The refractive-lens technique has been well developed over a long period of evolution, offering powerful imaging functionalities, such as microscopes, telescopes, and spectroscopes. Nevertheless, the ever-growing requirements continue to urge further enhanced imaging capabilities and upgraded devices that are more compact for convenience. Metamaterial as a fascinating concept has inspired unprecedented new explorations in physics, material science, and optics, not only in fundamental researches but also novel applications. Along with the imaging topic, this paper reviews the progress of the flat lens as an important branch of metamaterials, covering the early superlens with super-diffraction capability and current hot topics of metalenses including a paralleled strategy of multilevel diffractive lenses. Numerous efforts and approaches have been dedicated to areas ranging from the new fascinating physics to feasible applications. This review provides a clear picture of the flat-lens evolution from the perspective of metamaterial design, elucidating the relation and comparison between a superlens and metalens, and addressing derivative designs. Finally, application scenarios that favor the ultrathin lens technique are emphasized with respect to possible revolutionary imaging devices, followed by conclusive remarks and prospects.

- Photonics Insights
- Vol. 2, Issue 1, R01 (2023)
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1 Introduction and Overview
For human beings, more than 80% of information is obtained through vision, and we can see how important the eye is as an imaging system. The invention of optical lenses implemented versatile powerful imaging devices that significantly expand the scope of human vision, such as microscopes, telescopes, and spectroscopes. Moreover, by incorporating imaging sensors, these imaging devices can record both static images and dynamic videos that greatly enrich human life. Refractive lenses play an extremely important role in optical imaging devices, which assemble light by reflection and refraction at the interface of two media with different refractive indices, governed by the well-known Snell’s law[1]. Over time, optical imaging technology based on refractive lenses has been well developed. Systematic optical engineering with successive upgrading has given rise to outstanding imaging capabilities, such as high resolution, wide field of view (FOV), and broad wavelengths. Nevertheless, these systems are becoming increasingly complex with multiple optical elements such as cascaded lenses, internal reflection mirrors, and polarizers, which makes systems bulky, heavy, and inconvenient for portability.
From a fundamental perspective, these developments in refractive lenses cannot achieve super-resolution to break the diffraction limit as restricted by the optical principle. Although several strategies have been developed to access super-resolution microscopy based on luminescence techniques [such as STED (stimulated emission depletion microscopy) and STORM (stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy)] and achieved great success[2–6], they are not strictly optical imaging processes in principle, and their imaging functionality is still limited. According to intuitive scientific expectations, an optically perfect lens is always of revolutionary significance in imaging technology. On the other hand, more compact, lightweight, and stable optical systems are the ever-growing requirements in modern life. The traditional refractive lens relies on light propagation that inevitably makes the devices bulky, especially for those systems with cascaded compound lenses. Recent advances in computational imaging (including lensless imaging) have shown a successful solution to reduce the complexity of the optical system by discarding refractive lenses[7]. Nevertheless, they are not a real physical process, and the image quality strongly relies on post-processing algorithms, such as iterative phase recovery[8], compressive sensing[9], and Fourier ptychography[10]. It inevitably requires computational resources that are time consuming, and sometimes needs particular prior knowledge for imaging reconstruction.
Metamaterial, as a new conceptual revolution in material science, was proposed at the beginning of this century, and is composed of subwavelength unit cells with artificial electromagnetic (EM) responses that give rise to very flexible and abundant modulations of EM/optical parameters (e.g., permittivity, permeability, refractive index) at both global and local scales[11]. Based on this new design philosophy, not only can the permittivity be adjusted at will, but also the non-unit permeability can be achieved in the optical region and even to negative values by local magnetic resonances[12,13]. Once the permittivity and permeability both reach negative, a novel material is implemented showing an unusual effect of negative refraction, which is so-called negative index material (NIM)[14–16]. Besides many unusual effects and phenomena revealed in the NIM, John Pendry from Imperial College, London, theoretically derived an amazing function of perfect-lens imaging with unlimited resolution by a NIM slab due to its capability of amplifying the evanescent wave, which carries information of unlimited small features of an object[17]. In a real system, one cannot reach such an ideal condition in both theory and experiments, and an unlimited perfect lens is unachievable, though some NIMs have been demonstrated in the optical regime[18]. Then the concept of a superlens was proposed and demonstrated with the capability to break the diffraction limit[19,20].
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In spite of the conceptual revolution of a superlens, it is hardly adopted in real imaging applications due to the huge loss, harsh working condition, and extreme difficulty in device development. Although researchers thereafter extended the concept to a hyperlens by anisotropic NIM design with hyperbolic dispersion, most relevant studies were still limited at the stage of effect demonstrations[21,22]. In 2011, a two-dimensional (2D) version of metamaterial, so-called metasurface, was proposed based on a single layer of meta-atoms (i.e., subwavelength resonators) with local modulation on the light wavefront and polarization, which significantly enabled highly flexible manipulation of light refraction and reflection, and was termed as a generalized Snell’s law by Federico Capasso’s group from Harvard University[22]. Unlike its bulky counterpart, this metasurface is ultrathin (usually tens to hundreds of nanometers), which greatly reduces the propagating loss inside the material and eases nanofabrication difficulty. Now, many researches have been carried out on metasurfaces in explorations of new design strategies, new functionalities, and possible applications. Among them, a metasurface with a focusing phase, i.e., the metalens, has always been the focus of attention owing to the tremendous application potential in imaging technology.
During the past decade, the design methods of metasurfaces have been greatly enriched. Non-resonant geometric [Pancharatnam–Berry (PB)] phase and dynamic propagation phase are widely used in multi-functional metasurfaces, and the constituent material was extended from the initial metal to dielectric to further reduce loss, and make the high-efficiency devices more applicable. Therefore, a dielectric metalens was successfully demonstrated in 2016 showing an imaging performance comparable to conventional microscopes at certain wavelengths[23]. Afterwards, more efforts have been made towards imaging applications, such as efficiency improvement[24], and chromatic and image-aberration corrections[25–27]. Another paralleled strategy based on a multi-level diffractive lens (MDL) was developed showing its advantage in large-scale achromatic flat-lens designs[28]. However, recent studies have shown that the imaging performances of metalenses/MDLs in efficiency, working bandwidth, image aberrations, FOV, etc., are mutually constrained[29–31]. Therefore, the comprehensive performance of today’s metalenses is still inferior to traditional refraction lenses and compound lenses. Thus, it is necessary to carefully examine the application advantages of metalenses as considered to replace the conventional counterparts. In the meantime, new opportunities are opening for metalens imaging techniques with ultra-compactness and ultra-flexibility with respect to the current rapidly changing information society. Figure 1 displays the two branches of developing routes of optical materials to imaging flat lenses from natural materials and artificial metamaterials, both of which are ultimately working towards revolutionary imaging applications.
Figure 1.Two branches of optical lens evolution towards revolutionary application in the information society, where the representative figures of metamaterials, superlenses, hyperlenses, metalenses, and multilevel diffractive lenses are adapted from Refs. [
This review aims to provide a historic view on meta-imaging developments, including the evolution from metamaterials to metasurfaces, from perfect lens and superlens to metalens, where intriguing new physics have been revealed and fascinating functionalities are explored. Moreover, this review tries to clarify the most possible routes from the revolutionary metalens design to real applications with tremendous advantages or irreplaceable roles from recent sophisticated information from both academia and industry. Based on these considerations, this paper is organized in six parts. After the introduction and overview, we illustrate the invention of metamaterial and superlenses in the second part, and metasurfaces and metalenses in the third part. As a paralleled technique solution for flat-lens imaging, the development of MDLs as the upgraded version of conventional diffractive optical elements (DOEs) is addressed in the fourth part. Afterwards, we particularly emphasize the application scenarios that might be suitable to these flat lenses in the fifth part, where metalenses/MDLs are considered to give full play to their utmost advantages. Finally, in the summary, we provide conclusive remarks and prospects for this newly emerging flat lens with the impact on optical devices and technologies.
