Kui Qin, Xinguo Hou, Feng Zhou, Zhengjun Yan, Leping Bu. fire-GAN: Flame Image Generation Algorithm Based on Generative Adversarial Network[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2023, 60(12): 1210008

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- Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
- Vol. 60, Issue 12, 1210008 (2023)

Fig. 1. Example of RGB-uv histogram

Fig. 2. Difference between HistoGAN and styleGAN2

Fig. 3. Example of flame image segmentation using Equ. (5)

Fig. 4. Example of generating flame image using HistoGAN

Fig. 5. Comparison of flame effect generated by two parts of datasets

Fig. 6. Comparison of flame generation effects under different conditions of roundness loss function

Fig. 7. Comparison of flame image generated by fire-GAN and MixNMatch

Fig. 8. Comparison of image effects generated by GN, APA, and fire-GAN

Fig. 9. Relationship between FID of image generated by GN, APA, and fire-GAN and training times

Fig. 10. Comparison of flame images generated by different networks
Table 1. Roundness of flames and disturbances
Table 2. Quantitative evaluation of flame image generated by two parts of datasets
Table 3. Comparison of average values of flame roundness in images generated under different conditions of roundness loss function
Table 4. Comparison of R, G, and B mean values of images generated by fire-GAN and MixNMatch
Table 5. Quantitative evaluation of different networks

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