Qi Zhao, Chen Tang, Min Xu, Zhenkun Lei. Background Removal of Fringe Projection Patterns Based on Modified Fuzzy c-Means Clustering Algorithm[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2022, 59(24): 2411002

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- Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
- Vol. 59, Issue 24, 2411002 (2022)

Fig. 1. Results comparison of first simulated fringe projection pattern. (a) Original fringe projection pattern; (b)-(d) Fig.1(a) corresponding theoretical background, fringe, and unwrapped phase; (b1)-(d1)corresponding results of FT on background, fringe, and unwrapped phase; (b2)-(d2) corresponding results of MOBEMD on background, fringe, and unwrapped phase; (b3)-(d3) corresponding results of TV-Hilbert-L2 on background, fringe, and unwrapped phase; (b4)-(d4) corresponding results of proposed method on background, fringe, and unwrapped phase; (e)-(e4) enlarged details corresponding to Fig.1(d)-(d4)

Fig. 2. Results comparison of second simulated fringe projection pattern. (a) Original fringe projection pattern; (b)-(d) Fig.2(a) corresponding theoretical background, fringe, and unwrapped phase; (b1)-(d1) corresponding results of FT on background, fringe, and unwrapped phase; (b2)-(d2) corresponding results of MOBEMD on background, fringe, and unwrapped phase; (b3)-(d3) corresponding results of TV-Hilbert-L2 on background, fringe, and unwrapped phase; (b4)-(d4) corresponding results of proposed method on background, fringe, and unwrapped phase; (e)-(e4) enlarged details corresponding to Fig.2(d)-(d4)

Fig. 3. Results comparison of experimental fringe projection pattern. (a) Original fringe projection pattern; (b) corresponding theoretical unwrapped phase; (c1)-(e1) corresponding results of FT on background, fringe, and unwrapped phase; (c2)-(e2) corresponding results of MOBEMD on background, fringe, and unwrapped phase; (c3)-(e3) corresponding results of TV-Hilbert-L2 on background, fringe, and unwrapped phase; (c4)-(e4) corresponding results of proposed method on background, fringe, and unwrapped phase

Fig. 4. Results comparison of noise performance test. (a) Original fringe projection pattern; (b) corresponding theoretical fringe; (c)-(g) fringe patterns obtained by proposed method after adding 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1, 1.2 Gaussian random noise respectively
Table 1. Evaluation metrics on results for simulated fringe projection patterns
Table 2. Evaluation metrics on results for experimental fringe projection pattern

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