• Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
  • Vol. 59, Issue 14, 1415022 (2022)
Ang Su1,2,*, Weikang Lu1,2, Shilin Zhang1, and Zhang Li1,2
Author Affiliations
  • 1College of Aerospace Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, Hunan , China
  • 2Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Image Measurement and Vision Navigation, Changsha 410073, Hunan , China
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    DOI: 10.3788/LOP202259.1415022 Cite this Article Set citation alerts
    Ang Su, Weikang Lu, Shilin Zhang, Zhang Li. Visual Ground Target Tracking of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on Target Motion Model[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2022, 59(14): 1415022 Copy Citation Text show less

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    Ang Su, Weikang Lu, Shilin Zhang, Zhang Li. Visual Ground Target Tracking of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on Target Motion Model[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2022, 59(14): 1415022
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