2 Metamaterials and Superlenses
2.1 Perfect Lens and Negative Index Material
Curiosity in nature exploration has driven researchers to explore the limits of imaging capability for centuries. In 1873, Abbe discovered the so-called diffraction limit, which describes an optical system such as a microscope that is unable to resolve two spots with a distance smaller than half a wavelength[32]. To explain this limitation, we refer to the wave nature of light, which can be classified into two types: propagating wave and evanescent wave. We are more acquainted with the propagating wave that has a real wave vector (
For an imaging system, the evanescent wave carries fine feature information and decays exponentially away from an object, and the conventional lens cannot capture this evanescent wave for imaging. Figure 2 schematically shows the radiation of light from an object surface with respect to different
Figure 2.Schematic (
In this regard, a conventional imaging system based on propagating light can capture the propagating wave that carries only information of feature sizes larger than the wavelength. Recovering the rapidly decaying evanescent wave that carries much smaller signatures of structures should be necessary. In 2000, John Pendry ingeniously derived a solution that can in principle perfectly recover the unlimited small features of a certain object, which is made of a slab NIM and so-called perfect lens[17]. For a brief interpretation, when light is normally incident from a vacuum (or air with
However, how to implement a NIM with simultaneous negative
In fact, John Pendry’s calculation in 2000[17] has revealed that for polarized light, it needs only one condition of either negative permittivity or negative permeability for such perfect lensing. Taking TM (p-polarized) light as an example, Eq. (2) gives the same result when only
Figure 3.(a) Schematic of light focusing (propagating wave) with a slab of NIM; (b) schematic of amplitude evolution of the evanescent wave, showing the recovery inside NIM of the decaying field intensity; (c) electrostatic field of two opaque slits with distances far smaller than the wavelength in the object plane, to be imaged by a silver lens; (d) electrostatic field in the image plane with and without the silver slab in place[
2.2 Superlenses and Hyperlenses
The first experimental verification of a superlens was performed in 2005. Fang et al. elaborately fabricated an ultra-smooth silver film with proper thickness to enable it to work as a superlens for p-polarized light. In their experiments, a higher resolution of 89 nm was achieved, which is much smaller than the wavelength of illumination light (
Figure 4.(a) Schematic of the experiment of superlens imaging with 35-nm-thick silver film. (b) An arbitrary object, “NANO,” was imaged by a silver superlens, where the upper panel is the object fabricated in Cr film, middle shows images by Ag superlens, and bottom is the projection results as the Ag superlens is replaced by a PMMA spacer. (c) Detailed line information of the feature size captured by the Ag superlens and without it[
According to the discussion in Section 2.1, it has been proved that the implementation of a bulk NIM with simultaneous negative
Here, we define it as a uniaxial medium with the axis along the
Equation (5a) is an ordinary wave equation with respect to TE polarization, while Eq. (5b) implies an extraordinary wave of TM polarization with a dispersion relation of
Figure 5.Schematics of light propagations and wave vectors in uniaxial media with principal dielectric constants of different signs[
From Fig. 5, we find that both the phase and group velocity inside the hyperbolic metamateial can be carefully engineered by merely setting its negative permittivity components without any magnetic components involved. It significantly reduces the difficulty in realization of NIM. Thereafter, several kinds of negative refraction and super-resolution imaging at optical wavelengths were successfully implemented, where flat lenses based on such hyperbolic NIMs are called hyperlenses. For example, Jie Yao et al. fabricated a silver nanowire array in a dielectric matrix by employing the anodic alumina template technique[47], and successfully demonstrated negative refraction at an optical wavelength of 780 nm. According to Eq. (5), this negative refractive index depends on the polarization (e.g., TM polarization); the authors even demonstrated a negative index of
Figure 6.Several kinds of hyperbolic metamaterials. (a) Negative index material for TM-polarized light realized by silver nanowire array[
2.3 In-plane Lensing
By reviewing the researches on negative index metamaterials for the past two decades, it is not difficult to find that with the increase of working frequency from the initial microwave to optical regime, the design with double/single-negative EM parameters (
In fact, in Ref. [48], the authors attributed it to the negative dispersion of plasmonic waveguides, which has been demonstrated by the same group in planar negative refraction in a metal/dielectric/metal waveguide system[50]. In 2007, Henri J. Lezec et al. demonstrated the first negative refraction at the visible frequency by employing a plamsonic waveguide. Negative indices were achieved with the use of an ultrathin
Figure 7.Negative refraction in the plasmonic slot waveguide system at visible frequency[
Alternatively, with the development of dispersion management of waveguide arrays, many exotic light propagations have been realized in both plasmonics and dielectric waveguide systems[51–54]. From the viewpoint of effective media, when the lattice period is smaller than
In 2013, Liu et al. theoretically proposed and analyzed the dispersion of a plasmonic metasurface constructed by a metal-groove waveguide array[55]. It was observed that the metasurface can drastically modify the dispersion of surface plasmons, giving rise to flat or hyperbolic frequency contours that have the capability to diverge/converge the in-plane SPP wave. As a result, an explicit correspondence relationship was established between the dispersion and refraction, where negative refraction is vividly simulated with inverse hyperbolic dispersion[55]; see Fig. 8(a). More importantly, this work demonstrated that the plasmonic ridge waveguide can tune the coupling between each, which indeed gives rise to a tailorable dispersion that is very difficult in 3D metamaterials. The underlying physics lies in two competitive coupling mechanisms from the electrical field between the upward surfaces and side walls [see Fig. 8(b)], which was later elucidated in a plasmonic simulation on massless Fermion with linear dispersion[56]. It was implemented by employing a positive coupling and negative coupling with proper structural parameters in a ridge plasmonic waveguide array[56].
Figure 8.(a) Waveguide array constituting metallic metasurface for manipulating the surface plasmon wave with (a1) positive dispersion, (a2) zero (flat) dispersion, and (a3) negative dispersion[
In principle, these negative hyperbolic dispersions can give rise to in-plane superlens imaging based on the above plamonic designs[57–59]. Unfortunately, they are very difficult to realize in experiments since the huge loss will cover up the phenomena[57–59]. Then, a low-loss dielectric counterpart would be a good choice. However, different from the plasmonic system, negative coupling is an obstacle in dielectric waveguides although there much diffraction management has been investigated[51–53]. Interestingly, in 2012, the Alexander Szameit group proposed a dielectric waveguide array with a sinusoidally curved trajectory along the propagation direction to experimentally simulate massless Dirac particles and conical diffraction, as shown in Fig. 8(c). Therein, the effective coupling coefficient is revealed following a zeroth-order Bessel function as
In 2020, Wange Song et al. successfully demonstrated an in-plane superlens by arranging a closely packed silicon waveguide with a lattice smaller than
Figure 9.(a) Simulated effective coupling coefficient in densely arranged Si waveguides with a comparison of theoretical Bessel function. (b) Simulated light propagations in all straight waveguides (positive dispersion, top panel), all curved waveguides (negative dispersion, middle panel), and the cascaded one (superlens, bottom panel). (c) Fabricated Si waveguides with ample cascaded segments and fan-out input and output couplers. (d) Experimentally recorded in-plane superlens imaging input from two opposite ports[
It should be mentioned that most previous superlenses and hyperlenses usually suffered from limited incident angles due to the anisotropic design. Very recently, a new approach[63] based on a topological photonic design has been proposed to realize all-angle reflectionless negative refraction for all incident angles, as shown in Fig. 10[63]. The proposed metamaterial possesses two Weyl points of opposite topological charges. By interfacing the metamaterial with a perfect electric conductor (PEC) or a perfect magnetic conductor (PMC), the Fermi arc connecting the two Weyl points can take the form of a half-circle possessing a positive or negative refractive index. Importantly, due to the topological protection, there is no reflection at the interface between the PEC and PMC covered areas, giving rise to all-angle negative refraction without reflection at the boundary. It provides a new platform for manipulating the propagation of surface waves, which would possibly find new applications in the construction of integrated photonic devices.
Figure 10.Numerical confirmation of all-angle reflectionless negative refraction[
As a short summary for this section, we have witnessed the remarkable research progress in metamaterials ranging from the NIM, superlens, and hyperlens, to even in-plane lensing. In fact, the researches of bulk metamaterials are far beyond these, for example, the sub-branch of transformation optics including invisible cloaking[64–66], illusion optics[67,68], mimicking celestial mechanics[69–71], etc. From the perspective of revolutionary imaging technology, super-resolution imaging is one of the biggest motivations for researchers, although there have been huge obstacles to face to date. From the discussion in this section, it is not hard to conclude that the original perfect/superlenses proposed by John Pendry have been demonstrated in various systems in both simulation and experiments. Although a direct application in feasible and valuable scenarios (e.g., mass-nanolithography) seems to still have many technical challenges, clues for new possible applications have emerged. For example, for the in-plane superlens, we are aware of the possibility to use superlens waveguides to transfer the optical signal in a subwavelength scheme, which would be very useful in high-density photonic integrations[62]. The very recent example of a Weyl metamaterial superlens also indicates a new platform for exploration of intriguing new physics in current photonic advances[63].
3 Metasurfaces and Metalenses
3.1 Metasurfaces and Working Principle
As discussed in detail in the previous section, super-resolution imaging by a superlens/hyperlens in feasible application scenarios still faces great challenges, though the function has been demonstrated in very limited circumstances (e.g., in the near-field regime). Researchers have turned their sights to new schemes of meta-designs and imaging frameworks. Metasurfaces, as planar-structured metamaterials with lower transmission losses and easier fabrication, have attracted great attention due to their ability to arbitrarily manipulate EM waves in an ultra-compact form[22,72,73]. Many applications of metasurfaces have been demonstrated, including metalenses[23,74–76], holograms[77,78], absorbers[79,80], cloaking[23,81], etc. As a newly emerging technology, metalenses have great potential in miniaturized and functionalized imaging systems, and have attracted much attention from both academia and industry. Many functionalities enabled by the flexible design of metalenses have been demonstrated, indicating a new era for building multitudinous fascinating optical technologies[82–84]. In this part, we will first illustrate the working principles of metasurfaces and corresponding metalens designs. Then, the progress and challenges of metalenses with enhancement of typical performances are discussed, including correcting chromatic and monochromatic aberrations, improving efficiency, facilitating manufacturing. At the end of the section, we summarize this part with a roadmap for metalens development towards high-quality imaging applications.
