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Embedding aligned nanofibrous architectures within 3D-printed polycaprolactone scaffolds for directed cellular infiltration and tissue regeneration
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Three-dimensional (3D) printing provides a promising way to fabricate biodegradable scaffolds with designer architectures for the regeneration of various tissues. However, the existing 3D-printed scaffolds commonly suffer from weak cell-scaffold interactions and insufficient cell organizations due to the limited resoluThree-dimensional (3D) printing provides a promising way to fabricate biodegradable scaffolds with designer architectures for the regeneration of various tissues. However, the existing 3D-printed scaffolds commonly suffer from weak cell-scaffold interactions and insufficient cell organizations due to the limited resolution of the 3D-printed features. Here, composite scaffolds with mechanically-robust frameworks and aligned nanofibrous architectures are presented and hybrid manufactured by combining techniques of 3D printing, electrospinning, and unidirectional freeze-casting. It was found that the composite scaffolds provided volume-stable environments and enabled directed cellular infiltration for tissue regeneration. In particular, the nanofibrous architectures with aligned micropores served as artificial extracellular matrix materials and improved the attachment, proliferation, and infiltration of cells. The proposed scaffolds can also support the adipogenic maturation of adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) in vitro. Moreover, the composite scaffolds were found to guide directed tissue infiltration and promote nearby neovascularization when implanted into a subcutaneous model of rats, and the addition of ADSCs further enhanced their adipogenic potential. The presented hybrid manufacturing strategy might provide a promising way to produce additional topological cues within 3D-printed scaffolds for better tissue regeneration..
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
- Publication Date: Jul. 26, 2024
- Vol. 5, Issue 2, 25001 (2023)
GHz bursts in MHz burst (BiBurst) enabling high-speed femtosecond laser ablation of silicon due to prevention of air ionization
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For the practical use of femtosecond laser ablation, inputs of higher laser intensity are preferred to attain high-throughput material removal. However, the use of higher laser intensities for increasing ablation rates can have detrimental effects on ablation quality due to excess heat generation and air ionization. ThFor the practical use of femtosecond laser ablation, inputs of higher laser intensity are preferred to attain high-throughput material removal. However, the use of higher laser intensities for increasing ablation rates can have detrimental effects on ablation quality due to excess heat generation and air ionization. This paper employs ablation using BiBurst femtosecond laser pulses, which consist of multiple bursts (2 and 5 bursts) at a repetition rate of 64 MHz, each containing multiple intra-pulses (2–20 pulses) at an ultrafast repetition rate of 4.88 GHz, to overcome these conflicting conditions. Ablation of silicon substrates using the BiBurst mode with 5 burst pulses and 20 intra-pulses successfully prevents air breakdown at packet energies higher than the pulse energy inducing the air ionization by the conventional femtosecond laser pulse irradiation (single-pulse mode). As a result, ablation speed can be enhanced by a factor of 23 without deteriorating the ablation quality compared to that by the single-pulse mode ablation under the conditions where the air ionization is avoided..
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
- Publication Date: Jul. 26, 2024
- Vol. 5, Issue 2, 25002 (2023)
Temperature-mediated structural evolution of vapor–phase deposited cyclosiloxane polymer thin films for enhanced mechanical properties and thermal conductivity
Weiwei Du, Jing Tu, Mingjun Qiu, Shangyu Zhou... and and Junjie Zhao|Show fewer author(s)
Polymer-derived ceramic (PDC) thin films are promising wear-resistant coatings for protecting metals and carbon–carbon composites from corrosion and oxidation. However, the high pyrolysis temperature hinders the applications on substrate materials with low melting points. We report a new synthesis route for PDC coatingPolymer-derived ceramic (PDC) thin films are promising wear-resistant coatings for protecting metals and carbon–carbon composites from corrosion and oxidation. However, the high pyrolysis temperature hinders the applications on substrate materials with low melting points. We report a new synthesis route for PDC coatings using initiated chemical vapor deposited poly(1,3,5-trivinyl-1,3,5-trimethylcyclotrisiloxane) (pV3D3) as the precursor. We investigated the changes in siloxane moieties and the network topology, and proposed a three-stage mechanism for the thermal annealing process. The rise of the connectivity number for the structures obtained at increased annealing temperatures was found with strong correlation to the enhanced mechanical properties and thermal conductivity. Our PDC films obtained via annealing at 850 .C exhibit at least 14.6% higher hardness than prior reports for PDCs synthesized below 1100 .C. Furthermore, thermal conductivity up to 1.02 W (mK).1 was achieved at the annealing temperature as low as 700 .C, which is on the same order of magnitude as PDCs obtained above 1100 .C. Using minimum thermal conductivity models, we found that the thermal transport is dominated by diffusons in the films below the percolation of rigidity, while ultra-short mean-free path phonons contribute to the thermal conductivity of the films above the percolation threshold. The findings of this work provide new insights for the development of wear-resistant and thermally conductive PDC thin films for durable protection coatings..
