- Advanced Photonics
- Vol. 6, Issue 6, 066003 (2024)
1 Introduction
Two-photon microscopy (TPM) has been transformative for in vivo fluorescence imaging due to its inherent optical sectioning capability. Nevertheless, this sectioning is not sufficient to prevent cross-talk between structures of interest, resulting in signal mixing that reduces image contrast and confounded neural functional responses.1,2 Strategies to mitigate this effect include adaptive optics,3 structured illumination,4 and computational correction,1 but these have many practical issues, including complex systems with limited field of view, temporal non-stationarities, and sensitivity to aberrations. These problems are magnified as the sample labeling density increases.5
Acousto-optic modulation (AOM) of light by ultrasound (US) waves was shown to improve the resolution and depth selectivity of optical imaging inside and through scattering tissue by locally modulating coherent light with a focused or time-gated ultrasonic field.6
2 Results
2.1 Observation of AOM
Adding an annular ultrasound transducer to the optical path enables AOM of the fluorescence signal collected by a conventional TPM system [Fig. 1(a)]. The US focus (characterized in Fig. S1 in the Supplemental Material) is co-registered with the optical scan volume, and both foci are co-translated when focusing to different planes by coupling the transducer to the objective (see Appendix). The TPM field of view is limited to within the US focus, and raster scanning is used to acquire the spatial fluorescence intensity images with pixel-rates that are
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Figure 1.UMAMI system. (a) System schematic: a
Figure 2.Giant AOM effect and its characteristics. (a) AOM in an agar-embedded bead cluster (top, left). The 2.1 MHz US wave is slowly gated on (red) and off (green) within the frame to highlight the modulation effect. The modulation of fluorescence from a representative line (red) as compared to the unmodulated baseline (green) demonstrated large fractional modulation (top, right). An
We next characterized the dependence of this effect on the US pressure and the laser intensity. Modulation ratios at the US frequency were generally independent of changes in the fluorescence signal driven by the laser intensity but increased roughly linearly with acoustic pressure [Figs. 2(c) and 2(d)], similarly to previously reported work on single photon fluorescence AOM;14,16 in contrast, observed second harmonic AOM signals scaled quadratically with pressure (Fig. S3 in the Supplemental Material). In an important first achievement for AOM fluorescence studies, we observe this strong modulation in vivo when imaging enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) expressing neurons with low US pressures (
2.2 Extracting Modulation Images
We then explored whether the strongly observed AOM effect could be harnessed to provide significant US modulation assisted multiphoton imaging (UMAMI) enhancements in TPM image quality. We developed a simple post-processing procedure to extract the modulated component of the images by filtering raster-scanned lines in the frequency domain [Fig. 3(a); see the Appendix for details of this digital homodyne detection].9,17 This demodulated signal resulted in significant contrast-enhancement (the ratio of features to background). The enhancements are readily visible in single demodulated frames of eGFP-expressing neurons in vivo [Fig. 3(a), bottom left] and the increases in SNR with lower frame rates and higher pressures are seen [Fig. 3(a), bottom right, and Fig. S4 in the Supplemental Material]. In beads, the demodulation process reveals that the modulated signal is highest near edges showing how UMAMI enhances edge features [Fig. 3(b)].
Figure 3.Demodulation for UMAMI imaging. (a) Computational strategy for image demodulation. A series of modulated images are motion corrected, transformed to the Fourier domain, and band-pass filtered around the fundamental US frequency (see
2.3 Model
In a conventional TPM line scan, the fluorescent profile of an object is illuminated by an (approximately) constant velocity linear scan. (Although a true resonant scanner line scan is not linear, the imaging software does not acquire data at the edges of the scan allowing for a more linear approximation of the scan speed to be used). With UMAMI, we reasoned that a putative mode of interaction leading to robust AOM of the fluorescence is based on sinusoidal displacements of the position of the fluorophores relative to the optical focus at the US frequency during the scan [Fig. 4(a)]. The effect of this point spread function (PSF)-fluorophore displacement is that fluorophores near intensity boundaries will be more strongly modulated than fluorophores in “fluorescently flat” areas as they rapidly move in and out of focus [Fig. 4(b)]. To demonstrate where AOM modulations due to tissue displacement are expected to occur, we performed numerical simulations of a
Figure 4.UMAMI mechanism – conceptual model and simulation. (a) Comparison of a scan’s position versus time for a normal raster scan and a sinusoidally displaced UMAMI scan. (b) Schematic depiction of the origin of UMAMI generated fluorescent signals/fringe pattern. During a single line scan, fluorescent signals near the bead’s edge are sinusoidally modulated due to the movement across the PSF’s boundaries (points B and C) while center loci remain relatively constant during spatial deflection and have no resulting signal modulations (point A). (c) Top, the profile of a simulated bead under a regular raster scan versus UMAMI scan. Middle, the band-passed UMAMI scan shows that the modulation amplitude is largest at the edges, where the fluorescent derivatives are greatest, and minimal at the center of the bead. Inset: spectral content of the band-passed modulation signal. Bottom, the results of applying our demodulation procedure and a bandstop filter on the simulated UMAMI scanned signal showing enhanced edges as well as recovery of the original profile. (d) Theoretical dependence of the modulation ratio on the displacement amplitude. The displacement amplitude is putatively proportional to US pressure, leading to an overall linear dependence on pressure.
