Peiqi Yang, Mingjun Wang. Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Automatic Threshold Attribute Profiles and Spatial-Spectral Encoding Union Features[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2023, 60(12): 1210016

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- Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
- Vol. 60, Issue 12, 1210016 (2023)

Fig. 1. General flow chart of hyperspectral classification

Fig. 2. Construction of automatic threshold attribute profiles.(a) Construction of GD and ADC; (b) construction of MSC; (c) tree filtering

Fig. 3. Generation of EAP

Fig. 4. Image data of Pavia University dataset

Fig. 5. Image data of Salinas dataset

Fig. 6. Filtered images. (a) Third filtering; (b) second filtering; (c) first filtering; (d) first PC; (e) first filtering; (f) second filtering; (g) third filtering

Fig. 7. Accuracy comparison results of different methods on 9 categories for Pavia University dataset

Fig. 8. Accuracy comparison results of different methods on 16 categories for Salinas dataset
Table 1. Attribute and threhold
Table 2. Parameter settings of different datasets
Table 3. Comparison of various methods on Pavia University
Table 4. Comparison of various methods on Salinas

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