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
- Publication Date: Jul. 26, 2024
- Vol. 5, Issue 2, 25101 (2023)
Meta-silencer with designable timbre
Nengyin Wang, Chengcheng Zhou, Sheng Qiu, Sibo Huang... and and Yong Li|Show fewer author(s)
Timbre, as one of the essential elements of sound, plays an important role in determining sound properties, whereas its manipulation has been remaining challenging for passive mechanical systems due to the intrinsic dispersion nature of resonances. Here, we present a meta-silencer supporting intensive mode density as wTimbre, as one of the essential elements of sound, plays an important role in determining sound properties, whereas its manipulation has been remaining challenging for passive mechanical systems due to the intrinsic dispersion nature of resonances. Here, we present a meta-silencer supporting intensive mode density as well as highly tunable intrinsic loss and offering a fresh pathway for designable timbre in broadband. Strong global coupling is induced by intensive mode density and delicately modulated with the guidance of the theoretical model, which efficiently suppresses the resonance dispersion and provides desirable frequency-selective wave-manipulation capacity for timbre tuning. As proof-of-concept demonstrations for our design concepts, we propose three meta-silencers with the designing targets of high-efficiency broadband sound attenuation, efficiency-controlled sound attenuation and designable timbre, respectively. The proposed meta-silencers all operate in a broadband frequency range from 500 to 3200 Hz and feature deep-subwavelength sizes around 50 mm. Our work opens up a fundamental avenue to manipulate the timbre with passive resonances-controlled acoustic metamaterials and may inspire the development of novel multifunctional devices in noise-control engineering, impedance engineering, and architectural acoustics..
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
- Publication Date: Jul. 26, 2024
- Vol. 5, Issue 2, 25501 (2023)
Bionic microchannels for step lifting transpiration
Zhaolong Wang, Qiu Yin, Ziheng Zhan, Wenhao Li... and and Zhichao Dong|Show fewer author(s)
Those various cross-sectional vessels in trees transfer water to as high as 100 meters, but the traditional fabrication methods limit the manufacturing of those vessels, resulting in the non-availability of those bionic microchannels. Herein, we fabricate those bionic microchannels with various cross-sections by employThose various cross-sectional vessels in trees transfer water to as high as 100 meters, but the traditional fabrication methods limit the manufacturing of those vessels, resulting in the non-availability of those bionic microchannels. Herein, we fabricate those bionic microchannels with various cross-sections by employing projection micro-stereolithography (PμSL) based 3D printing technique. The circumradius of bionic microchannels (pentagonal, square, triangle, and five-pointed star) can be as small as 100 μm with precisely fabricated sharp corners. What’s more, those bionic microchannels demonstrate marvelous microfluidic performance with strong precursor effects enabled by their sharp corners. Most significantly, those special properties of our bionic microchannels enable them outstanding step lifting performance to transport water to tens of millimeters, though the water can only be transported to at most 20 mm for a single bionic microchannel. The mimicked transpiration based on the step lifting of water from bionic microchannels is also achieved. Those precisely fabricated, low-cost, various cross-sectional bionic microchannels promise applications as microfluidic chips, long-distance unpowered water transportation, step lifting, mimicked transpiration, and so on..
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
- Publication Date: Jul. 26, 2024
- Vol. 5, Issue 2, 25502 (2023)
Morphological characteristics and atomic evolution behavior of nanojoints in Ag nanowire interconnect network
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Ag nanowires (AgNWs) have shown great application value in the field of flexible electronics due to their excellent optical and electrical properties, and the quality of its joints of AgNWs in the thin film network directly plays a key role in its performance. In order to further improve the joint quality of AgNWs undeAg nanowires (AgNWs) have shown great application value in the field of flexible electronics due to their excellent optical and electrical properties, and the quality of its joints of AgNWs in the thin film network directly plays a key role in its performance. In order to further improve the joint quality of AgNWs under thermal excitation, the thermal welding process and atomic evolution behavior of AgNWs were investigated through a combination of in situ experimental and molecular dynamics simulations. The influence of processing time, temperature, and stress distribution due to spatial arrangement on nanojoints was systematically explored. What is more, the failure mechanisms and their atomic interface behavior of the nanojoints were also investigated..
