANd Tracking (Geant4)[38] Monte Carlo radiation transport simulation of the experiment is used to determine the absolute neutron detection efficiency of the EJ-309 scintillator as a function of the light-yield threshold, accounting for geometric effects. In Geant4, the neutrons are modeled as coming from a point source with the scintillator at a distance of 150 cm. Neutrons are emitted isotropically in the Geant4 simulation. Figure 3 shows the simulated estimated absolute efficiency both with and without the environment modeled, highlighting negligible environmental scattering effects above a 0.4 MeVee (MeVee, MeV electron equivalent) light-yield threshold.
Figure 3.Absolute detection efficiency of the EJ-309 scintillator calculated via Geant4 simulation. The vertical axis indicates that roughly neutrons are produced for every neutron detected, and the shaded regions indicate error. Light-yield thresholds are equal to or more than 0.4 MeVee, and the difference in the two efficiencies is less than 0.5%. The units are defined such that 1 MeVee (MeV electron equivalent) equals the number of scintillation photons produced by a 1 MeV electron.
3He counter: this detector relies on thermal neutron capture on
The integral of the full-energy peak (FEP) at
Bubble detectors: the bubble detector spectrometer (BDS) is a set of 36 detectors rated to measure neutrons above six different energy thresholds: 0.01, 0.1, 0.6, 1, 2.5 and 10 MeV, with six detectors at each threshold. The bubble detectors boast no photon detection and minimal ion/electron sensitivity. In each detector, a polymer gel suspends millimeter-sized super-heated liquid droplets. As a neutron passes through the gel, it deposits its energy into recoil ions; these ions then may pass through a super-heated liquid drop, which quickly vaporizes and expands into a visible bubble[42].
One bubble detector of each energy threshold is placed in a group, with six groups attached at various positions directly to the outside of the chamber. After the experiment, bubbles were counted by eye as a measure of the neutron count, using the bubbles/neutron sensitivity measured by Lewis et al.[42]. The bubbles can then be compressed, allowing the detectors to be reused. The bubble detectors in these experiments were used 16 times over several months, although they had first been activated two years prior.
The measured data of the neutrons from the laser-driven fusion source and their comparisons are described in the following section.
3. Demonstration of kHz-rate neutron generation and its characterization
In this section we present the results of generation and characterization of the neutron flux from low-pulse-energy, high-repetition-rate tabletop fusion for the setup presented in Figure 1. Three independent detection systems and up to 40 individual detectors are used simultaneously, allowing full characterization of the neutron yield and direct comparison between detection systems. The results of the counting measurements are discussed below, in Section 3.1. Then, the neutron energy and angular distributions are characterized in Section 3.2.
3.1. Observation with neutron detection suite
EJ-309 organic scintillator: Figure 4 shows the 2D PSD histogram from the EJ-309 liquid scintillator. The PSD metric on the y-axis is the ratio between the integral of the tail of the scintillation event’s pulse to the total pulse integral from scintillation. The x-axis is given by the total pulse integral. Recoil protons from neutron interactions result in more delayed scintillation light compared to recoil electrons from photon interactions, and thus neutron counts have a higher PSD value than photon counts. As such, two separate features form in Figure 4, corresponding to neutrons at the higher-PSD cluster and photons in the lower-PSD cluster. The data in Figure 4 are mapped to a 1D histogram of PSD values in Figure 5. To mitigate environmental scattering effects and avoid misclassifying neutron and gamma-ray signals, a 478 keVee (keVee, keV electron equivalent) light-yield threshold is used for all experimental measurements.
As a control, natural (undeuterated) water is tested under the same conditions, as laser pulses on
Figure 4.Two-dimensional PSD histogram of neutrons and photons in the organic scintillator. The color scale denotes the number of events.
Figure 5.One-dimensional PSD histograms for the EJ-309 scintillator. The blue data are the same as in Figure 4; the red curve shows a shorter-duration experiment with instead of as a control.
