• Special Issue
  • Special Issue on Relativistic Laser Plasma Interaction (RLPI) Diagnostics and Instrumentation
  • 9 Article (s)
miniSCIDOM: a scintillator-based tomograph for volumetric dose reconstruction of single laser-driven proton bunches
A. Corvino, M. Reimold, E. Beyreuther, F.-E. Brack, F. Kroll, J. Pawelke, J. D. Schilz, M. Schneider, U. Schramm, M. E. P. Umlandt, K. Zeil, T. Ziegler, and J. Metzkes-Ng
Laser plasma accelerators (LPAs) enable the generation of intense and short proton bunches on a micrometre scale, thus offering new experimental capabilities to research fields such as ultra-high dose rate radiobiology or material analysis. Being spectrally broadband, laser-accelerated proton bunches allow for tailored volumetric dose deposition in a sample via single bunches to excite or probe specific sample properties. The rising number of such experiments indicates a need for diagnostics providing spatially resolved characterization of dose distributions with volumes of approximately 1 cm ${}^3$ for single proton bunches to allow for fast online feedback. Here we present the scintillator-based miniSCIDOM detector for online single-bunch tomographic reconstruction of dose distributions in volumes of up to approximately 1 cm ${}^3$ . The detector achieves a spatial resolution below 500 $\unicode{x3bc}$ m and a sensitivity of 100 mGy. The detector performance is tested at a proton therapy cyclotron and an LPA proton source. The experiments’ primary focus is the characterization of the scintillator’s ionization quenching behaviour.
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Jan. 23, 2024
  • Vol. 12, Issue 2, 02000e17 (2024)
Detailed characterization of kHz-rate laser-driven fusion at a thin liquid sheet with a neutron detection suite|On the Cover
Benjamin M. Knight, Connor M. Gautam, Colton R. Stoner, Bryan V. Egner, Joseph R. Smith, Chris M. Orban, Juan J. Manfredi, Kyle D. Frische, Michael L. Dexter, Enam A. Chowdhury, and Anil K. Patnaik
We present detailed characterization of laser-driven fusion and neutron production ( $\sim {10}^5$ /second) using 8 mJ, 40 fs laser pulses on a thin (<1 &mu;m) D ${}_2$ O liquid sheet employing a measurement suite. At relativistic intensity ( $\sim 5\times {10}^{18}$ W/cm ${}^2$ ) and high repetition rate (1 kHz), the system produces deuterium&ndash;deuterium (D-D) fusion, allowing for consistent neutron generation. Evidence of D-D fusion neutron production is verified by a measurement suite with three independent detection systems: an EJ-309 organic scintillator with pulse-shape discrimination, a ${}^3\mathrm{He}$ proportional counter and a set of 36 bubble detectors. Time-of-flight analysis of the scintillator data shows the energy of the produced neutrons to be consistent with 2.45 MeV. Particle-in-cell simulations using the WarpX code support significant neutron production from D-D fusion events in the laser&ndash;target interaction region. This high-repetition-rate laser-driven neutron source could provide a low-cost, on-demand test bed for radiation hardening and imaging applications.
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Nov. 15, 2023
  • Vol. 12, Issue 1, 010000e2 (2024)
Metrology for sub-Rayleigh-length target positioning in ∼1022 W/cm2 laser–plasma experiments
E. A. Vishnyakov, A. Sagisaka, K. Ogura, T. Zh. Esirkepov, B. Gonzalez-Izquierdo, C. D. Armstrong, T. A. Pikuz, S. A. Pikuz, W. Yan, T. M. Jeong, S. Singh, P. Hadjisolomou, O. Finke, G. M. Grittani, M. Nevrkla, C. M. Lazzarini, A. Velyhan, T. Hayakawa, Y. Fukuda, J. K. Koga, M. Ishino, K. Kondo, Y. Miyasaka, A. Kon, M. Nishikino, Y. V. Nosach, D. Khikhlukha, I. P. Tsygvintsev, D. Kumar, J. Nejdl, D. Margarone, P. V. Sasorov, S. Weber, M. Kando, H. Kiriyama, Y. Kato, G. Korn, K. Kondo, S. V. Bulanov, T. Kawachi, and A. S. Pirozhkov
Tight focusing with very small f-numbers is necessary to achieve the highest at-focus irradiances. However, tight focusing imposes strong demands on precise target positioning in-focus to achieve the highest on-target irradiance. We describe several near-infrared, visible, ultraviolet and soft and hard X-ray diagnostics employed in a &sim;1022 W/cm2 laser&ndash;plasma experiment. We used nearly 10 J total energy femtosecond laser pulses focused into an approximately 1.3-&mu;m focal spot on 5&ndash;20 &mu;m thick stainless-steel targets. We discuss the applicability of these diagnostics to determine the best in-focus target position with approximately 5 &mu;m accuracy (i.e., around half of the short Rayleigh length) and show that several diagnostics (in particular, 3$\omega$ reflection and on-axis hard X-rays) can ensure this accuracy. We demonstrated target positioning within several micrometers from the focus, ensuring over 80% of the ideal peak laser intensity on-target. Our approach is relatively fast (it requires 10&ndash;20 laser shots) and does not rely on the coincidence of low-power and high-power focal planes.
