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Optics at Surfaces|7 Article(s)
Wide-field in situ multiplexed Raman imaging with superresolution
Houkai Chen, Xiaojing Wu, Yuquan Zhang, Yong Yang, Changjun Min, Siwei Zhu, Xiaocong Yuan, Qiaoliang Bao, and Jing Bu
Because of the fingerprint-like specificity of its characteristic spectrogram, Raman spectral imaging has been applied widely in various research areas. Using a combination of structured illumination with the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) technique, wide-field Raman imaging is developed with a significant improvement in spatial resolution. As a result of the relatively narrow Raman characteristic peaks, optically encoded SERS nanoparticles can be used to perform multiplexed imaging. The results show excellent superresolution wide-field multiplexed imaging performance. The developed technique has extraordinary potential for applications in biological imaging and other related fields. Because of the fingerprint-like specificity of its characteristic spectrogram, Raman spectral imaging has been applied widely in various research areas. Using a combination of structured illumination with the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) technique, wide-field Raman imaging is developed with a significant improvement in spatial resolution. As a result of the relatively narrow Raman characteristic peaks, optically encoded SERS nanoparticles can be used to perform multiplexed imaging. The results show excellent superresolution wide-field multiplexed imaging performance. The developed technique has extraordinary potential for applications in biological imaging and other related fields.
Photonics Research
- Publication Date: Apr. 30, 2018
- Vol. 6, Issue 6, 06000530 (2018)
Photonic spin Hall effect on the surface of anisotropic two-dimensional atomic crystals
Wenshuai Zhang, Weijie Wu, Shizhen Chen, Jin Zhang, Xiaohui Ling, Weixing Shu, Hailu Luo, and Shuangchun Wen
We examine the spin-orbit interaction of light and photonic spin Hall effect on the surface of anisotropic two-dimensional atomic crystals. As an example, the photonic spin Hall effect on the surface of black phosphorus is investigated. The photonic spin Hall effect manifests itself as the spin-dependent beam shifts in both transverse and in-plane directions. We demonstrate that the spin-dependent shifts are sensitive to the orientation of the optical axis, doping concentration, and interband transitions. These results can be extensively extended to other anisotropic two-dimensional atomic crystals. By incorporating the quantum weak measurement techniques, the photonic spin Hall effect holds great promise for detecting the parameters of anisotropic two-dimensional atomic crystals. We examine the spin-orbit interaction of light and photonic spin Hall effect on the surface of anisotropic two-dimensional atomic crystals. As an example, the photonic spin Hall effect on the surface of black phosphorus is investigated. The photonic spin Hall effect manifests itself as the spin-dependent beam shifts in both transverse and in-plane directions. We demonstrate that the spin-dependent shifts are sensitive to the orientation of the optical axis, doping concentration, and interband transitions. These results can be extensively extended to other anisotropic two-dimensional atomic crystals. By incorporating the quantum weak measurement techniques, the photonic spin Hall effect holds great promise for detecting the parameters of anisotropic two-dimensional atomic crystals.
Photonics Research
- Publication Date: Apr. 26, 2018
- Vol. 6, Issue 6, 06000511 (2018)
Ultra-thin Bloch-surface-wave-based reflector at telecommunication wavelength
R. Dubey, B. Vosoughi Lahijani, M. H?yrinen, M. Roussey, M. Kuittinen, and H. P. Herzig
We experimentally demonstrate the optical properties of gratings engraved in a single-mode waveguide fabricated on top of a dielectric multilayer platform. The structure can be approached as a reflector for Bloch-surface-wave-based two-dimensional optical systems. The gratings have been fabricated on a thin (~λ/25) titanium dioxide layer with a thickness of a few tens of nanometers deposited on the top of a multilayer platform. The optical properties of the gratings have been characterized in the near field with the aid of multi-heterodyne scanning near-field optical microscopy. We investigate the surface wave’s interference pattern, produced by incident and reflected light in front of the gratings. The presented gratings behave as an efficient Bloch-surface–wave-based reflector at telecommunication wavelength. We experimentally demonstrate the optical properties of gratings engraved in a single-mode waveguide fabricated on top of a dielectric multilayer platform. The structure can be approached as a reflector for Bloch-surface-wave-based two-dimensional optical systems. The gratings have been fabricated on a thin (~λ/25) titanium dioxide layer with a thickness of a few tens of nanometers deposited on the top of a multilayer platform. The optical properties of the gratings have been characterized in the near field with the aid of multi-heterodyne scanning near-field optical microscopy. We investigate the surface wave’s interference pattern, produced by incident and reflected light in front of the gratings. The presented gratings behave as an efficient Bloch-surface–wave-based reflector at telecommunication wavelength.