When light is incident into a metasurface composed of sub-wavelength meta-atoms, there are abrupt changes in phase, polarization, or amplitude or a combination of these properties for light in a local dimension, which gives rise to powerful capabilities in rearranging the light wavefront and its propagations. Based on Fermat’s principle, Federico Capasso’s group derived the generalized Snell’s law to describe the reflective and refractive behavior of light [see Fig. 11(a)] when impinging on the metasurface as[22]
Figure 11.Design principles of metasurfaces. (a) Schematics of the generalized Snell’s law of refraction[
According to the phase modulation mechanism, metasurfaces can be categorized into two types: resonant metasurfaces[22,85–87] and non-resonant metasurfaces[88–90]. The early studies of metasurfaces mainly focused on phase manipulation with plasmonic resonance[22,85,86]. For example, the implementation of the generalized Snell’s law was accomplished with V-shaped gold nanoantennas[22] [see Fig. 11(b)]. This kind of V-shaped resonator supports two intrinsic modes as symmetric and antisymmetric, which can be excited by electric field components parallel and perpendicular to the symmetric axis, respectively. In the case of arbitrary polarization incidence, both antenna modes are excited yet have different amplitude and phase responses due to the distinctive resonance conditions. The hybrid mode results in two polarization states in the scattered field, corresponding to ordinary reflection/refraction occupying a large amount of energy and anomalous reflection/refraction with limited efficiency. Later, a metal–insulator–metal (MIM) structure consisting of a metallic nanoantenna array separated from a metallic ground film with a dielectric spacer[85] [see Fig. 11(c)] was proposed to improve efficiency. The gap–surface plasmon mode can be excited due to the strong coupling between the top and ground metallic planes and achieve a phase shift covering
To achieve high efficiency in transmission mode, several promising strategies have been proposed. For plasmonic metasurfaces, one is to introduce a pair of orthogonal gratings while the metallic meta-atoms are sandwiched in between to form a Fabry–Pérot-like resonance[91,92]. Due to the multi-reflection process, the linearly cross-polarized light transmission can be dramatically enhanced. The other method is the generalized Kerker condition with radiation based on the contribution of excited EM multipoles[93]. Pin Chieh Wu’s group reported a hybrid plasmonic meta-atom featuring a toroidal-assisted generalized Huygens’ source with state-of-the-art circular polarization conversion efficiency beyond 50%[94]. In more general cases, researchers have started to turn their sights from metal to dielectric. For instance, meta-atoms made of dielectric nano-discs were found to support Mie resonances. By tailoring the dimensions of the nano-disc, electric and magnetic dipole moments can be excited and tuned to meet the Kerker condition to support a
The nano-discs of the aforementioned Huygens’ metasurface usually have thicknesses much smaller than the wavelength; when dielectric nanoposts have heights (
Another non-resonant phase modulation method is the geometric phase, also known as PB phase[95]. It was first investigated by Erez Hasman’s group[96]. When circularly polarized light illuminates on a dipole antenna, the scattered light partially converts into opposite circular polarization with a phase shift related to the rotation angle. Afterwards, Shuang Zhang’s group and other researchers systematically described the phase modulation mechanism, and since then, PB phase metasurfaces[90] [see Fig. 11(f)] have been widely utilized for various applications[97]. Specifically, for circularly polarized incidence
Different from PB phase, which is regarded as a global effect for circular polarization light, Chen Chen et al. proposed a local phase manipulation for metasurfaces with planar chiral meta-atoms[99] [see Fig. 11(g)]. Planar chiral meta-atoms break the mirror symmetry and
As early as 2011, the PB phase was combined with a resonance phase to extend the phase delay range of V-shaped antenna arrays from
3.2 Metalenses for Achromatic Imaging
Based on the working principles of metasurfaces, a metalens can be constructed with a focusing phase profile as[102]
The historical development of metalenses in the early years is closely related to that of metasurfaces. Plasmonic materials were widely used for the construction of metalenses early on[102,106]; however, large intrinsic losses hinder metalens performance and limit efficiency to at most 25%[107]. Now the dielectric has become the mainstream material choice for higher efficiency. In 2016, Federico Capasso’s group proposed a metalens constructed by titanium dioxide (
Figure 12.
As can be found in Fig. 12, images obtained by the same metalens at different wavelengths have different magnifications. More severely, the quality of the image degrades with the broadening illumination bandwidth, which is due to the effect of chromatic aberration. Inheriting diffraction dispersion[113], metalenses usually have larger chromaticity than bulky refractive lenses, which significantly limits imaging applications. To address this issue, multi-wavelength achromatic metalenses with different strategies have been demonstrated[114–117]. Avayu et al. designed a multilayer structure by vertically stacking metalenses constructed with different plasmonic materials for multispectral achromatic focusing in the visible band (450 nm, 550 nm, and 650 nm)[114] [see Fig. 13(a)]. Due to the optical loss of metal materials, the efficiency of the metalens is lower than 10%. Besides cascading lenses vertically, spatial multiplexing in-plane is also a popular approach to correct chromatic aberrations at discrete wavelengths. Specifically designed metalenses at different operational wavelengths are interleaved together to provide the same focal length, as shown in Fig. 13(b) for RGB achromatism[115]. This method is straightforward yet has low efficiency and serious cross talk. Polarization can also be utilized as a DoF for encoding phase requirements to realize multi-wavelength achromatic metalenses. Ehsan Arbabi et al. proposed a double-wavelength (822 nm and 600 nm) metalens for two-photon microscopy with two orthogonal linear polarization multiplexings[116] [see Fig. 13(c)]. In addition, coupled dielectric nanoresonators with an aperiodic arrangement can also be utilized to compensate for phase dispersion at discrete wavelengths (1300 nm, 1550 nm, and 1800 nm), as shown in Fig. 13(d)[117]. It is worth mentioning that most multi-wavelength achromatic metalenses can operate only under discrete wavelength illumination. For broadband illumination, there are remarkable background noises arising from the light with unwanted wavelengths, which severely degrades achromatic imaging performance[31]. To solve this problem, Tao Li’s group incorporated a well-designed bandpass filter into an RGB achromatic metalens optimized by the Hooke–Jeeves algorithm, as illustrated in Fig. 13(e)[118]. An obvious improvement has been made in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and imaging performance under white light illumination, by comparing it with a controlled sample without a filter, indicating the advantages in integrated imaging systems.
Figure 13.Multi-wavelength achromatic metalenses. (a) Multispectral achromatic metalens with stacked layers[
In general cases, multi-wavelength achromatism is not sufficient for full-color imaging, and broadband achromatic metalenses are in high demand and attract great attention in both academia and industry. Normally, considering a bandwidth around
The first term on the right side represents the relative phase for a spherical wavefront at the central target frequency. The second and third terms indicate the group delay and group delay dispersion, respectively. To correct chromatic aberrations, the group delay ought to vary as the frequency departs from
Afterwards, Shuming Wang et al. developed a new strategy to realize broadband achromaticity that divides the focusing phase [Eq. (10)] into two parts including the reference phase
Figure 14.Broadband achromatic metalenses. (a) Achromatic metalens in reflection mode with a bandwidth from 1200 nm to 1650 nm,
Reviewing the reported results on achromatic metalenses, it is not difficult to find that there is a trade-off among the bandwidth, diameter, and NA of achromatic metalenses from previous works, and therefore the fundamental bounds for achromatic imaging are further investigated. Figure 15(a) shows previously published achromatic metalens designs against the bandwidth limits reported in 2020[30]. The lower solid blue curve indicates the upper bound for ideal metalenses with no aberrations. From the view of time–bandwidth products, this limit can be derived as
Figure 15.Fundamental bound of the achromatic metalens[
In addition to the thickness increase with a single-layer metalens, layered structures could possibly surpass the aforementioned bounds in non-ideal cases. Figure 15(c) illustrates a unit structure of a merged hybrid achromatic metalens consisting of a phase plate and nanopillars[127]. Combining recursive ray-tracing and phase libraries, the metalens has an average focusing efficiency greater than 60% over a broad band from 1 µm to 1.8 µm. With manipulation of the effective Abbe number, Mengmeng Li et al. also proposed a dual-layer achromatic metalens with average efficiency of 42% in the visible (400–700 nm)[128]. Mahdad Mansouree et al. proposed the concept of a 2.5D metasurface composed of multilayer metasurfaces[129]. An adjoint optimization technique is utilized to design metastructures with nonlocal interactions. As shown in Fig. 15(d), the efficiency of the meta-device can be increased with the number of layers, which might be promising for achromatic metalens design in the future[130,131].
3.3 Metalenses for Wide-field Imaging
Besides chromatic aberrations, monochromatic aberration is another important issue degrading imaging performance, which includes spherical aberration, coma aberration, astigmatism, field curvature, and distortion. For a metalens with a well-designed hyperbolic phase profile, there are no spherial aberrations at normal incidence. For a point source, especially in a microscopy case, light rays will no longer converge at the same point, resulting in the decrease in resolution in both transverse and longitudinal directions. Thus, the phase profile should be redesigned to remove spherical aberrations for high resolution[132]. Also, off-axis aberrations increase as the incident angle
The ideal phase profile for a metalens free of both spherical and coma aberrations simultaneously is expressed as[133]
Figure 16.(a) Metalens doublet[
Another strategy to achieve wide-field or wide-angle imaging is constructing a metalens array. For instance, Tao Li’s group developed a metalens array with a polarization-multiplexed dual-phase design for wide-field microscope imaging[142] [see Fig. 16(e)]. This method expands the FOV without sacrificing resolution and promises a non-limited space–bandwidth product for wide-field microscopy. Ji Chen et al. proposed a metalens array for wide-angle imaging in a similar way[143] [see Fig. 16(f)]. Each metalens is introduced with a phase term related to different incident angles to minimize distortion and aberrations. A range of