3He counter: Figure 6 shows the background-subtracted data from the
Figure 6.Background-subtracted data from the tube. (blue) and (red) correspond to the same experiments shown in
Bubble detectors: in the analysis of the BDS, the 2.5 and 10 MeV bubble detectors were neglected, as their response to 2.45 MeV neutrons is not well characterized. With each individual detector typically exhibiting 15 or fewer bubbles over an hour of run-time, the set of 24 remaining bubble detectors showed hundreds of bubbles after an experiment with
Both the proportional counter and organic scintillator require analysis to eliminate spurious counts: the EJ-309 requires PSD to separate particle types, and the proportional counter requires fitting techniques to remove scattering events. With greater shielding on the EJ-309 and more moderation on the proportional counter, these unwanted events should be reduced, making analysis easier and more accurate. However, increased moderation may not be possible in all applications because of geometry constraints; for example, large amounts of wax are needed surrounding the 85-cm tube. By comparison, the EJ-309 (with PMT and Bi+Pb shielding) is small and additional lead shielding can easily be placed in front of the scintillator, blocking the line-of-sight from the source. Also, the
The BDS is convenient and easy to use because of its insensitivity to photons; hence, no analysis is needed to distinguish neutrons from other events. To obtain a neutron count from these bubbles even a non-expert can count the bubbles using calibration data provided by the manufacturer. Their small size allows them to be placed almost anywhere; also, they are inexpensive compared to the other two detectors. However, temperature has a significant effect: operating even a few degrees above the recommended temperature of 20
The BDS typically measured neutrons in the high
EJ-309 | BDS | ||
Table 1. Comparison of neutrons/second and associated statistical errors from the three detection systems across two separate experiments. Note that other non-statistical errors contribute to the uncertainties and are not represented in this table, in particular for the He detector and bubble detectors.
The unknown shifts in the efficiency of the BDS, not represented in the reported error of Table 1, make it unsurprising that the results do not closely match the results from the other two detectors. However, the scintillator and proportional counter should agree on neutron flux; instead, the
Before detection efficiency and solid angle considerations, the proportional counter saw the highest number of raw counts, allowing for lower relative statistical error. However, the significant difference in relative error (
To summarize, the EJ-309 detector likely provides the most reliable measurement of neutron production. Although it is easiest to infer the neutron numbers from the BDS, the results are found to be inconsistent as the detectors have unknown dependencies on many parameters while suffering from poor counting statistics. The
3.2. Neutron characterization
Next, the neutron energy was measured using the time-of-flight (TOF) between the particle detection pulse at the EJ-309 scintillator and the laser pulse incident on the target. The expected energy is 2.45 MeV. Then, several experimental parameters are varied: the chamber pressure and pre-pulse effects on the neutron yield are studied, and the spatial distribution of the source is measured in a pitcher–catcher scheme.
3.2.1. 2.45 MeV neutrons
With a known distance from the neutron source to the scintillator, the time delay between the impingement of the pulse on the target and the arrival of neutrons can be used to determine the neutrons’ energies. The time at which the neutrons are produced is first estimated by the laser trigger signal, and then corrected with the arrival of the photons in the scintillator, as they travel at a known speed. This TOF analysis is shown in Figure 7. Relativistic forms of all equations are used. The detector electronics bin all events into 4-nanosecond windows, causing the discrete energy data in Figure 7. Still, a sharp peak in energies is seen around the expected 2.45 MeV, confirming D-D fusion.
Figure 7.Energy histogram of emitted neutrons, as measured by the organic scintillator via time-of-flight. Data were collected for 54 minutes with the scintillator subtending 0.0035 steradians, and counts are not scaled with detection efficiency. That is, only the raw counts are shown. The peak corresponds to the expected 2.45 MeV of D-D fusion neutrons.
Detected neutron counts with lower energy are likely a result of neutron scattering from laboratory surrounding features, such as the room’s floor and walls, as well as the nearby paraffin wax surrounding the
3.2.2. Anisotropy and spatial resolution
To further characterize our neutron source, we examine its angular distribution. Although the neutrons are expected to be produced isotropically, a catcher could introduce a directional bias; the deuterons in a solid
Three identical EJ-309 detectors and PMTs were placed at different viewing angles around the chamber, all in the horizontal plane. Each scintillator was shielded from gamma-rays either with lead bricks or a bismuth container. The results are seen in Table 2: no detector measured significantly higher neutron generation than any other, indicating the catcher’s failure to contribute to neutron yield anisotropy. In addition, when compared to an identical experiment without a catcher, no significant difference in total neutron yield was observed. This is consistent with the observation of Ref. [13], where bulk neutron production was shown to exceed neutron production by the pitcher–catcher method for intensities near the range of intensities described here.
Detector | Neutrons/s | |
Table 2. Detector angles, estimated source counts and calculated uncertainties for the three-scintillator array. Detectors are named by their viewing angle, with defined as the laser propagation direction.
