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Development of a hybrid photoacoustic and optical monitoring system for the study of laser ablation processes upon the removal of encrustation from stonework
Athanasia Papanikolaou, George J. Tserevelakis, Kristalia Melessanaki, Costas Fotakis, Giannis Zacharakis, and Paraskevi Pouli
In the context of this work, a prototype hybrid photoacoustic (PA) and optical system for the on-line monitoring of laser cleaning procedures is presented. The developed apparatus has enabled the detection of MHz frequency range acoustic waves generated during the laser ablation process. The intrinsically generated PA In the context of this work, a prototype hybrid photoacoustic (PA) and optical system for the on-line monitoring of laser cleaning procedures is presented. The developed apparatus has enabled the detection of MHz frequency range acoustic waves generated during the laser ablation process. The intrinsically generated PA signals combined with high resolution optical images provide the opportunity to follow the cleaning process accurately and in real time. Technical mock-ups have been used to demonstrate the potential of this novel technique with emphasis given to applications that refer to the restoration of Cultural Heritage (CH) surfaces. Towards this purpose, the real time monitoring of the laser assisted removal of unwanted encrustation from stonework has been achieved using IR and UV wavelengths. This novel approach has allowed for the precise determination of the critical number of laser pulses required for the elimination of the encrustation layer, while highlighting the dominant ablation mechanisms according to the irradiation wavelength. The promising results obtained using the prototype hybrid PA and optical system can open up new perspectives in the monitoring of laser cleaning interventions, promoting an improved restoration outcome..
Opto-Electronic Advances
- Publication Date: Feb. 22, 2020
- Vol. 3, Issue 2, 190037-1 (2020)
True random coded photon counting Lidar
Bo Liu, Yang Yu, Zhen Chen, and Weiqiang Han
A true random coded photon counting Lidar system is proposed in this paper, in which a single photon detector acts as the true random sequence signal generator instead of the traditional function generator. Compared with the traditional pseudo-random coded method, the true random coded method not only improves the antiA true random coded photon counting Lidar system is proposed in this paper, in which a single photon detector acts as the true random sequence signal generator instead of the traditional function generator. Compared with the traditional pseudo-random coded method, the true random coded method not only improves the anti-crosstalk capability of the system, but more importantly, it effectively overcomes the adverse effect of the detector's dead time on the ranging performance. The experiment results show that the ranging performance of the true random coded method is obviously better than that of the pseudo-random coded method. As a result, a three-dimensional scanning imaging of a model car is completed by the true random coded method..
Opto-Electronic Advances
- Publication Date: Feb. 22, 2020
- Vol. 3, Issue 2, 190044-1 (2020)
Distributed multicore fiber sensors
Zhiyong Zhao, Ming Tang, and Chao Lu
Multicore fiber (MCF) which contains more than one core in a single fiber cladding has attracted ever increasing attention for application in optical sensing systems owing to its unique capability of independent light transmission in multiple spatial channels. Different from the situation in standard single mode fiber Multicore fiber (MCF) which contains more than one core in a single fiber cladding has attracted ever increasing attention for application in optical sensing systems owing to its unique capability of independent light transmission in multiple spatial channels. Different from the situation in standard single mode fiber (SMF), the fiber bending gives rise to tangential strain in off-center cores, and this unique feature has been employed for directional bending and shape sensing, where strain measurement is achieved by using either fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs), optical frequency-domain reflectometry (OFDR) or Brillouin distributed sensing technique. On the other hand, the parallel spatial cores enable space-division multiplexed (SDM) system configuration that allows for the multiplexing of multiple distributed sensing techniques. As a result, multi-parameter sensing or performance enhanced sensing can be achieved by using MCF. In this paper, we review the research progress in MCF based distributed fiber sensors. Brief introductions of MCF and the multiplexing/de-multiplexing methods are presented. The bending sensitivity of off-center cores is analyzed. Curvature and shape sensing, as well as various SDM distributed sensing using MCF are summarized, and the working principles of diverse MCF sensors are discussed. Finally, we present the challenges and prospects of MCF for distributed sensing applications..
Opto-Electronic Advances
- Publication Date: Feb. 22, 2020
- Vol. 3, Issue 2, 190024-1 (2020)