Photonics Research
- Publication Date: Aug. 30, 2017
- Vol. 5, Issue 5, 05000494 (2017)
Multiple resonant excitations of surface plasmons in a graphene stratified slab by Otto configuration and their independent tuning
Jin Yao, Ying Chen, Longfang Ye, Na Liu, Guoxiong Cai, and Qing Huo Liu
Multiple resonant excitations of surface plasmons in a graphene stratified slab are realized by Otto configuration at terahertz frequencies. The proposed graphene stratified slab consists of alternating dielectric layers and graphene sheets, and is sandwiched between a prism and another semi-infinite medium. Optical response and field distribution are determined by the transfer matrix method with the surface current density boundary condition. Multiple resonant excitations appear on the angular reflection spectrum, and are analyzed theoretically via the phase-matching condition. Furthermore, the effects of the system parameters are investigated. Among them, the Fermi levels can tune the corresponding resonances independently. The proposed concept can be engineered for promising applications, including angular selective or multiplex filters, multiple channel sensors, and directional delivery of energy. Multiple resonant excitations of surface plasmons in a graphene stratified slab are realized by Otto configuration at terahertz frequencies. The proposed graphene stratified slab consists of alternating dielectric layers and graphene sheets, and is sandwiched between a prism and another semi-infinite medium. Optical response and field distribution are determined by the transfer matrix method with the surface current density boundary condition. Multiple resonant excitations appear on the angular reflection spectrum, and are analyzed theoretically via the phase-matching condition. Furthermore, the effects of the system parameters are investigated. Among them, the Fermi levels can tune the corresponding resonances independently. The proposed concept can be engineered for promising applications, including angular selective or multiplex filters, multiple channel sensors, and directional delivery of energy.
Photonics Research
- Publication Date: Jul. 26, 2017
- Vol. 5, Issue 4, 04000377 (2017)
Stratified composite-loaded plasmonic waveguide for sensing biofluids
Rimlee Deb Roy, Rik Chattopadhyay, and Shyamal K. Bhadra
A new integrated plasmonic waveguide sensor is reported with high sensitivity (1600 nm/RIU). The integrated structure, loaded with stratified composite, makes this device robust and easy to fabricate on a chip to use as a sensor probe. The device works on the principle of resonant coupling between surface plasmon and fundamental TM mode. By selecting proper stratified structure (metal–dielectric) and core glass, one can tune the sensitivity and the range of operating wavelength. A new integrated plasmonic waveguide sensor is reported with high sensitivity (1600 nm/RIU). The integrated structure, loaded with stratified composite, makes this device robust and easy to fabricate on a chip to use as a sensor probe. The device works on the principle of resonant coupling between surface plasmon and fundamental TM mode. By selecting proper stratified structure (metal–dielectric) and core glass, one can tune the sensitivity and the range of operating wavelength.
Photonics Research
- Publication Date: Oct. 01, 2013
- Vol. 1, Issue 4, 04000164 (2013)
Finite difference time domain study of light transmission through multihole nanostructures in metallic film
Mehrdad Irannejad, Mustafa Yavuz, and Bo Cui
The optical transmittance properties of single-hole arrays and three-hole chain (vertical) arrays with different geometrical parameters were numerically investigated. It was shown that on increasing the vertical distance between the holes in the hole chain array, the FWHM of the (1,0) resonance mode was decreased and minimum FWHM of 29 nm was obtained for a vertical gap of 48 nm between each side hole. A 1.5–2.0 times larger transmittance enhancement was observed by varying the incident light polarization from the y axis to the x axis. Furthermore, it was found that the optical transmittance of the hole chain array in the case of linearly x-axis polarized incident electromagnetic (EM) field was ~6 times larger than that linearly y-axis polarized incident EM field. The optical transmittance properties of single-hole arrays and three-hole chain (vertical) arrays with different geometrical parameters were numerically investigated. It was shown that on increasing the vertical distance between the holes in the hole chain array, the FWHM of the (1,0) resonance mode was decreased and minimum FWHM of 29 nm was obtained for a vertical gap of 48 nm between each side hole. A 1.5–2.0 times larger transmittance enhancement was observed by varying the incident light polarization from the y axis to the x axis. Furthermore, it was found that the optical transmittance of the hole chain array in the case of linearly x-axis polarized incident electromagnetic (EM) field was ~6 times larger than that linearly y-axis polarized incident EM field.
Photonics Research
- Publication Date: Dec. 26, 2013
- Vol. 1, Issue 4, 04000154 (2013)
Self-referenced measurements of the dielectric properties of metals using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy via the excitation of surface plasmon-polaritons
Shashank Pandey, Shuchang Liu, Barun Gupta, and Ajay Nahata
We present experimental measurements that show direct determination of the dielectric properties of various metals relevant to plasmonics. In contrast to traditional measurements that typically rely on transmission and reflectance measurements, we launch surface plasmon-polaritons on a variety of different substrates and measure the propagation properties using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Surprisingly, we find that the extracted values for the dielectric constant for these metals differ by orders of magnitude from published data. In order to validate the obtained results, we separately measure the 1∕e decay length, both along the propagation direction and normal to the metal surface, and show that the results are fully self-consistent with experimental data. The generality of the measurement technique makes it a useful tool to estimate the properties not only of planar conducting substrates but also a wide variety of more complex plasmonic structures. We present experimental measurements that show direct determination of the dielectric properties of various metals relevant to plasmonics. In contrast to traditional measurements that typically rely on transmission and reflectance measurements, we launch surface plasmon-polaritons on a variety of different substrates and measure the propagation properties using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Surprisingly, we find that the extracted values for the dielectric constant for these metals differ by orders of magnitude from published data. In order to validate the obtained results, we separately measure the 1∕e decay length, both along the propagation direction and normal to the metal surface, and show that the results are fully self-consistent with experimental data. The generality of the measurement technique makes it a useful tool to estimate the properties not only of planar conducting substrates but also a wide variety of more complex plasmonic structures.
Photonics Research
- Publication Date: Dec. 26, 2013
- Vol. 1, Issue 4, 04000148 (2013)