• Journal of Synthetic Crystals
  • Vol. 53, Issue 12, 2104 (2024)
ZHANG Pan1, PANG Guowang1, YIN Wei2, MA Yabin1..., ZHANG Junzhou3, YANG Huihui4 and QIN Yanjun1,*|Show fewer author(s)
Author Affiliations
  • 1School of Science, Xinjiang Institute of Technology, Aksu 843100, China
  • 2School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Xinjiang Institute of Technology, Aksu 843100, China
  • 3School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Xinjiang University of Technology, Aksu 843100, China
  • 4School of Science, Xi’an Aeronautical University, Xi’an 710000, China
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    ZHANG Pan, PANG Guowang, YIN Wei, MA Yabin, ZHANG Junzhou, YANG Huihui, QIN Yanjun. Theoretical Study of the Structure, Electronic and Optical Properties of 4H-SiC under High Pressure[J]. Journal of Synthetic Crystals, 2024, 53(12): 2104 Copy Citation Text show less

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    ZHANG Pan, PANG Guowang, YIN Wei, MA Yabin, ZHANG Junzhou, YANG Huihui, QIN Yanjun. Theoretical Study of the Structure, Electronic and Optical Properties of 4H-SiC under High Pressure[J]. Journal of Synthetic Crystals, 2024, 53(12): 2104
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