Author Style Guide & Templates
1. Templates
LaTex template files for submission
EndNote template file for submission
Word template files for submission
2. Style Guide
Manuscripts should be typed in double spacing throughout, including tables, footnotes, references and legends to tables and figures. There should be a margin of at least 2.5 cm all around. The position of tables and figures should be clearly indicated, in sequence, in the text. Manuscripts should be organized as follows:
Title page.
This page should include (a) the article’s full title, (b) names and affiliations of all authors, (c) the name, mailing address, and telephone number of the corresponding author.
Abstract and keywords.
The abstract should be no longer than 150 words. It should be informative, without descriptive words or citations, and contain the major conclusions and quantitative results or other significant items in the paper. Together with the title, the abstract must be adequate as an index to all the subjects treated in the paper, and will be used as a base for indexing. The authors should provide from 2 to 5 keywords that reflect the content of the article.
Tables should be numbered consecutively and each should be typed doublespaced. All tables must be cited and their approximate positions indicated in the text. Tables should be appended on separate sheets and identified with appropriate titles. The table title, which should be brief, goes above the table. A detailed description of its contents or table footnotes should be given directly below the body of the table.
Figures should be supplied no larger than 8 × 10” (approx. 200 × 250 mm) and must be cameraready. Figures will normally be reduced to one column width (6-8 cm). In the figures, the main lines should be about 0.3 mm in width, and the assistant lines 0.15 mm. Notations in the figures should be distinct and consistent with the same ones in the text, and their font size will be 7-9 pt. The positions of figures should be marked in the text by boxes of a suitable size. Each figure should have its own caption. For photographs, the original photos must be supplied with good contrast and clearly distinguishable details.
Please identify all funding sources (by name and contract number, as appropriate) in the acknowledgments.
References must be published work and must be numbered consecutively in order of their first citation. References should be listed individually at the end of the text and indicated in the text with a superscript number in square brackets. All of the references’ authors, as well as the titles of the referenced articles, should be given. Here are some examples of how to set the most common reference types:
Journals: 1. Wei-Min Wang, Zheng-Ming Sheng, Yu-Tong Li, and Jie Zhang, “Upper-limit power for self-guided propagation of intense lasers in underdense plasma”, High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 1, 74 (2013).
Books: N. Bloembergen, Nonlinear Optics (Benjamin, New York, 1965).
Conference proceedings: R. E. Kalman, “A new approach to linear filtering and prediction problems”, in Proceedings of Advanced Seminar on Generalized Inverse and Applications, M. Z. Nashed, ed. (Academic, San Diego, CA, USA, 1976), p. 111.
Patents: A. C. Hart, Jr., R. G. Huff, and K. L. Walker, “Method of making a fiber having low polarization mode dispersion due to a permanent spin”, U.S. patent 5,298,047 (March 29, 1994).
Dissertations: K. L. Corwin, “A circularly-polarized optical dipole trap and other developments in laser trapping of atoms”, PhD. Thesis (University of Colorado, 1999).
Online references: H. R. Sheikh, Z. Wang, L. Cormack, and A. C. Bovik, “Live image quality assessment database release 2”, http://live.ece.utexas.edu/research/quality (September 8, 2006).
Tips: The authors are recommended to use reference manager tools to arrange the list of references before submission. Download citation style files for EndNote at HPL homepage.
3. Permissions
Authors wishing to include figures or tables that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.
Author Submission guideline
All manuscripts should be submitted through the High Power Laser Science and Engineering ScholarOne online system (https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/clp-hpl). You will need to create an account before you submit, unless you already have a ScholarOne account for other CLP journals, including Advanced Photonics and Chinese Optics Letters.
When completing the online submission form, please follow these guidelines:
1. Submission Method:
If uploading an EndNote manuscript via this system, sections of the submission process can be populated automatically.
2. Manuscript Information:
- The Title & Abstract should match your uploaded manuscript. You may use the “Special Characters” function to insert a special character.
- Enter three to six keywords for the submission. Select one subject from the existing list.
- The Cover Letter can be entered directly into the system or uploaded as a separate file in .docx or .pdf format.
3. Files upload:
- The main document should be in Microsoft Word or Latex version (together with PDF) following the template of High Power Laser Science and Engineering.
- All the separate figure files in PNG, JPG, EPS or TIFF format (resolution above 300 dpi) should be uploaded.
4. Authors:
- All the authors' names, institutions, and email addresses should be added. Only one author can be selected as the corresponding author. If there is more than one corresponding authors, please clarify it in the main document.
- Use the function “Find using Author's email address” when adding a co-author. If no co-author is found, please click “create a new co-author” to add the information for this author yourself.