With the angle of modulated light rays increasing, efficiency generally decreases. The same situation happens when adding functionalities. Thus, improving the efficiency of metalenses with high NAs or multifunctions is in high demand. Much attention has been paid to address the efficiency issue[144–147]. For example, Ramón Paniagua-Domínguez et al. demonstrated a metalens with near-unity NA, which is composed of an array of asymmetric dimers producing energy concentration into the
Figure 17.(a) Metalens with
As mentioned above, most phase responses of dielectric meta-atoms (not including supercells or superpixels[148]) are angle independent under some conditions [e.g., in small incident angle regions (
3.4 Metalenses for Super-resolution Imaging
As discussed above, a superlens or hyperlens, although with the ability to overcome the diffraction limit, suffers from the complexity of near-field optical manipulations, while with the optical super-oscillatory phenomenon, lens focusing can go beyond the diffraction limit in the far field. Super-oscillation arises from the delicate interference of light generated from specifically designed structures, which forms a mask with spatially varying absorption and retardance[82,151]. Due to the fragility of the super-oscillatory light field, the super-resolution lens usually suffers from a very narrow working wavelength band. To address this issue, Xiangang Luo’s group utilized the PB-phase-based metasurface to achieve ultra-broadband super-resolution. The phase profile is a combination of a hyperbolic phase and an extra binary phase that is optimized to achieve super-resolution, as shown in Fig. 18(a), in which sample A is the normal metalens while B and C are optimized metalenses. The final focal FWHMs are 0.843 and 0.674 times the spot size of the Abbe diffraction limit, respectively. The focal patterns show similar optical-field distributions and retain super-resolution except for the chromatic focus shift and the change in focusing intensity[152]. To overcome the chromatic aberration, Nikolay I Zheludev’s group optimized the amplitude or phase mask with a multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm to generate several discrete foci. For different wavelengths, the designed super-oscillatory lens can be regarded as achromatic or apochromatic if the foci of two or three wavelengths can overlap each other[153]. A white-light super-oscillation imaging system was also demonstrated with the combination of a metasurface filter and a normal achromatic refractive lens. The proposed metasurface filter is based on PB phase and has optimized positions with perfect zero and
Figure 18.(a) Ultra-broadband super-oscillatory metalens with sub-diffraction light focusing with focal shift due to dispersion[
As an alternative method, a supercritical lens (SCL) was proposed as a trade-off between resolution and other performances, such as energy proportion and working distance. As shown in Fig. 18(c), by RC and a super-oscillation criterion (SOC), focal spots with possible intensity patterns can be categorized into three regions[156]. From the range of above-resolution to super-oscillation, the size of the main lobe decreases smoothly with gradually increased sidelobes. Fei Qin et al. demonstrated SCL composed of a series of concentric transparent belts at 405 nm. A pattern with a minimal feature size of 65 nm can be recognized, and the working distance is up to 55 µm, nearly one order improvement compared to previously reported super-oscillatory lenses. Figure 18(c) also shows the image of a large-scale non-periodic pattern (
3.5 Computation-empowered Metalens Imaging
Recently, inverse design and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms have developed rapidly in various fields and also play vital roles in the design and optimization of meta-devices. As the requirements for performances and functions of meta-devices increase, the construction of meta-atoms with common physical models is insufficient to meet the demand. Inverse design methods were gradually introduced to search for proper parameters of a metasurface to exhibit the desired functions. Here, inverse design is an algorithmic technique for discovering optical structures (such as height distribution) based on desired functional characteristics. Compared to conventional design methods, where the phase profile is fixed everywhere on the lens surface (such as a parabolic or hyperbolic phase profile), inverse design is more flexible and thus can generate lenses with more functionalities. The design goal of inverse design is usually set as finding the maximum (or minimum) of an objective function [also called figure of merit (FoM)] under some constraints. Different optimization strategies or a combination has been reported for different problems[157–159]. Among them, topology optimization is an efficient technique for handling extensive design spaces, which considers the modulation of dielectric permittivity at every spatial point[160]. Through penalization and filter projection methods[161], one can further obtain a binary structure. Zin Lin et al. proposed a general topology-optimization framework for metasurface inverse design that can discover highly complex multilayered structures[136]. A multilayered 2D metalens with aberration corrected under incident angles of 0°, 7.5°, 15°, and 20° was demonstrated for proof of cencept [see Fig. 19(a)]. However, the optimized metalens has a small size (
Figure 19.Inverse design and AI algorithms in the metalens design and optimization. (a) Multilayered 2D metalens with aberration corrected under incident angles of 0°, 7.5°, 15°, and 20° based on topology optimization[
Intelligent methods also help in metalens design and aberration correction. For instance, Ethan Tsenga et al. proposed a fully differentiable learning architecture and demonstrated a high-quality, polarization-insensitive nano-optic imager for full-color (400–700 nm), wide-FOV (40°) imaging with an
In addition to the enhancement of normal metalens imaging, intelligent methods play an important role in other imaging systems as well, such as light-sheet fluorescence microscopy. Din Ping Tsai’s group implemented a GaN-based metalens with a genetic-algorithm-generated prism-like yet non-analytical phase profile[165]. It can significantly suppress the sidelobe intensity of the light sheet and also extend the depth of focus (DOF). Thus, it can exhibit an enhanced axial resolution and SNR when applied under two-photon excitation. Combined with a metalens array, this group also demonstrated a meta-device for intelligent depth perception[166], which indicates the advantages of intelligent methods in various applications[167].
3.6 Advances in Metalens Design and Fabrication
In previous years, most metalenses demonstrated are in micrometer-scale and have limited applications for practical imaging devices. Recently, some metalenses with millimeter scale have been demonstrated in experiments[168–171]. These large-scale metalenses, especially with nearly centimeter-scale, are in high demand in scenarios such as augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR) and landscope imaging, while the corresponding implementation faces challenges such as limited computational sources for simulation demonstration, the layout file with extremetly high data density, and the diffculty of low-cost mass manufacturing.
Full-wave simulations can give an accurate picture of device performances. Simulations of metalenses with simple functions or with forward design can be scaled down to micrometer scale to reduce computing resources (i.e., memory space and run time). However, metalenses with complex functions (i.e., achromatism) or inverse design cannot be scaled down for proof-of-concept simulations. To address this issue, besides the optimization method illustrated in Fig. 19(b), Tyler W. Hughes et al. developed a GPU-based hardware-accelerated finite difference time domain (FDTD) solver titled “Tidy3D,” which can perform simulations of large-area metalenses with a turnaround time on the minute scale[172]. A fully 3D, large-area metalens of size
Taking a 5-cm-diameter metalens as an example comprising over 6 billion nanoscale meta-atoms, the corresponding size of the layout file is over 200 GB[173]. To reduce the file size, Federico Capasso’s group proposed a scalable metasurface layout compression algorithm for devices with rotational symmetry, coined METAC[173]. A library of self-referenced structures is generated by using multiple layers to represent increasingly doubled copies of a primitive structure. At each radial position, the core algorithm then efficiently assembles appropriate library elements to create the desired structure and form a ring. The aformentioned design file size is efficiently compressed by three orders of magnitude and reduced to approximately 131 MB, while for a metalens layout file with no radial symmetry, a similar efficient algorithm is urged to be developed.
Most reported metalenses, especially those working in the visible region (including the millimeter scale), were fabricated through electron beam lithography (EBL) or focused ion beam (FIB) techniques, which is quite time consuming with high cost. To achieve the requirements for mass production, several other techniques have been employed for metalens manufacturing[174–178]. For example, utilizing DUV projection stepper lithography[174,175], Federico Capasso’s group demonstrated a centimeter-scale, all-glass metalens capable of focusing and imaging at visible wavelength[174]. Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) is also a promsing technology for mass production with high throughout and low cost[176–178]. Junsuk Rho’s group developed printable metalenses composed of a Si nanocomposite synthesized by dispersing Si nanoparticles in a printing resin[177]. A metalens with a diameter of 4 mm and operating at 940 nm was demonstrated, and has only 10% uniform volume shrinkage compared with the initial master mold. Although these methods are more cost effective than EBL, their limitation in resolution and available materials hinders the fabrication of metalenses with complex functions (corresponding to small feature sizes) and efficient focusing in the visible.
In this section, we interpreted the concept and design principles of the metasurface and metalens. With the advantages of miniaturization and flexible design, metalenses have attracted great attention in both academia and industry, while transferring metalens technology from the laboratory to industry for practical applications still faces many challenges including design (correcting aberrations and enhancing efficiency) and manufacturing. By reviewing the development of the metalens, we can conclude several representative solutions (see Fig. 20) towards high-quality imaging (large FOV, achromatism, high efficiency, etc.), that is, providing thicker or layered metalenses for wider parameter space and more DoFs, constructing metalens arrays to break the function limitation of a single metalens, and utilizing AI optimization for performance improvement.
Figure 20.Schematics of metalens roadmap towards high-quality imaging applications.
