T1: Fundamental phenomena in laser-matter interactions
T2: Theoretical analysis, simulation and modelling of photo-excited processes
T3: Dynamics and diagnostics of photo-excited processes
T4: Ultrafast photo-excited phenomena in chemical processes
T5: Photo- catalysis and energy conversion
T6: Photo/laser- induced desorption from surfaces
T7: Laser- matter interactions in liquid environment
T8: Resonant and non-resonant processes in photo/laser- induced materials
T9: Photo/laser- induced nanoscale processing
T10: Laser synthesis of nanomaterials
T11: Surface nanostructuring and nanoripple formation
T12: Plasmon- enhanced photo/laser processing
T13: Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) of thin films, multilayers and nanostructured materials
T14: Laser cutting, drilling, surface patterning and micromachining
T15: Surface modification including crystallization, annealing, amorphization, phase transformation, sintering and doping
T16: Volume and 3D internal processing with ultrashort pulse lasers
T17: Photon- based 3D additive manufacturing
T18: Advanced lasers and laser systems for photo - excited processes
T19: Manipulated/shaped beam processing
T20: Polarisation effects in laser processing
T21: Laser and photon-based diagnostic techniques and spectroscopy
T22: Probing ultrafast phase transformations with time-resolved X-ray and electron diffraction
T23: Interactions with organic and biomaterials and applications including MALDI and laser microprobe mass analysis
T24: Laser in medical and biological applications