Huaian Yi, Runji Fang, Aihua Shu, Enhui Lu. Milling Surface Roughness Measurement Under Few-Shot Problem[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2022, 59(23): 2324001

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- Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
- Vol. 59, Issue 23, 2324001 (2022)

Fig. 1. GNN network structure diagram

Fig. 2. Partial effect of data enhancement. (a) Original image; (b) adjusting contrast; (c) adjusting saturation; (d) adjusting hue; (e) translation

Fig. 3. Experimental design flow

Fig. 4. Machining machine and tool

Fig. 5. Experimental setup

Fig. 6. Texture orientation. (a) Left; (b) right

Fig. 7. Light and dark uneven distribution and reflection phenomenon

Fig. 8. Image pre-processing. (a) Clipping; (b) compression

Fig. 9. Experimental results. Loss function curves and accuracy curves of (a) (b) MAML and (c) (d) GNN

Fig. 10. Experimental results. Loss function curves and accuracy curves for cross-domain detection tasks (a) (b) A to B and (c) (d) B to A
Table 1. Material and processing parameters
Table 3. Sample classification and number statistics after data pre-processing
Table 4. Cross-domain detection tasks
Table 5. Test accuracy of MAML and GNN
Table 6. Test accuracy of cross-domain detection tasks A to B and B to A

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