4 Multilevel Diffractive Lenses
4.1 Development of Diffractive Lenses
Conventional diffractive lenses have been the main technology to implement flat lenses for many years[179]. The earliest versions of diffractive lenses are Fresnel zone plates and Fresnel lenses. Fresnel zone plates consist of a set of radially symmetric rings (called Fresnel zones) alternating between being opaque and transparent, as shown in Fig. 21(a). The radius of each ring is chosen such that the distance from the edge of each zone to the focal point is an integral multiple of a half-wavelength longer than the axial focal length[180]. Then the transmission light diffracted from the transparent zone will constructively interfere at the desired focus, creating a focal spot like a focusing lens. However, a Fresnel zone plate designed for a nominal focal length
Figure 21.(a)–(e) Development of conventional diffractive lenses. The top row shows the schematic of each diffractive lens. The bottom row denotes the height profile of each lens along the black dashed lines. (f) Diffraction efficiency with respect to the diffraction order for a Fresnel zone plate at design wavelength. (g) Diffraction efficiency with respect to the diffraction order for a Fresnel lens at design wavelength. (h) Diffraction efficiency with respect to wavelengths and gray levels for an MDL at first diffraction order. The black dashed line denotes the design wavelength
The diffraction efficiency of the design order (first order) is
Based on Eq. (20), the diffraction efficiency of first order can reach 100% at
Thus, a compromise has to be made between achieving high diffraction efficiency and ease of fabrication. With the development of binary optics in the 1980s, multilevel approximation provides a strategy to solve this problem[182]. Multilevel approximation means substituting the previous continuous height profile of the diffractive lens with discrete levels, as shown in Fig. 21(c). Such a diffractive lens is the earliest version of the multilevel diffractive lens (MDL). The two-level MDL, where the height profiles provide only zero or
The above discussion considers only the situation when the diffractive lens is operating at a designed wavelength
To reduce the chromatic aberration and improve the average diffraction efficiency of diffractive lenses in a certain broad bandwidth, harmonic diffractive lenses were proposed in 1995[183,184]. The harmonic diffractive lens is a diffractive imaging lens for which the optical path length transition between adjacent facets is M multiples (M is an integer) of the design wavelength
To further increase the DoF in design, a new class of diffractive lenses, denoted free-form MDLs, has been proposed in recent years[185–197]. The height profile of the free-form MDL is irregular and quite different from that of conventional diffractive lenses, as shown in Fig. 21(e). Free-form MDLs can realize many more functionalities, such as achromatism in broadband [blue line in Fig. 21(j)] or at several discrete wavelengths with the same interval [red line in Fig. 21(j)][185–197]. The free-form MDL is designed by inverse design as introduced in Section 3.4. Specifically, there are two constraints in the design of free-form MDL—the height of each ring should be discrete and in the interval [
4.2 Achromatic MDL for Imaging
The achromatic MDL (AMDL) is a typical free-form MDL to realize discrete or continuous band achromatism, first proposed by Rajesh Menon’s group in 2016[185]. The AMDL can be regarded as a combination of harmonic diffractive lenses and MDLs with free-form height profiles. To achieve achromatism, the light of different wavelengths diffracted from the AMDL needs to constructively interfere at the same focus. Thus, the FoM can be directly set as the intensity at the focus (denoted as
The optimal height profile
Based on inverse design, several examples of AMDLs operating in various regions of the EM spectrum, ranging from the visible to the microwave, are demonstrated experimentally, as illustrated in Fig. 22. In the visible and near-infrared regions, Peng Wang et al. demonstrated a 2D AMDL (focusing incident light to a line, akin to conventional cylindrical lenses) that can work on large bandwidths with super-achromatic performance over the continuous visible band (450–750 nm) in 2016[185]. The AMDL is made up of SC1827 (a kind of photoresist). The length and total thickness of such an AMDL reach 7.5 mm and 2.6 µm, respectively, which is much larger than that of achromatic metalenses[26,27,29,122,126,127,198–200]. However, this AMDL is just a first trial, and its NA is only 0.013. Different from conventional diffractive lenses, the diffraction efficiency of the AMDL is usually defined as the ratio of optical power within three times FWHM of PSF over the whole transmitted optical power, while another metric, focusing efficiency, is defined as the ratio of optical power within three times FWHM of PSF over the whole incident optical power[195]. The overall focusing efficiency of the AMDL in this work is around 10%, as shown in Fig. 22(a). Yifan Peng et al. demonstrated an AMDL by equalizing the spectral focusing performance within the whole visible spectrum in the same year, as shown in Fig. 22(b)[190]. The AMDL is made of silica with working spectra over 410–690 nm, diameter equal to 8 mm, thickness equal to 1.195 µm, and
Figure 22.Typical examples of achromatic MDLs. (a) 2D broadband AMDL working in the visible region[
In the long-wave infrared region to microwave region, a polymer AMDL with a relatively high NA of 0.371 and working at 8 µm to 12 µm was proposed by Monjurul Meem et al. in 2019, as shown in Fig. 22(g)[28]. The diameter and total thickness of this AMDL are 15.2 mm and 10 µm, respectively, and the average focusing efficiency in the range of 8–12 µm reaches 43% experimentally. The AMDL exhibits aberrations comparable to or better than those seen in conventional refractive lenses, which shows great potential in applications in the long-wave infrared region. In 2021, Bumin K. Yildirim et al. demonstrated an AMDL working at 10 GHz to 14 GHz with ultrahigh
All the above works demonstrated the feasibility of the AMDL to realize achromatism, but none of these AMDLs simultaneously achieve a large diameter, high NA, small thickness, and high focusing efficiency, which indicates that there may exist a fundamental physical bound for the AMDL like that for the achromatic metalens. To work out the physical bound would provide an important guidance for us to realize AMDLs (as well as achromatic metalenses) with better performance. However, most previous theoretical works analyze such a physical bound based on the group delay of the ideal achromatic flat lens, of which an important assumption is that the phase profile of the lens always follows hyperbolic distribution [Eq. (10)]. In fact, the focus and image performances of most reported AMDLs are below the diffraction limit, which indicates that such AMDLs are non-ideal achromatic flat lenses, or equivalently, there will exist distortion
The general form of group delay
Figure 23.Large-scale achromatic flat lens by light coherence optimization[
Reported Data | Calculated Data | |||||||||
Ref. | NA | Refractive | Measured | Diffraction | ||||||
[ | 25.72 | 0.6 | 0.47–0.67 | 0.2 | 2.5 | 0.9 | 0.7 | 2.5 | ||
[ | 100 | 1.4 | 1.2–1.4 | 0.88 | 3.5 | 3.36 | 0.67 | 37.4 | ||
[ | 100 | 1.4 | 1.2–1.65 | 0.24 | 3.5 | 3.36 | 0.62 | 9.2 | ||
[ | 200 | 1.4 | 1.2–1.65 | 0.13 | 3.5 | 3.36 | 0.55 | 9.6 | ||
[ | 50 | 0.8 | 0.4–0.66 | 0.106 | 2.4 | 1.2 | 0.93 | 4.2 | ||
[ | 26.4 | 0.6 | 0.46–0.7 | 0.2 | 2.4 | 0.9 | 0.84 | 3.5 | ||
[ | 21.6 | 0.8 | 0.4–0.66 | 0.216 | 2.4 | 1.2 | 0.92 | 3.7 | ||
[ | 20 | 3.9 | 1–1.8 | 0.27 | 1.5 | 1.95 | 0.71 | 2.7 | ||
[ | 20 | 0.35 | 0.64–1.2 | 0.12 | 2.4 | 0.53 | 0.85 | 1.6 | ||
[ | 30 | 1.5 | 0.65–1 | 0.24 | 2.4 | 2.25 | 0.95 | 7.2 | ||
[ | 490 | 1.5 | 1.3–1.7 | 0.238 | 3.5 | 3.6 | 0.34 | 26.3 | ||
[ | 20 | 2.5 | 0.45–1.7 | 0.27 | 1.57 | 1.42 | 0.65 | 2.7 | ||
[ | 200 | 2.5 | 0.45–1.7 | 0.04 | 1.57 | 1.42 | 0.44 | 2.5 | ||
[ | 370 | 2.6 | 0.45–0.75 | 0.18 | 1.61 | 1.59 | 0.08 | 2.7 | ||
[ | 2500 | 2.6 | 0.44–0.66 | 0.05 | 1.61 | 1.59 | 0.2 | 13.2 | ||
[ | 2500 | 8 | 0.44–0.66 | 0.05 | 1.61 | 4.88 | 0.35 | 24.2 | ||
[ | 3145 | 2.6 | 0.45–1 | 0.3 | 1.61 | 1.59 | 0.06 | 28.7 | ||
[ | 992 | 10 | 0.45–15 | 0.0275 | 1.61 | 6.1 | 0.73 | 13.1 | ||
[ | 1024 | 15 | 0.4–1.1 | 0.1 | 1.63 | 9.45 | 0.61 | 38.2 | ||
[ | 3072 | 15 | 0.4–1.1 | 0.1 | 1.63 | 9.45 | 0.34 | 58.2 | ||
[ | 10,240 | 15 | 0.4–1.1 | 0.1 | 1.63 | 9.45 | 0.18 | 97.0 | ||
[ | 10,240 | 5 | 0.4–1.1 | 0.1 | 1.63 | 3.15 | 0.09 | 44.0 | ||
[ | 10,240 | 1 | 0.4–1.1 | 0.1 | 1.63 | 0.63 | 0.014 | 7.2 |
Table 1. State-of-the-Art Performances and Related Parameters of Reported Achromatic Flat Lens.
As a summary for the state-of-the-art performances of achromatic flat lenses (including AMDLs and achromatic metalenses), Table 1 presents the major parameters with an assessment of the comprehensive performances[188]. The references in Table 1 are sorted into two categories. The first category contains several works on achromatic metalenses, denoted by the superscript ○. The second category contains several works on achromatic MDLs, denoted by the superscript Δ. All references in each category are sorted by publishing time. The measured efficiency in most reported works is the total efficiency (including focusing efficiency and transmittance). Here, to normalize them for comparison, we calculated them according to their detailed structural parameters and retrieved their diffraction efficiency,
4.3 MDLs with Function Extensions
By setting different FoM forms in Eq. (24), the free-form MDL with other novel functionalities can also be realized based on the inverse design, such as an MDL with a long DOF and an MDL with a large FOV.
MDL with long DOF. A photoresist MDL working at 0.85 µm with an extremely long DOF was demonstrated by Sourangsu Banerji et al. in 2020, as shown in Fig. 24(a)[189]. Such an MDL is realized by setting FoM as the focusing efficiency along the propagation axis. The diameter and total thickness of this MDL are 1.8 mm and 2.6 µm, respectively, while its DOF reaches 1195 mm (focal length
Figure 24.Typical examples of free-form diffractive lenses applied in other areas. (a) Free-form MDL working at 850 nm with extremely long DOF (5–1200 mm)[
MDL with large FOV. In 2019, Yifan Peng et al. proposed a diffractive lens with a large FOV (=53°), which provides almost an order of magnitude increase compared to a conventional aspherical lens[182]. Such a lens is designed in two steps. The first step is to generate an ideal phase profile for spatially invariant PSFs over the full FOV, which ensures a large FOV. The second step is to generate a height profile to approximately provide such an ideal phase profile. The FoM in this optimization problem is set as the difference between the phase profile provided by the lens and the ideal phase profile, and corresponding inverse design is performed on Zemax. Strictly speaking, the diffractive lens does not apply multilevel approximation and is more like a harmonic diffractive lens with a smooth free-form height profile in each zone. The diameter, effective modulation thickness, and NA of this lens are 23.4 mm, 120 µm, and 0.2625, respectively. Figure 24(c) shows the spatial distribution of the PSF under different incident angles and example captures of a checkerboard target across the full sensor. The experimentally measured PSF of this lens preserves high-frequency details and is almost spatially invariant, while the PSF of a conventional aspheric lens exhibits large aberrations when the incident angle is large. The image results demonstrate that this lens balances the contrast detection probability (CDP) across the full FOV. CDP is a probabilistic measure to characterize the ability of a higher-level processing block to detect a given contrast between two reference points after the full imaging chain. For this diffractive lens, a significant CDP floor of almost 50% is preserved across the full FOV, ranging from 40% at on-axis angular direction to above 80% at the most tilted angle. In contrast, the CDP of an aspherical lens drops drastically and approaches 0% at view directions larger than
4.4 Computation-enhanced MDL Imaging
Although free-form MDLs show great potential in extending working spectra, FOV, and DOF of optical imaging while reducing the volume of an imaging system, the quality of images taken from most free-form MDLs is relatively low due to the low focusing efficiency and MTF. As discussed above, focusing efficiency is limited by the generalized restriction relations, which means low focusing efficiency is an intrinsic problem and cannot be solved just by applying more advanced design methods (if thickness of MDL is fixed). Therefore, it is difficult to directly apply free-form MDLs in practical imaging systems to provide performance comparable to state-of-the-art imaging modules composed of conventional refractive lenses.