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
- Publication Date: Jul. 26, 2024
- Vol. 5, Issue 2, 25503 (2023)
Selective liquid directional steering enabled by dual-scale reentrant ratchets
Jing Sun, Xuezhi Qin, Yuxin Song, Zhenyu Xu... and and Zuankai Wang|Show fewer author(s)
Achieving well-controlled directional steering of liquids is of great significance for both fundamental study and practical applications, such as microfluidics, biomedicine, and heat management. Recent advances allow liquids with different surface tensions to select their spreading directions on a same surface composedAchieving well-controlled directional steering of liquids is of great significance for both fundamental study and practical applications, such as microfluidics, biomedicine, and heat management. Recent advances allow liquids with different surface tensions to select their spreading directions on a same surface composed of macro ratchets with dual reentrant curvatures. Nevertheless, such intriguing directional steering function relies on 3D printed sophisticated structures and additional polishing process to eliminate the inevitable microgrooves-like surface deficiency generated from printing process, which increases the manufacturing complexity and severally hinders practical applications. Herein, we developed a simplified dual-scale structure that enables directional liquid steering via a straightforward 3D printing process without the need of any physical and chemical post-treatment. The dual-scale structure consists of macroscale tilt ratchet equipped with a reentrant tip and microscale grooves that decorated on the whole surface along a specific orientation. Distinct from conventional design requiring the elimination of microgrooves-like surface deficiency, we demonstrated that the microgrooves of dual-scale structure play a key role in delaying or promoting the local flow of liquids, tuning of which could even enable liquids select different spreading pathways. This study provides a new insight for developing surfaces with tunable multi-scale structures, and also advances our fundamental understanding of the interaction between liquid spreading dynamics and surface topography..
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
- Publication Date: Jul. 26, 2024
- Vol. 5, Issue 2, 25504 (2023)
[in Chinese]
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
- Publication Date: Jul. 26, 2024
- Vol. 5, Issue 2, 1 (2023)
Topical Review
Numerical simulation of materials-oriented ultra-precision diamond cutting: review and outlook
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Ultra-precision diamond cutting is a promising machining technique for realizing ultra-smooth surface of different kinds of materials. While fundamental understanding of the impact of workpiece material properties on cutting mechanisms is crucial for promoting the capability of the machining technique, numerical simulaUltra-precision diamond cutting is a promising machining technique for realizing ultra-smooth surface of different kinds of materials. While fundamental understanding of the impact of workpiece material properties on cutting mechanisms is crucial for promoting the capability of the machining technique, numerical simulation methods at different length and time scales act as important supplements to experimental investigations. In this work, we present a compact review on recent advancements in the numerical simulations of material-oriented diamond cutting, in which representative machining phenomena are systematically summarized and discussed by multiscale simulations such as molecular dynamics simulation and finite element simulation: the anisotropy cutting behavior of polycrystalline material, the thermo-mechanical coupling tool-chip friction states, the synergetic cutting responses of individual phase in composite materials, and the impact of various external energetic fields on cutting processes. In particular, the novel physics-based numerical models, which involve the high precision constitutive law associated with heterogeneous deformation behavior, the thermo-mechanical coupling algorithm associated with tool-chip friction, the configurations of individual phases in line with real microstructural characteristics of composite materials, and the integration of external energetic fields into cutting models, are highlighted. Finally, insights into the future development of advanced numerical simulation techniques for diamond cutting of advanced structured materials are also provided. The aspects reported in this review present guidelines for the numerical simulations of ultra-precision mechanical machining responses for a variety of materials..
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
- Publication Date: Jul. 26, 2024
- Vol. 5, Issue 2, 22001 (2023)
Will high-entropy carbides and borides be enabling materials for extreme environments?
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The concept of multi-principal component has created promising opportunities for the development of novel high-entropy ceramics for extreme environments encountered in advanced turbine engines, nuclear reactors, and hypersonic vehicles, as it expands the compositional space of ceramic materials with tailored propertiesThe concept of multi-principal component has created promising opportunities for the development of novel high-entropy ceramics for extreme environments encountered in advanced turbine engines, nuclear reactors, and hypersonic vehicles, as it expands the compositional space of ceramic materials with tailored properties within a single-phase solid solution. The unique physical properties of some high-entropy carbides and borides, such as higher hardness, high-temperature strength, lower thermal conductivity, and improved irradiation resistance than the constitute ceramics, have been observed. These promising properties may be attributed to the compositional complexity, atomic-level disorder, lattice distortion, and other fundamental processes related to defect formation and phonon scattering. This manuscript serves as a critical review of the recent progress in high-entropy carbides and borides, focusing on synthesis and evaluations of their performance in extreme high-temperature, irradiation, and gaseous environments..
