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Fiber Devices|1 Article(s)
Sharp tunable and additional noise-free optical filter based on Brillouin losses
Cheng Feng, Stefan Preussler, and Thomas Schneider
In this paper, we propose an additional noise-free, independent center frequency and bandwidth tunable optical filter based on stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) losses. By suppressing the out-of-band signal with two broadened symmetric SBS losses, tunable pass bandwidths from 500 MHz to 9.5 GHz and the independent center frequency tunability are demonstrated. Considering the limited SBS interaction in the center frequency range, a flat-top response with minimum 0.3 dB ripple is achieved. Assisted by the extra suppression from polarization pulling, a maximum selectivity of 20 dB and an ultrahigh 250 dB/GHz roll-off are reached. A gain-based SBS filter adds noise to the filtered signal. However, for our proposed filter setup, no additional noise is detected due to the transparency in the passband. Considering the wide independent bandwidth and center frequency tunability, flat-top response, and low-noise characteristic, our proposed filter can be perfectly used as a supplement of most commercialized conventional tunable optical single bandpass filters, whose minimum bandwidth is limited by 10 GHz. In this paper, we propose an additional noise-free, independent center frequency and bandwidth tunable optical filter based on stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) losses. By suppressing the out-of-band signal with two broadened symmetric SBS losses, tunable pass bandwidths from 500 MHz to 9.5 GHz and the independent center frequency tunability are demonstrated. Considering the limited SBS interaction in the center frequency range, a flat-top response with minimum 0.3 dB ripple is achieved. Assisted by the extra suppression from polarization pulling, a maximum selectivity of 20 dB and an ultrahigh 250 dB/GHz roll-off are reached. A gain-based SBS filter adds noise to the filtered signal. However, for our proposed filter setup, no additional noise is detected due to the transparency in the passband. Considering the wide independent bandwidth and center frequency tunability, flat-top response, and low-noise characteristic, our proposed filter can be perfectly used as a supplement of most commercialized conventional tunable optical single bandpass filters, whose minimum bandwidth is limited by 10 GHz.
Photonics Research
- Publication Date: Jan. 25, 2018
- Vol. 6, Issue 2, 02000132 (2018)