One possible solution is to combine free-form MDLs with advanced image processing technology. Yifan Peng et al. introduced a two-step deconvolution algorithm to improve the image quality of the AMDL in 2018, as shown in Fig. 24(d)[190]. The first step is the deconvolution on a down-sampled image to deblur large edges and remove strong color corrupted noise. The second step is to apply a cross-scale prior in our regularization term, which borrows the relatively sharp and denoised edge information from the up-sampled image of the first step’s result to benefit the deconvolution at full scale. The AMDL combined with the deconvolution algorithm is able to image natural scenes with competitive resolution and color fidelity.
The deep neural network (DNN) is another powerful tool to improve image quality. In 2019, Yifan Peng et al. introduced a learned generative adversarial network (GAN) to recover high-quality images taken by a diffractive lens[182]. The structure of the GAN is shown in Fig. 24(e). Data used to train the network are generated by a display-capture laboratory setup composed of an LCD monitor, the diffractive lens, and image sensor. Such a setup omits the manual acquisition of the dataset in the wild and reduces difficulties in alignment. After training, the GAN was able to map captured blurry images to clean reconstructed images. This work made a significant step towards the quality of commercial compound lens systems with just a single free-form diffractive lens.
5 Application Scenarios
We have reviewed the progress of three types of lenses based on or related to meta designs: superlens, metalens, and MDL. It is undoubted that the concept of the superlens proposed by John Pendry has tremendous significance in scientific innovation, though it still suffers from massive applications in either subwavelength bio-imaging or nano-lithography[203]. Under some special conditions, it has been developed to SPP lithography, which could be possibly generalized for wider applications. For example, Xiangang Luo et al. built an SPP lithograph system to realize sub-22-nm half-pitch lithography, providing a viable alternative to traditional costly and complex optical lithography systems[204,205]. Moreover, the innovative concept also illuminates possible applications in other fields, such as photonic chips with signal transmission in subwavelength scales[61] and new platforms revealing novel physics such as photonics Weyl media[63].
5.1 Zoom Imaging
Zoom imaging is a noteworthy functionality of lenses when dealing with complex scenarios. Tunable and varifocal metalenses, which break the limits of bulky refractive optical zoom systems, have attracted great attention among researchers. The key point to obtain different focal lengths is to empower metalenses with distinct phase profiles under different external stimuli. Several strategies have been proposed to realize efficient modulation. Among them, referencing conventional optics, mechanical deformation or displacement-enabled zoom is the most widely utilized method. For instance, as shown in Fig. 25(a), by mechanically stretching the polydimethylsiloxane substrate, the lattice constant of a complex Au nanorod array fabricated on the substrate can be changed, and with the reconfigurable phase profile, a
Figure 25.Zoom metalens. (a) Tunable metalens on a stretchable substrate and its experimental zoom effect[
The required mechanical displacement can also be modulated electrically. Incorporated with microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), Andrei Faraon’s group demonstrated tunable metasurface doublets with more than 60 diopters (about 4%) change in optical power upon a 1-μm movement of one metasurface, and a scanning frequency that can potentially reach a few kHz [see Fig. 25(d)][210]. This kind of MEMS-integrated metasurface performs as an applicable platform for tunable and reconfigurable optics. Reconfigurable materials with optical properties changed by external actuation can be utilized to realize multi-focus metalenses as well. The most representative material is the so-called optical phase change materials (OPCMs). As shown in Fig. 25(e), the OPCM-based metalens is optimized by a generic design methodology at 5.2-μm wavelength, and the corresponding focal length can be switched between 1.5 mm and 2 mm with the tuned amorphous and crystalline state[211]. Zoom metalenses can also be realized through polarization switching with meta-atoms carrying polarization-dependent phase shifts. Rao Fu et al. reported a step-zoom metalens with dual focal lengths based on double-sided polarization-dependent metasurfaces[212]. By carefully assigning the focal power and balancing the aberrations, the step-zoom metalens has a large FOV (
5.2 3D Imaging
Most optical zoom imaging is suitable only for several discrete object planes, while for 3D scenes or objects, the depth information is of great importance as well. A light-field camera is one of the promising techniques to address this issue. Microlens arrays, as its vital inclusion, are utilized for acquisition of the intensity and direction of incoming light. However, the inherent aberrations, especially chromatic aberration, hinder the camera from obtaining high-quality images. Combining PB phase and dynamic phase, Ren Jie Lin et al. designed a polarization-dependent achromatic GaN metalens array (
Figure 26.3D imaging. (a) Light-field imaging with GaN metalens array and rendered full-color images[
Recently, Qingbin Fan et al. demonstrated a nanophotonic light-field camera incorporating a spin-multiplexed bifocal metalens array [see Fig. 26(b)] capable of capturing light-field images over a record DOF ranging from centimeter to kilometer scale. Different from previous work[198], the metalens array is not designed with achromatism. Yet with a multi-scale convolutional-neural-network-based reconstruction algorithm, the camera can simultaneously enable macro and telephoto modes with high quality, correcting imaging aberrations in a snapshot[164]. As well known, longitudinal chromatic aberrations will undoubtedly blur images. In contrast, transverse chromatic aberration, with images of different wavelengths being spread out across the imaging plane, can greatly facilitate the extraction of spectral information. Xia Hua et al. combined the light-field technique with a transversely dispersive metalens array, and with only one snapshot, they demonstrated advanced 4D imaging with a 4 nm spectral resolution and near-diffraction-limit spatial resolution[217]. Different objects can be well imaged in terms of both spatial positions and colors. They also demonstrated an imaging case beyond the ability of the naked eye and light-field imaging with a trained spectrum reconstruction algorithm. As illustrated in Fig. 26(c), two kinds of materials, “I” shaped magenta chemical fabric cloth and “O” shaped water-color-painted paper, with close spectral peaks at 618 nm and 626 nm can be distinguished evidently using their methods.
Despite the achievements of light-field imaging, there is still a trade-off between spatial and angular resolutions, which are in positive correlation with the spatial density of the lens array and the aperture of each lens, respectively. To mitigate this issue, Min-Kyu Park et al. proposed a virtual-moving metalens array based on a multifunctional dielectric metasurface. By tailoring the incident polarization, the sampling position can be laterally shifted without physical movement, and thus, a fourfold enhanced spatial resolution can be achieved through algorithms without sacrificing the angular resolution[218].
Nature provides various intriguing solutions to depth sensing. The above-mentioned light-field technique is actually similar to the compound eyes of insects. Inspired by the jumping spider, Qi Guo et al. also introduced a compact depth sensor combined with metalens optics. As illustrated in Fig. 26(d), the metalens splits the light that crosses an aperture and simultaneously forms two differently defocused images at distinct regions of the photosensor[219]. The distance can be decoded from these images with relatively little computation, and a system that deploys a 3-mm-diameter metalens to measure depth over a 10-cm distance range was demonstrated for proof of concept. Another method for 3D imaging based on a single metalens was also proposed by Chunqi Jin et al. They designed a Huygens metasurface with a phase mask implementing a rotating PSF, and encoded the depth information from the shifted distance in the images [see Fig. 26(e)][220].
Tomography is an informative imaging modality in the biomedical domain, in which mechanical scanning is usually implemented for the acquisition of images with different depths. Chen Chen et al. utilized the large diffractive chromatic dispersion of the metalens to access spectral focus tuning without mechanical movement [see Fig. 26(f)][132]. They designed and fabricated an aplanatic GaN metalens with
5.3 Polarization Imaging
Metalenses with wavefront engineering together with polarization manipulation not only enrich the functionalities of metasurface devices, but also benefit image quality with polarization analysis and decompress the burden of auxiliary optical elements. The widely designed PB-phase-based metalens actually acts as a half-wave plate, and with a related polarization analyzer, it can obtain image quality superior to lenses without polarization modulation[132]. Similarly, Chen Chen et al. proposed a highly efficient metalens concurrently acting as a quarter-wave plate[221], as shown in Fig. 27(a). By combining the propagation phase and PB phase, the superposition of co-polarized and cross-polarized light can be controlled precisely, and arbitrary wave plates and more complex wave manipulation were demonstrated as well.
Figure 27.Polarization imaging. (a) Metalens concurrently acting as a quarter-wave plate[
Moreover, polarization properties of scattered light during the imaging process can reveal some valuable information such as texture, orientation, and constituent materials[222]. Especially, for some biologically active compounds, the intrinsic handedness results in distinct imaging chiral properties. Mohammadreza Khorasaninejad et al. presented a multiplexed metalens based on PB phase that simultaneously forms two images with opposite helicity of an object within the same FOV, and mapped the circular dichroism of the exoskeleton of a chiral beetle for application demonstration [see Fig. 27(b)][223].
The Stokes vector
Most polarimetry works are based on determination of the full-Stokes vector, which necessitates at least four (normally six) individual measurements, and it undoubtedly results in limited efficiency and spatial resolution. To address this issue, Noah A. Rubin et al. reported a new strategy for a compact, snapshot, full-Stokes polarization imaging system with no specially patterned camera pixels. They introduced matrix Fourier optics and developed an optimization scheme to design the diffraction orders as polarizers for an arbitrarily selected set of polarization states. By analyzing the intensity of light on a set of diffraction orders, the polarization of the imaging scene can be reconstructed readily. They also packaged the imaging system into a practical, portable prototype with adjustable focus, as shown on the left of Fig. 27(e)[226]. Different from traditional intensity images, the polarization imaging of 3D glasses, a stressed laser-cut acrylic piece, and an injection-molded plastic part shows fruitful properties [right panel in Fig. 27(e)] indicating powerful applications in machine vision and other areas.