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
- Publication Date: Jul. 26, 2024
- Vol. 5, Issue 2, 22002 (2023)
Failure mode change and material damage with varied machining speeds: a review
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High-speed machining (HSM) has been studied for several decades and has potential application in various industries, including the automobile and aerospace industries. However, the underlying mechanisms of HSM have not been formally reviewed thus far. This article focuses on the solid mechanics framework of adiabatic sHigh-speed machining (HSM) has been studied for several decades and has potential application in various industries, including the automobile and aerospace industries. However, the underlying mechanisms of HSM have not been formally reviewed thus far. This article focuses on the solid mechanics framework of adiabatic shear band (ASB) onset and material metallurgical microstructural evolutions in HSM. The ASB onset is described using partial differential systems. Several factors in HSM were considered in the systems, and the ASB onset conditions were obtained by solving these systems or applying the perturbation method to the systems. With increasing machining speed, an ASB can be depressed and further eliminated by shock pressure. The damage observed in HSM exhibits common features. Equiaxed fine grains produced by dynamic recrystallization widely cause damage to ductile materials, and amorphization is the common microstructural evolution in brittle materials. Based on previous studies, potential mechanisms for the phenomena in HSM are proposed. These include the thickness variation of the white layer of ductile materials. These proposed mechanisms would be beneficial to deeply understanding the various phenomena in HSM..
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
- Publication Date: Jul. 26, 2024
- Vol. 5, Issue 2, 22003 (2023)
Progresses on cryo-tribology: lubrication mechanisms, detection methods and applications
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Tribology at cryogenic temperatures has attracted much attention since the 1950s with the acceleration of its applications in high-tech equipment such as cryogenic wind tunnels, liquid fuel rockets, space infrared telescopes, superconducting devices, and planetary exploration, which require solid lubrication for movingTribology at cryogenic temperatures has attracted much attention since the 1950s with the acceleration of its applications in high-tech equipment such as cryogenic wind tunnels, liquid fuel rockets, space infrared telescopes, superconducting devices, and planetary exploration, which require solid lubrication for moving parts at low temperatures down to 4 K in cryogenic liquid, gaseous, or vacuum environments. Herein, the research progress regarding cryo-tribology is reviewed. The tribological properties and mechanisms of solid lubricants listed as carbon materials, molybdenum disulfide, polymers, and polymer-based composites with decreasing temperature are summarized. The friction coefficient increases with decreasing temperature induced by thermally activated processes. The mechanism of transfer film formation should be considered as a significant way to enhance the tribological properties of solid lubricants. In addition, applications of solid lubrication on moving parts under cryogenic conditions, such as spherical plain bearings and roller bearings, are introduced. The technology for tribological testing of materials and bearings at cryogenic temperatures is summarized, where the environmental control, motion and loading realization, as well as friction and wear measurement together in a low-temperature environment, result in the difficulties and challenges of the low-temperature tribotester. In particular, novel technologies and tribotesters have been developed for tribotests and tribological studies of solid lubricants, spherical plain bearings, and roller bearings, overcoming limitations regarding cooling in vacuum and resolution of friction measurement, among others, and concentrating on in-situ observation of friction interface. These not only promote a deep understanding of friction and wear mechanism at low temperatures, but also provide insights into the performance of moving parts or components in cryogenic applications..
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
- Publication Date: Jul. 26, 2024
- Vol. 5, Issue 2, 22004 (2023)
Atomic-scale engineering of advanced catalytic and energy materials via atomic layer deposition for eco-friendly vehicles
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Zero-emission eco-friendly vehicles with partly or fully electric powertrains have exhibited rapidly increased demand for reducing the emissions of air pollutants and improving the energy efficiency. Advanced catalytic and energy materials are essential as the significant portions in the key technologies of eco-friendlZero-emission eco-friendly vehicles with partly or fully electric powertrains have exhibited rapidly increased demand for reducing the emissions of air pollutants and improving the energy efficiency. Advanced catalytic and energy materials are essential as the significant portions in the key technologies of eco-friendly vehicles, such as the exhaust emission control system, power lithium ion battery and hydrogen fuel cell. Precise synthesis and surface modification of the functional materials and electrodes are required to satisfy the efficient surface and interface catalysis, as well as rapid electron/ion transport. Atomic layer deposition (ALD), an atomic and close-to-atomic scale manufacturing method, shows unique characteristics of precise thickness control, uniformity and conformality for film deposition, which has emerged as an important technique to design and engineer advanced catalytic and energy materials. This review has summarized recent process of ALD on the controllable preparation and modification of metal and oxide catalysts, as well as lithium ion battery and fuel cell electrodes. The enhanced catalytic and electrochemical performances are discussed with the unique nanostructures prepared by ALD. Recent works on ALD reactors for mass production are highlighted. The challenges involved in the research and development of ALD on the future practical applications are presented, including precursor and deposition process investigation, practical device performance evaluation, large-scale and efficient production, etc..