4. Simulation with WarpX
We ran proof-of-concept particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations using the WarpX code[47] that recently implemented a fusion model using an algorithm developed by Higginson et al.[48]. These 2D3v simulations feature a laser modeled after the experiment with an energy of
Particles were given an initial temperature of 100 eV. The fusion model includes a fusion multiplier parameter described by Higginson et al.[48], which increases the probability of a fusion event occurring but proportionally decreases the weight of the neutron (and helium) macroparticles produced[48]. The weight of a macroparticle refers to the number of physical particles it represents. Setting this parameter to
Figure 8.2D3v PIC simulation results. The top figure shows neutron count data versus time and shows the difference between s- and p-polarization. The dashed line marks the time when the laser’s pulse envelope interacts with the target. Neutrons begin to leave the simulation starting around 800 fs. The bottom figure shows energy spectra of the simulation particles at 500 fs. Deuteron energies are shown with dotted lines and neutron energies are shown with solid lines. The p-polarized laser simulations show enhanced neutron generation and ion acceleration.
We simulated both an s-polarized laser (as in the experiments) and a p-polarized laser to explore the effect of polarization on neutron yield. Figure 8 shows the neutron yield from an s-polarized and p-polarized laser, with fusion primarily occurring after the pulse envelope of the laser finishes its interaction with the target. We found that p-polarization enhanced neutron production by a factor of 2.6.
Figure 8 shows the kinetic energy spectra of deuterons and neutrons at 500 fs after the start of the simulation. There were decreasing numbers of ions at higher energies, as expected for TNSA, which is the dominant ion acceleration mechanism at these intensities (e.g., see Refs. [29,49]). Also as expected, the p-polarized simulation has better laser absorption[50] and higher maximum ion energies. These ion energies continue to increase after 500 fs, but we select this snapshot, which is after most of the neutrons are generated and before deuterons begin leaving the simulation boundaries. Neutron energies fall into a distribution around 2.45 MeV, the expected energy yield of a D-D neutron fusion event. The supplemental movie (see the
Figure 9.A frame of the 2D3v simulation with s-polarization at 600 fs after the start of the simulation, showing the deuterated sheet in black and neutrons in red. The supplemental movie (see the
5. Comparison of our results to the literature
It should be noted that our experimental results demonstrate neutron generation even without a catcher, unlike most other experiments that required a catcher to achieve maximal neutron generation. We are only aware of a few other papers where ultra-intense lasers have produced D-D neutrons without a catcher. The following is an outline of the advances of our work as compared to the literature.
As mentioned earlier, the recent paper by Jiao et al.[51] inferred neutron generation directly from a solid deuterium target using only bubble detectors at the Texas Petawatt Laser. Furthermore, their neutron generation was accomplished at a rate of one shot per hour. However, their simulation results are qualitatively similar to ours but they used a higher intensity laser and a different PIC code. Finally, both efforts point to the interesting possibility of generating neutrons from a relatively small spot on the target, which is possible across a wide range of laser energies and repetition rates.
Hah et al.[22,23] demonstrated neutron generation from ultra-intense laser irradiation of a 10-μm-diameter liquid column of heavy water (no catcher present). Similar to our work, a millijoule-class laser was used but with a 0.5-kHz repetition-rate neutron generation compared to our 1-kHz rate. Overall, Hah et al. generated similar numbers of neutrons per second to our experiment. Our effort leveraged a more extensive suite of neutron detectors and we provide more information about how these detectors were used (Section 2.3). An obvious difference between the two efforts is that we demonstrated neutron generation from a half-micrometer-thick liquid sheet, so our neutron source is potentially smaller. In future work, we can determine whether a heavy water sheet or a liquid column is more effective for producing neutrons.
Another key difference from our work is that Hah et al.[22,23] performed experiments with 20-Torr background pressure to prevent the heavy water jet from freezing, whereas in our work we operated at 1 Torr. Neutron generation at this lower pressure implies that the neutrons originate within the target, but additional work is needed for verification.
6. Conclusion
Three independent detection systems confirm D-D fusion neutron generation at a kHz rate from laser–plasma interactions at our thin D
Of the three detection systems employed, (1) the EJ-309 was found to have the highest precision, (2) the efficiency of the BDS is not well characterized beyond a narrow use case and (3) the efficiency of the proportional counter is reliant on a detailed environmental model, which cannot be easily obtained. As shown in Figure 3, environmental scattering has a negligible impact on the EJ-309’s efficiency at thresholds above 0.4 MeVee. Many other laser-based neutron studies exclusively use bubble detectors (or a BDS) for neutron flux measurements, and based on our finding those fluxes may be somewhat overestimated.
One of the potential application of our laser-driven system is the ability to generate high-repetition-rate mixed radiation. Our system has demonstrated MeV ions, electrons and X-rays at 1 kHz – the addition of neutrons allows for a sustained mixed radiation environment[29,52,53] that could be useful for radiation hardening for nuclear or space weather testing. Furthermore, because of the small target volume where the neutron is generated, such a source would be ideal for neutron radiography.
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