5.4 Microscopy Applications with Enhanced Functionalities
In the application of microscopes, super-resolution is undoubtedly the ultimate goal, and it has been significantly promoted by electronic microscopes [i.e., scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM)] and luminescence optical microscopes. However, in principle, the superlens based on NIM should be the revolutionary solution as intensively discussed in Section 2. Although incapable of achieving super-resolution imaging, ultrathin, lightweight, and multi-functional metalenses show unlimited potential in compact and miniature imaging systems. There has been much progress towards the compacted microscopes implemented by incorporation with CMOS chips[142,143,227].
It is well known that microscope imaging cannot reach a high resolution and large FOV simultaneously due to the constraint from the space–bandwidth product. A lens array provides an alternative solution to break the constraint to cover a large imaging area and enlarge the effective FOV. Unlike light-field imaging with a micro-lens array that works in telescope or landscape imaging modes[164,198], this wide-field microscope should work in an equal-size (4f) imaging mode with the scene area rightly mapped to the image plane and recorded by a CMOS detector. However, conventional micro-lens arrays cannot provide a complete image by stitching sub-images, because the arrangement of refractive lens arrays always has blind areas at the boundaries of lenses, which makes a complete stitching image impossible. Interestingly, Tao Li’s group from Nanjing University proposed a polarization multiplexed silicon metalens array with two sets of focusing phase profiles intersecting each other for two orthogonal circular polarizations [see Fig. 28(a)]. Based on this, two groups of sub-images can be obtained to compensate for the blind areas of each other and provide a complete wide-field microscope image after a certain stitching process [see Figs. 28(b) and 28(c)][142]. More recently, Xin Ye et al. from the same group further expanded the metalens array (made of SiNx) from
Figure 28.Meta-microscope implemented by polarization multiplexed metalens array. (a) Two-polarization multiplexed focusing phase design in four lens units. (b) Two groups of sub-images captured by the integrated imaging system with respect LCP and RCP light illuminations. (c) Stitched large FOV (
Endoscope imaging is another important scenario that is in high demand of miniaturization. In particular, endoscopic optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a promising tool for diagnosis and detection, but still with shortcomings (mostly the trade-off between transverse resolution and DOF), limiting applications in routine clinical practice. Harvard University and Harvard Medical School together developed a nano-optic endoscope integrated with a metalens for high-resolution OCT in vivo. As shown in Fig. 29(a), the metalens, fiber, and prism are assembled with precise alignment at the distal end of the catheter[228]. With tailored chromatic dispersion, the metalens enables the maintenance of high-resolution imaging significantly beyond the Rayleigh range of incident light and thus brings in the large DOF. Compared with images of a swine airway using a ball lens catheter, the proposed nano-optic endoscope shows superior image quality. In addition to the capability of high lateral resolution, the wide FOV of the microscope objective is also essential to the endoscope. Jianwen Dong’s group proposed a meta-objective composed of two cascaded metalenses mounted on both sides of a 500-μm-thick silica film with diameters of 400 µm and 180 µm[229]. The lateral resolution reaches as high as 775 nm in such a naked meta-objective, with monochromatic aberration correction in a 125-μm full FOV and near-diffraction-limit imaging. The single cell contour of biological tissue can be clearly observed when combined with a fiber bundle microscope system.
Figure 29.Enhanced microscopy imaging. (a) Nano-optic endoscope for high-resolution optical coherence tomography
Normally, there exists a trade-off between lateral resolution and the DOF. With the rapid spread of tightly confined light due to diffraction, high-resolution optical imaging is hardly preserved in a relatively large depth range. To address the issue, Masoud Pahlevaninezhad et al. showed that a particular disposition of light illumination and collection paths can liberate optical imaging from the restrictions imposed by diffraction[230]. As shown in Fig. 29(b), the special design based on metasurfaces can decouple the lateral resolution from the DOF by establishing a one-to-one correspondence (bijection) along a focal line between incident and collected light. Implementing this approach in OCT, they further demonstrated tissue imaging at a wavelength of 1.3 µm with
Phase contrast imaging is a powerful technique to observe non-labeled biological samples with small variations in refractive index or thickness. Developing a relevant miniature and low-cost system is attractive for various applications. Pengcheng Huo et al. demonstrated a Fourier transform setup incorporating a spin-decoupled metasurface for switching between bright-field imaging and phase contrast imaging modes [see Fig. 29(c)][231]. With 2D spatial differentiation capability, the system can achieve isotropic edge detection with samples such as resolution test charts and undyed onion epidermal cells. Junxiao Zhou et al. also demonstrated broadband 2D spatial differentiation and high-contrast edge imaging across the whole visible spectrum for both intensity and phase objects by inserting the metasurface into a commercial optical microscope[232]. Furthermore, Youngjin Kim et al. demonstrated a single metalens without a Fourier transform setup for more compact phase contrast imaging[233]. As illustrated in Fig. 29(d), the metalens in which the phase profile is a sum of the hyperbolic phase and spiral phase (topological charge =1), termed spiral metalens, can also perform 2D isotropic edge-enhanced imaging of various samples. Recently, a single metalens with an illumination-intensity-dependent computational function has been proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The metalens consists of nanoantenna structures with a static geometric phase and nonlinear metallic quantum well layer; it can offer an intensity-dependent dynamic phase, resulting in a continuously tunable coherent transfer function. With high-intensity illumination, the metalens presents an edge-detection image, while diffracting full images with low-intensity lighting[234]. Phase contrast imaging can capture only qualitative phase information, while acquiring quantitative phase data is a rapidly growing demand for more sophisticated analysis. Inspired by a classical differential interference contrast microscope (DIC), Andrei Faraon’s group proposed a miniaturized quantitative phase gradient microscope (QPGM) based on two dielectric metasurface layers [see Fig. 29(e)][235]. Combining both polarization and spatial multiplexing methods, the cascaded metasurfaces can simultaneously capture three DIC images to generate a quantitative phase gradient image in a single shot. The demonstrated system is of the order of
5.5 Landscape Imaging
In most previous metalens imaging, we find it always suffers from small apertures (though new progress has been made for imaging without a need of achromatism). To develop a white-light landscape camera, a macroscopic (millimeter to centimeter sizes) lens is necessary, as a larger aperture determines a larger FOV, as shown in Fig. 30(a)[188]. To be more specific, white-light landscape imaging through two achromatic metalenses with diameters no more than 500 µm is first shown in Figs. 30(b) and 30(c)[130,163]. It is clear that the imaging performance is high at the center of the picture, while there exist obvious aberrations at the edge, even after the imaging process. As a contrast, the images taken from the AMDL with diameter nearly equal to 1 mm have fewer aberrations in a larger FOV, as shown in Fig. 30(d)[201]. By further increasing the diameter to 8 mm or 23.4 mm and incorporating the AMDL with an advanced image processing algorithm, such as deep learning, imaging performance can be improved to a level nearly on par with that of the lens modules in cell phones, as shown in Figs. 30(e) and 30(f)[182,190]. Therefore, the AMDL shows its advantages over metalenses in this area.
Figure 30.(a) Three AMDLs with different diameters and the image of USAF taken from them with the same magnification. The closed blue dashed lines denote the FOV in each figure[
Imaging systems with folded/compressed working distances. Metalenses are viewed to have great potential for miniaturizing imaging systems due to the ultrathin and ultralight features. However, in most imaging systems, lenses occupy a very limited volume, while the space between lenses or the lens and detector takes up the most room in imaging systems. Folding or compressing the space/working distance is crucial to obtain the utmost miniaturization of imaging systems, especially in landscape and telescope applications. To address this issue, Cheng Guo et al. numerically demonstrated a nonlocal flat optic operating directly in the momentum domain to substitute free space. They derived the general criteria for a device to replace free space and provided two concrete designs of such a device utilizing photonic Fano resonances[236]. Soon after, Orad Reshef et al. also proposed an optic to replace space, termed spaceplate[237]. As shown in Fig. 31(a), the spaceplate occupies a physical thickness of
Figure 31.Miniaturization of imaging systems by folding/compressing the working distance. (a) Spaceplate to compress the propagation distance and its imaging results combined with a lens[
Such a phase response is called a nonlocal response, which is different from the position-dependent response (local response). It cannot redirect the angle of a light ray and has no optical power. Two types of spaceplates are proposed to shorten the distance from the lens to the focus: one is multilayer metamaterial, and the other is a uniaxial birefringent medium. Figure 31(a) also illustrates the images of a lens with and without a uniaxial spaceplate, indicating effective space compression. This design strategy has aroused great interest[238] and opens an avenue for ultrathin monolithic cameras.
In addition to the nonlocal solution, the pancake optic, which is usually composed of a beam splitter (BS) and a reflective polarizer (RP), also provides possibilities to fold the propagating space. However, due to the two interactions with the BS, the overall light efficiency is at most 25%. To address this issue, recently Chen Chen et al. proposed a pancake metalens that can fold the optical path almost at will while without light waste, in principle[239] [see Fig. 31(c)]. The working principle can be understood as first squeezing the imaging system with multiple k-vector manipulations, and then folding the squeezed optical path to a more compact lens system [Fig. 31(b)]. The pancake metalens is based on a meta-cavity consisting of a spin-dependent bifacial metasurface and a mirror. Imparting the bifacial metasurface with a specifically designed phase, they demonstrated a pancake metalens with on-demand (e.g., 2/3 and 4/5) reduction of imaging distance and relatively good imaging performance. Figure 31(d) shows the experimental setup and the imaging results of a pancake metalens (2/3 reduction of imaging distance) and its comparison with a normal metalens. This pancake meta-optics framework provides a new possible solution to the miniaturization of imaging systems and would provide insights for other meta-device applications.