Here, a Taylor series expansion of the small sinusoidal deviations shows that the sinusoidally modulated signal component scales with the spatial derivative of
2.4 In Vivo Image Enhancements
We next generated 3D image stacks of eGFP- and GCaMP6s-expressing neurons in densely labeled brain tissue. Demodulated images show increased out-of-focus suppression and contrast [Fig. 5(a), left]. Of note, demodulated images introduce marked improvements in detail (the ability to discern structural features in the image). The observed pattern appears to match the underlying nuclear excluded fluorescence; because the fluorescent protein is only cytosolically expressed, background contamination often appears as intranuclear fluorescence. This contrast-enhancement effect appears to reduce such contamination and, therefore, may be beneficial in functional
Figure 5.UMAMI of cortical neurons
3 Discussion
Together, our results reveal a powerful new form of AOM that can be effectively harnessed to efficiently and significantly improve image quality in multiphoton microscopy in vivo. For example, by enhancing boundary details [Fig. 5(a)], UMAMI may contribute to the ongoing methodological challenge of separating neuropil and somatic calcium signal contributions.1 Due to its simplicity both in terms of hardware and computation, we expect UMAMI to find wide-spread applicability in both structural and functional studies of fluorescent species in scattering tissue.
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4 Appendix: Materials and Methods
4.1 Principle of UMAMI
Using ring-shaped transducers, the pressure waves at MHz modulation frequencies can be focused into sub-mm foci in murine brains while allowing for co-axial two-photon imaging within the same volume. In mice with a cranial window, we observed that insonation at
4.2 Two-Photon Microscopy
All images were acquired on a custom two-photon microscope based on the Janelia MIMMS 2.0 design, using a conventional optical path and commercial lenses (Thorlabs). Light from a femtosecond laser (Coherent Chameleon Discovery) was raster scanned through a 4× scan-tube relay system with a resonant scanning galvanometer pair (Cambridge 8 kHz resonant scanner and 6015H 5 mm linear galvanometer). Raster scan patterns were imaged to the sample plane with a long-working distance (8 mm), two-photon optimized objective (Olympus XLPLN10XSVMP, 10×, 0.6 NA). Furthermore, to avoid cross-talk in the spatial frequency domain, we increased the image magnification, ensuring spatial sampling rates high enough to support the fluorescence signal modulation frequency (thus imposing an upper limit on how large the field of view can be). Fluorescence at wavelengths
4.3 Ultrasound
To ensure colinear and confocal AOM of two-photon fluorescence, we selected a single-element annular PZT-4 transducer (TRS Ceramics, 2.1 MHz height-mode resonance frequency). We selected the geometry (inner diameter 5 mm, outer diameter 10 mm, and thickness 1 mm) of the transducer to enable two-photon imaging through the annulus without interfering with the optic wave, and with an appropriate focal length and frequency to ensure overlap of the acoustic focus with the TPM raster scan. The US focus was mapped in 3D to determine its focal dimensions and location (Fig. S1 in the Supplemental Material). The 3D mapping procedure was done in a water tank with the US transducer attached to a three-axis micromanipulator (MP-285A, Sutter Instruments) and a hydrophone (HNR-0500, ONDA Corporation) to report pressures in the volume below the transducer. The hydrophone came pre-calibrated with an MPa to mV conversion factor, which was used to calculate the pressures from the reported voltages recorded with an oscilloscope (Model 2555, BK Precision Corporation). The hydrophone was then centered within the US PSF, and the driving voltage of the function generator was increased incrementally to obtain a voltage to pressure calibration curve used for experiments [Fig. S1(b) in the Supplemental Material].
