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Optical Communications and Interconnects|1 Article(s)
Low-cost hybrid integrated 4 × 25.78 Gb/s CWDM TOSA for 10 km transmission using DFB-LDs and an arrayed waveguide grating multiplexer
Jun Liu, Qingzhong Huang, Shiqi Tao, Cheng Zeng, and Jinsong Xia
We have developed a cost-effective and highly compact 100-Gb/s coarse wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM) transmitter optical subassembly (TOSA) using lens-free hybrid integration. To achieve large alignment tolerances, distributed feedback laser diodes (DFB-LDs) are butt-coupled to a four-channel silica-based planar lightwave circuit (PLC) arrayed waveguide grating, with the silicon sub-mounts and PLC adhesively bonded. Then, a flexible printed circuit is employed to connect the internal DFB-LDs and the exterior of the TOSA package for radiofrequency signal transmission, eliminating the expensive ceramic feed-through. The packaged CWDM TOSA, which is 15.8 mm×7.0 mm×6.0 mm in size, shows a side-mode suppression ratio of >40 dB, a 3 dB bandwidth of >18 GHz, and error-free transmission with an average optical output power of >0 dBm and dynamic extinction ratio of >4.0 dB at 25.78125 Gb/s over a 10 km single-mode fiber for all four lanes. We have developed a cost-effective and highly compact 100-Gb/s coarse wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM) transmitter optical subassembly (TOSA) using lens-free hybrid integration. To achieve large alignment tolerances, distributed feedback laser diodes (DFB-LDs) are butt-coupled to a four-channel silica-based planar lightwave circuit (PLC) arrayed waveguide grating, with the silicon sub-mounts and PLC adhesively bonded. Then, a flexible printed circuit is employed to connect the internal DFB-LDs and the exterior of the TOSA package for radiofrequency signal transmission, eliminating the expensive ceramic feed-through. The packaged CWDM TOSA, which is 15.8 mm×7.0 mm×6.0 mm in size, shows a side-mode suppression ratio of >40 dB, a 3 dB bandwidth of >18 GHz, and error-free transmission with an average optical output power of >0 dBm and dynamic extinction ratio of >4.0 dB at 25.78125 Gb/s over a 10 km single-mode fiber for all four lanes.
Photonics Research
- Publication Date: Oct. 18, 2018
- Vol. 6, Issue 11, 11001067 (2018)