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Jul. 23, 2024
  • Vol. 12, Issue 3, 03000e32 (2024)
OCTOPOD: single-bunch tomography for angular-spectral characterization of laser-driven protons
M. Reimold, S. Assenbaum, E. Beyreuther, E. Bodenstein, F.-E. Brack, C. Eisenmann, F. Englbrecht, F. Kroll, F. Lindner, U. Masood, J. Pawelke, U. Schramm, M. Schneider, M. Sobiella, M. E. P. Umlandt, M. Vescovi, K. Zeil, T. Ziegler, and J. Metzkes-Ng
Laser&ndash;plasma accelerated (LPA) proton bunches are now applied for research fields ranging from ultra-high-dose-rate radiobiology to material science. Yet, the capabilities to characterize the spectrally and angularly broad LPA bunches lag behind the rapidly evolving applications. The OCTOPOD translates the angularly resolved spectral characterization of LPA proton bunches into the spatially resolved detection of the volumetric dose distribution deposited in a liquid scintillator. Up to 24 multi-pinhole arrays record projections of the scintillation light distribution and allow for tomographic reconstruction of the volumetric dose deposition pattern, from which proton spectra may be retrieved. Applying the OCTOPOD at a cyclotron, we show the reliable retrieval of various spatial dose deposition patterns and detector sensitivity over a broad dose range. Moreover, the OCTOPOD was installed at an LPA proton source, providing real-time data on proton acceleration performance and attesting the system optimal performance in the harsh laser&ndash;plasma environment.
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Jul. 04, 2023
  • Vol. 11, Issue 6, 06000e68 (2023)
Measurements of plasma density profile evolutions with a channel-guided laser
Tong Yang, Zhen Guo, Yang Yan, Minjian Wu, Yadong Xia, Qiangyou He, Hao Cheng, Yuze Li, Yanlv Fang, Yanying Zhao, Xueqing Yan, and Chen Lin
The discharged capillary plasma channel has been extensively studied as a high-gradient particle acceleration and transmission medium. A novel measurement method of plasma channel density profiles has been employed, where the role of plasma channels guiding the advantages of lasers has shown strong appeal. Here, we have studied the high-order transverse plasma density profile distribution using a channel-guided laser, and made detailed measurements of its evolution under various parameters. The paraxial wave equation in a plasma channel with high-order density profile components is analyzed, and the approximate propagation process based on the Gaussian profile laser is obtained on this basis, which agrees well with the simulation under phase conditions. In the experiments, by measuring the integrated transverse laser intensities at the outlet of the channels, the radial quartic density profiles of the plasma channels have been obtained. By precisely synchronizing the detection laser pulses and the plasma channels at various moments, the reconstructed density profile shows an evolution from the radial quartic profile to the quasi-parabolic profile, and the high-order component is indicated as an exponential decline tendency over time. Factors affecting the evolution rate were investigated by varying the incentive source and capillary parameters. It can be found that the discharge voltages and currents are positive factors quickening the evolution, while the electron-ion heating, capillary radii and pressures are negative ones. One plausible explanation is that quartic profile contributions may be linked to plasma heating. This work helps one to understand the mechanisms of the formation, the evolutions of the guiding channel electron-density profiles and their dependences on the external controllable parameters. It provides support and reflection for physical research on discharged capillary plasma and optimizing plasma channels in various applications.