A 3D printed housing was then created to fix the transducer to the objective so that the US focus was centered and overlapped with the objective’s focus. The upper portion of the 3D printed housing had an internal diameter slightly larger than the objective’s external diameter so it fit snugly on the front of the objective. The numerical aperture of the US transducer is larger than the optical numerical aperture so as to not obstruct the beam. US gel (Aquasonic, Biomedical Instruments Inc.) was used to couple the objective and US transducer to the cranial window to allow proper optical index matching and acoustic coupling, respectively. A frequency generator (Rigol DG1022) was triggered at the start of image acquisition sequences to generate a 2.1 MHz sinusoidal driving signal to a 30 W RF amplifier (Mini-Circuits LZY-22+). Driving signals were not phase-locked to the raster line rate, leading to phase shifts across lines. US was activated as a CW sequence at a duty cycle of 5% or 6%, generating sequences of 6 modulated frames (200 ms) preceded and followed by 90 or 116 (3.0 or 3.8 s) unmodulated frames. The only exception for this US duty cycle is Fig. 2(a) where the duty cycle was set to 50% to help demonstrate the AOM effect compared to when the US is off. US application was only turned on for short periods of time to prevent fluorescence decreases due to fluoro-thermal effects.18
4.4 Demodulation
All image processing and demodulation was done in MATLAB (version 2020a, The MathWorks Inc.). We first took the acquired images and transformed them into the spatial-frequency domain by taking a 1D Fourier transform (with MATLAB’s built-in fast Fourier transform function) along the scan direction. Each line of the image was band-pass filtered at 2.1 ± 0.3 MHz (in the Fourier domain) by setting all frequencies outside of the range to zero and then shifted to be centered around DC. We then computed the demodulated acousto-optic image by using a 1D inverse Fourier transform of this complex signal.17,19 To remove any residue from the two-photon image and the background noise from the same AOM frame, the frequencies just above and below the band-passed fundamental frequency were likewise band-passed, averaged, and then subtracted from the signal. We performed motion correction on the demodulated images with NoRMCorre.20 The demodulated image was multiplied by a factor of two due to the filtering process only taking the positive end of the frequency spectrum, while the original image includes both positive and negative frequencies. We calculated the modulation ratio defined as the demodulated image divided by its baseline image. Unless noted otherwise, all images are shown scaled to their best contrast.
4.5 Animal Preparation
All procedures were approved under the New York University Langone Health Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Male and female C57BL/6J mice (Stock No. 000664, Jackson Laboratories) between 2 and 6 months old were used in all experiments and handled in accordance with institutional guidelines (
Ezra Guralnik is currently a PhD candidate at New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering, where he received his MS degree in 2021. His work focuses on optimizing multiphoton microscopy for neuroimaging with special consideration for the brain’s optical properties and the multiphoton absorption process.
Behnam Tayebi is currently a researcher as PsiQuantum. He has experience as an optical engineering with interests in modalities such as optical coherence tomography, holography, multiphoton microscopy, and optical metrology. He has a PhD from Yonsei University and was a postdoctoral fellow at Vanderbilt University and at New York University.
Yi Yuan is an associate professor at Yanshan University at Institute of Electrical Engineering. He is interested in the mechanisms and applications of ultrasonic neuromodulation.
Justin Little is currently a senior research scientist at NYU, focused on developing imaging and stimulation technologies to solve novel problems both in neuroscience and other biological domains. He has worked on a range of optical imaging projects, with a focus on advanced multiphoton methods. More recently, he has begun working on optoacoustic imaging and tomography, in combination with focused ultrasound neurostimulation.
Michal Balberg is a professor of electric and electronics engineering at Holon Institute of Technology. Her lab uses light to explore biological tissue. In particular, they are interested in non-invasive, localized functional imaging of the brain. She has a BSc in physics from Hebrew University, a PhD in neural computation from Hebrew University, and was a Beckman Fellow at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Shy Shoham is a professor of neuroscience and ophthalmology at NYU School of Medicine, and co-director of NYU Tech4Health Institute. His lab develops photonic, acoustic, and computational tools for neural interfacing. He holds a BSc in physics (Tel-Aviv University) and a PhD in bioengineering (University of Utah), and was a Lewis-Thomas postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University. He serves on the editorial boards of SPIE Neurophotonics and the Journal of Neural Engineering, and he co-edited the Handbook of Neurophotonics. He is a fellow of SPIE.
[5] F. Helmchen, W. Denk. Deep tissue two-photon microscopy. Nat. Methods, 2, 932-940(2005).
[8] M. Balberg, R. Pery-Shechter. Acousto-optic cerebral monitoring. Handbook of Neurophotonics, 439-458(2022).

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