5. Please view the PDF and HTML proof before submitting.
- Please note that all items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Peer review process
1. First Review
Manuscripts are screened by the editorial office regarding the manuscript format and the duplication rate. Manuscripts are then preliminarily evaluated by the editorial office and editorial board members to ensure they meet the journal's rigorous scientific standards and are eligible for peer review. The manuscript might be unsubmitted or rejected in this step.
This step averages 1-2 weeks and may extend under special occasions.
2. Peer Review
Manuscripts that meet these criteria are single-blind reviewed by at least two referees. The referees provide detailed comments and recommendations to help the editorial board members arrive at the appropriate editorial decision.
This step averages 40 days and may extend under special occasions.
3. Author Revision
Authors should carefully address all reviewer comments when submitting a revised manuscript.
The revision time is 10/20 days, and may extend under special occasions.
4. Re-review
Revised manuscripts are evaluated by the editorial board members and may be sent to the original or new referees.
This process averages 15-30 days, and may extend under special occasions.
5. Appeal:
Authors may appeal to the editorial office to reconsider a rejection decision if they believe that the reviewers have seriously misjudged the manuscript. All appeals will be given careful consideration. The editorial board members and/or editors-in-chief will determine if further consideration is merited or if the original decision should stand.
*Submissions from members of the editorial board are handled by an editorial board member who is not connected with the manuscript to ensure that such submissions receive an objective and unbiased evaluation. Information about the review process for such submissions is redacted from the view of any editors who are authors of the paper within the journal's online submission and review system.
Status in online system
When checking the Author Center, the author could probably see the following status:
Awaiting EO Decision:
The submission is in the format and quality check by editorial office, editor-in-chiefs and editorial board members before peer review.
Or all the required comments have been received. The editor is checking the comments and will make a recommendation soon.
Awaiting Reviewer Scores:
In general occasions, at least two reviewers are required in first round peer review.
Minor/Major Revision:
The review comments have been sent to the authors in decision letter. Please check the mailbox of the contact author.
The rejection comments have been sent to the authors in decision letter. Please check the mailbox of the contact author.
Authors of papers being accepted will receive the formal acceptance acknowledgement including the article processing charge and expecting publishing issue. Please check the mailbox of the contact author.
*After submitting the revision version, the paper enters the re-review process (ADM not assigned in this step).
Article processing charge
All High Power Laser Science and Engineering articles will be published with open access (CC BY).
The article publication charge (APC) is set at £1,970 / $2,900.
Upon acceptance for publication the corresponding author will be contacted on behalf of Cambridge University Press by Rightslink, who will administer the collection of the charge. At that stage the corresponding author can pay by credit card or arrange for an invoice to be issued to his or her funding body or institution.
Author(s) may request a discretionary waiver if they are not able to cover the funds of the APC. Requests must be made prior to submission, before the article enters editorial consideration and will be decided upon by the Publisher, without the knowledge of the editorial board. The author(s) must provide documentary evidence for their request (i.e., a letter from the institution or funder), indicating that no APC funds are available. Waiver requests made after article submission will result in a denied request. The APC charge will be waived for certain commissioned articles and Editorials and in rare cases when authors and their institutes can clearly demonstrate inability to pay. To ensure availability of funding has no bearing on editorial decisions, the Editors of HPL are never involved in correspondence with authors on payment of publication charges. All APC waiver requests must be submitted directly to the publisher prior to submission.
Publication process after acceptance
On receipt of the production files you will be sent an email indicating completion of the acceptance process.
The corresponding author will also receive an email from “Cambridge University Press via Ironclad” (noreply@mg.ironcladapp.com)* asking them to complete an Information Request Form. This is the first step towards signing a licence to publish agreement, which is a requirement that needs to be fulfilled before a paper can be published. Under the agreement, certain rights are granted to the journal owner which allow publication of the paper. The original ownership of the copyright in the paper remains unchanged. For further details, please see our publishing agreement page.
Please note that an article cannot proceed to Cambridge Production without a completed agreement.
Publication Process
Once a paper has been accepted for publication, the source files have been uploaded and the publishing agreement signed, the manuscript will be sent to Cambridge University Press for copyediting and typesetting, and will be assigned a digital object identifier (doi). When the proof is ready, authors will receive an email alert containing a link to the PDF of the proof, and instructions for its correction and return. It is imperative that authors check their proofs closely, particularly the equations and figures, which should be checked against the accepted file, as the production schedule does not allow for corrections at a later stage. Your HPLSE article will be published straight into an issue online as soon as it is ready. The PDF published online is the Version of Record and no further alterations/corrections to this document will be allowed.
For further information please refer to our central production guide and production FAQs.