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Jul. 24, 2023
  • Vol. 11, Issue 6, 06000e85 (2023)
Measurement of electron beam transverse slice emittance using a focused beamline
Kangnan Jiang, Ke Feng, Hao Wang, Xiaojun Yang, Peile Bai, Yi Xu, Yuxin Leng, Wentao Wang, and Ruxin Li
A single-shot measurement of electron emittance was experimentally accomplished using a focused transfer line with a dipole. The betatron phase of electrons based on laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA) is energy dependent owing to the coupling of the longitudinal acceleration field and the transverse focusing (defocusing) field in the bubble. The phase space presents slice information after phase compensation relative to the center energy. Fitting the transverse size of the electron beam at different energy slices in the energy spectrum measured 0.27 mm mrad in the experiment. The diagnosis of slice emittance facilitates local electron quality manipulation, which is important for the development of LWFA-based free electron lasers. The quasi-3D particle-in-cell simulations matched the experimental results and analysis well.
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Mar. 13, 2023
  • Vol. 11, Issue 3, 03000e36 (2023)
Three-dimensional acoustic monitoring of laser-accelerated protons in the focus of a pulsed-power solenoid lens
S. Gerlach, F. Balling, A. K. Schmidt, F. E. Brack, F. Kroll, J. Metzkes-Ng, M. Reimold, U. Schramm, M. Speicher, K. Zeil, K. Parodi, and J. Schreiber
The acoustic pulse emitted from the Bragg peak of a laser-accelerated proton bunch focused into water has recently enabled the reconstruction of the bunch energy distribution. By adding three ultrasonic transducers and implementing a fast data analysis of the filtered raw signals, I-BEAT (Ion-Bunch Energy Acoustic Tracing) 3D now provides the mean bunch energy and absolute lateral bunch position in real-time and for individual bunches. Relative changes in energy spread and lateral bunch size can also be monitored. Our experiments at DRACO with proton bunch energies between 10 and 30 MeV reveal sub-MeV and sub-mm resolution. In addition to this 3D bunch information, the signal strength correlates also with the absolute bunch particle number.
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Feb. 23, 2023
  • Vol. 11, Issue 3, 03000e38 (2023)
Ion-bunch energy acoustic tracing by modulation of the depth-dose curve
A. Praßelsperger, F. Balling, H.-P. Wieser, K. Parodi, and J. Schreiber
Characterizing exact energy density distributions for laser-accelerated ion bunches in a medium is challenging due to very high beam intensities and the electro-magnetic pulse emitted in the laser–plasma interaction. Ion-bunch energy acoustic tracing allows for reconstructing the spatial energy density from the ionoacoustic wave generated upon impact in water. We have extended this approach to tracing ionoacoustic modulations of broad energy distributions by introducing thin foils in the water reservoir to shape the acoustic waves at distinct points along the depth–dose curve. Here, we present first simulation studies of this new detector and reconstruction approach, which provides an online read-out of the deposited energy with depth within the centimeter range behind the ion source of state-of-the-art laser–plasma-based accelerators.
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: Mar. 02, 2023
  • Vol. 11, Issue 3, 03000e42 (2023)
Generation of a curved plasma channel from a discharged capillary for intense laser guiding
Jian-Long Li, Bo-Yuan Li, Xin-Zhe Zhu, Ze-Wu Bi, Xin-Hui Wen, Lin Lu, Xiao-Hui Yuan, Feng Liu, and Min Chen
Straight plasma channels are widely used to guide relativistic intense laser pulses over several Rayleigh lengths for laser wakefield acceleration. Recently, a curved plasma channel with gradually varied curvature was suggested to guide a fresh intense laser pulse and merge it into a straight channel for staged wakefield acceleration [Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 154801 (2018)]. In this work, we report the generation of such a curved plasma channel from a discharged capillary. Both longitudinal and transverse density distributions of the plasma inside the channel were diagnosed by analyzing the discharging spectroscopy. Effects of the gas-filling mode, back pressure and discharging voltage on the plasma density distribution inside the specially designed capillary are studied. Experiments show that a longitudinally uniform and transversely parabolic plasma channel with a maximum channel depth of 47.5 μm and length of 3 cm can be produced, which is temporally stable enough for laser guiding. Using such a plasma channel, a laser pulse with duration of 30 fs has been successfully guided along the channel with the propagation direction bent by 10.4°.
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
  • Publication Date: May. 25, 2023
  • Vol. 11, Issue 5, 05000e58 (2023)