5.6 AR/VR Application
In recent years, AR and VR have gained increasing attention in both academia and industry, and have experienced enormous growth. Comfortable wear of AR/VR headsets is an essential requirement for commercial applications, and is in high demand of a compact form factor. Planar optics including conventional diffractive optics and meta optics hold great promise to manipulate light and tackle this challenge[240,241]. Researchers have been developing various systems based on metalenses to address these concepts. For instance, Byoungho Lee et al. incorporated a see-through metalens to an AR near-eye display with an ultrawide FOV, full-color imaging, high resolution, and sufficiently large eyebox[242]. By virtue of the anisotropic optical response, the PB-phase-based see-through metalens can simultaneously serve as an imaging lens for virtual information and as transparent glass through which a real-world scene is viewed [see Fig. 32(a)]. The chromatic aberration of the metalens can be corrected by varying the imaging position with the wavelength using three dichroic mirrors. Based on nanoimprint technology, the metalens has a diameter of 20 mm and NA of 0.61, showing feasibility for practical mass-production.
Figure 32.Metalenses with AR/VR applications. (a) See-through near-eye display with a PB phase based metalens[
To further reduce the form factor, the same research group proposed a holographic AR near-eye display using a PB phase eyepiece (PBPE) and a methodology to correct optical aberrations to discard other additional optical components[243]. The PBPE consists of two PB phase metalenses, a linear polarizer, and a quarter-wave plate [see Fig. 32(b)]. It acts as a convex lens with effective focal length f/2 for RCP light, and becomes a transparent plate for LCP light. The monochromatic aberration is corrected with computer-generated hologram calculation, and the chromatic aberration is corrected by floating the holographic images at different depths depending on the wavelength. As shown in Fig. 32(b), the observed images present quality superior to that without correction.
As seen above, chromatic aberration is one of the main challenges hindering metalens application in AR/VR. Many pioneering works have been reported to solve the problem. Different from the methods proposed by Byoungho Lee’s group, Federico Capasso’s group demonstrated a millimeter-scale diameter, high-NA, and RGB-achromatic metalens for direct utilization in AR/VR near-eye displays [see Fig. 32(c)][244]. By exploiting constructive interference of light from multiple zones and dispersion engineering, the metalens can achieve diffraction-limited achromatic focusing of the primary colors. It opens a new paradigm of metalens design with a combination of forward and inverse design methods. The excellent mixture of a real-word scene and a floating image indicates the limitless potential of metalenses in the field more than AR/VR.
It is worth noting that most of the above-mentioned metasurfaces modulate the optical wavefront through the independent response of each meta-atom, which can be categorized as local metasurfaces, although it can shape a wavefront at multiple selected wavelengths, but inevitably modifies light across the spectrum. As another category, nonlocal metasurfaces[245–247] tailor the wavefront through collective modes. It can produce great frequency selectivity based on high-quality-factor (Q factor) modes[248,249]. Bound states in the continuum (BICs) are prototypical states with infinite radiative Q factors despite having momentum matched to free space[250]. Applying a perturbation to break in-plane inversion symmetry of meta-atoms may create a quasi-BIC (q-BIC) that is leaky and excitable from spatial light[251]. The Q factor of q-BICs can be controlled by the strength of the perturbation, enabling simultaneous light confinement in both space and time. Encoding q-BICs with spatially varying PB phase, Nanfang Yu’s group demonstrated nonlocal metasurfaces that can offer both spatial and spectral control of light, for instance, realizing metalenses focusing exclusively over a narrowband resonance while leaving off-resonant frequencies unaffected[252]. As shown in Fig. 32(d), a doublet with a single-function metasurface operating at the green wavelength and a dual-function metasurface operating at red and blue wavelengths can serve as an optical see-through lens in an AR headset. It reflects contextual information to the viewer’s eye at selected narrowband wavelengths while permitting an unobstructed broadband view of the real world. Such a design strategy does not require extra polarizers or BSs, and has great potential in AR and other transparent display applications.
6 Conclusion and Perspectives
During the past two decades, we have witnessed tremendous conceptual efforts associated with micro/nano optics and photonics researches, among which new concepts for revolutionary imaging functions and techniques have emerged, such as negative index metamaterials, superlenses, hyperlenses, and metalenses. In fact, each part of the text has been more or less addressed by other review papers, for example, Refs. [31,49,82,83,253
Benefiting from the advances of micro/nano-fabrications, subwavelength artificial structures enabled the emergence of new conceptual metamaterials in the new century. They have significantly renewed recognition of the functional materials that were usually limited by their chemical compositions in the past, and opened a new avenue to design wave-functional materials (not limited in optics) almost at will. The superlens originating from negative refraction has excited worldwide research interest according to a revolutionary working principle, even bringing in a new era of super-resolution. Unfortunately, the development of engineering steps is far behind the advanced theory, resulting in big challenges for mass application. Even so, its derivative techniques (such as SPP nanolithography and plasmonic sensing) are still forging ahead toward applications[205,266], and some new developments are cast in related fields (e.g., compact photonic integrations[61]) and novel physics platforms[63].
In the optical regime, ultrathin metalenses recovered research vitality towards practical applications, because they circumvent the two major problems of extreme difficulty in nanofabrication and huge propagating loss of light inside bulk metamaterials. Nevertheless, to further reduce the loss, the constitution of metalens/metasurface material has been gradually changed from initial metal to dielectric, though it increases fabrication challenges to some extent. This review summarized part of the major progress of the metalens from the design principle, imaging performances, and possible and suitable applications scenarios. It can be concluded that the metalens holds two major advantages in compactness and multifunction, although its comprehensive performances are still inferior to those of traditional refraction lenses and compound lenses. However, both advantages favor very much the current developments of optical devices to ultra-compact and highly integratable. Therefore, the pressing matter of the moment is to improve the comprehensive performance of metalenses to a commercially acceptable level. Extensive efforts and detailed progress have been addressed in this review. Besides many new functions such as polarized imaging and differential imaging, high efficiency together with broadband achromatism and aberration-free images is still mainstream for imaging applications.
The development of MDL explicitly interpreted in Section 4 is indeed a parallel strategy to achieve light-thin and multifunctional flat lenses. In principle, the metalens is implemented by structuring a flat lens in the transverse dimension, specifically, the detailed sizes of nano-posts to control the resonance/guided modes to tune the resonance and propagation phases, and the rotation of units to tune the geometry phase. Correspondingly, the freeform MDL is intended to control the propagation phase in the longitudinal dimension by sophisticated diffractive ring heights with respect to certain FoMs. It has been well demonstrated that freeform MDL has many advantages in realizing large-sized and broadband achromatic flat lenses. A reasonable fact is that MDL usually can be fabricated with much higher height variations of each ring, which gives rise to the huge compensation phase as required in large-scale achromatic lenses, for example, the development of more than 10–15 µm maximum height rings, which is almost inaccessible for metalens units currently. Moreover, it is more feasible in large-scale and mass-production for a great reduction in structural data due to radial symmetry, although several methods have been proposed for data compression in mass-fabrication[173]. As a short summary, Table 2 intuitively shows the characteristics of the superlens, hyperlens, metalens, and MDL for imaging, which may be helpful for readers to quickly catch the major information of each type of these lenses.
Superlens | Hyperlens | Metalens | MDL | |
Evanescent wave amplification in bulk | Evanescent wave amplification in bulk | Propagation wave/phase reassemble | Propagation wave/diffraction effect | |
Super-resolution | Super-resolution | Diffraction limited | Diffraction limited | |
Near field | Near field/far field | Far field | Far field | |
None | None | Yes | Yes | |
Flat | Flat/curved | Flat | Flat | |
Tens of nm to microns | Tens of nm to microns | Tens of nm to microns | Microns to tens of microns | |
Metal | Metal/dielectric | Metal or dielectric | Dielectric | |
Meta-atom with negative | Nanowire array or multilayered nanofilm | Meta-atom varies in shape, size, orientation | Diffraction ring varies in height |
Table 2. Characteristics of Superlens, Hyperlens, Metalens, and MDL for Imaging.
To point out the major trends in lens development for revolutionary applications based on meta-designs, we provide several clues. The first is extending the design dimensions of metalens/MDL to introduce DoFs to further manipulate the spatial and frequency dispersion to access the highly efficient achromatic and large-FOV singlet flat lens. In this regard, the MDL could be considered as one step towards the longitudinal direction. Further opportunities still lie in a multilayered metalens/MDL, where interlayer coupling can be managed as a new DoF. Of course in a planar dimension, topological optimization can be widely adopted to generate non-periodic structures that can be considered a renewed transverse dimension. Second, new frameworks of the current metalens/MDL for particular application scenarios should be further explored, which can obtain equivalent high performances far beyond conventional lenses, e.g., by a metalens array for a large DOF[164,198], FOV[142,227], and view angle[143]. In this regard, to find appropriate application scenarios is more important than purely improving the comprehensive imaging performance of lenses, while the unique features of metalenses are exploited (such as polarization multiplexing, large dispersion for spectral resolution) for particular purposes. The third is the deep involvement of advanced computational techniques. In fact, much recent impressive progress has demonstrated the important role of computational imaging processes[163,267]. There have been a wide range of these newly emerging and developing techniques, including topological optimization, inversion design, and deep learning based on various frameworks[268–271]. Especially, the neural-network-based algorithm has demonstrated its powerful capability in improving imaging quality. For example, the recent AR-oriented RGB achromatic metalens has efficiency of only less than 20%, which appears to work well for noise reduction[267]. Note that computational imaging itself has been a hot topic due to its advanced functionalities[272,273], which is out of the scope of this review. As a final perspective, more advanced manufacturing techniques are always in high pursuit. For instance, with mass-nanofabrication of meta nano-pillars with aspect ratios larger than 100:1 and maximum heights over 20 µm, the comprehensive imaging performances of a large-sized metalens is undoubtedly accessible. Another solution lies in the exploration of new quality optical materials with low loss, high refractive indices, ease of manufacturing, and tunability by external means. We have witnessed and are working in a great era opened by metamaterials, and we believe that there are tremendous revolutionary applications that will be enabled by meta-imaging sooner or later. With more and more involvement of industry, the revolution is beginning.
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