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
- Publication Date: Jul. 26, 2024
- Vol. 5, Issue 2, 22005 (2023)
Surface form inspection with contact coordinate measurement: a review
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Parts with high-quality freeform surfaces have been widely used in industries, which require strict quality control during the manufacturing process. Among all the industrial inspection methods, contact measurement with coordinate measuring machines or computer numerical control machine tool is a fundamental technique Parts with high-quality freeform surfaces have been widely used in industries, which require strict quality control during the manufacturing process. Among all the industrial inspection methods, contact measurement with coordinate measuring machines or computer numerical control machine tool is a fundamental technique due to its high accuracy, robustness, and universality. In this paper, the existing research in the contact measurement field is systematically reviewed. First, different configurations of the measuring machines are introduced in detail, which may have influence on the corresponding sampling and inspection path generation criteria. Then, the entire inspection pipeline is divided into two stages, namely the pre-inspection and post-inspection stages. The typical methods of each sub-stage are systematically overviewed and classified, including sampling, accessibility analysis, inspection path generation, probe tip radius compensation, surface reconstruction, and uncertainty analysis. Apart from those classical research, the applications of the emerging deep learning technique in some specific tasks of measurement are introduced. Furthermore, some potential and promising trends are provided for future investigation..
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
- Publication Date: Jul. 26, 2024
- Vol. 5, Issue 2, 22006 (2023)
Fabrication and applications of van der Waals heterostructures
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Van der Waals heterostructures (vdWHs) are showing considerable potential in both fundamental exploration and practical applications. Built upon the synthetic successes of (two-dimensional) 2D materials, several synthetic strategies of vdWHs have been developed, allowing the convenient fabrication of diverse vdWHs withVan der Waals heterostructures (vdWHs) are showing considerable potential in both fundamental exploration and practical applications. Built upon the synthetic successes of (two-dimensional) 2D materials, several synthetic strategies of vdWHs have been developed, allowing the convenient fabrication of diverse vdWHs with decent controllability, quality, and scalability. This review first summarizes the current state of the art in synthetic strategies of vdWHs, including physical combination, deposition, solvothermal synthesis, and synchronous evolution. Then three major applications and their representative vdWH devices have been reviewed, including electronics (tunneling field effect transistors and 2D contact), optoelectronics (photodetector), and energy conversion (electrocatalysts and metal ion batteries), to unveil the potentials of vdWHs in practical applications and provide the general design principles of functional vdWHs for different applications. Besides, moiré superlattices based on vdWHs are discussed to showcase the importance of vdWHs as a platform for novel condensed matter physics. Finally, the crucial challenges towards ideal vdWHs with high performance are discussed, and the outlook for future development is presented. By the systematical integration of synthetic strategies and applications, we hope this review can further light up the rational designs of vdWHs for emerging applications..
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
- Publication Date: Jul. 26, 2024
- Vol. 5, Issue 2, 22007 (2023)
Atomic layer deposition to heterostructures for application in gas sensors
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Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a versatile technique to deposit metals and metal oxide sensing materials at the atomic scale to achieve improved sensor functions. This article reviews metals and metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) heterostructures for gas sensing applications in which at least one of the preparation stepAtomic layer deposition (ALD) is a versatile technique to deposit metals and metal oxide sensing materials at the atomic scale to achieve improved sensor functions. This article reviews metals and metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) heterostructures for gas sensing applications in which at least one of the preparation steps is carried out by ALD. In particular, three types of MOS-based heterostructures synthesized by ALD are discussed, including ALD of metal catalysts on MOS, ALD of metal oxides on MOS and MOS core–shell (C–S) heterostructures. The gas sensing performances of these heterostructures are carefully analyzed and discussed. Finally, the further developments required and the challenges faced by ALD for the synthesis of MOS gas sensing materials are discussed..
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
- Publication Date: Jul. 26, 2024
- Vol. 5, Issue 2, 22008 (2023)