Lisha Meng, Xianzhao Yang, Huikang Liu. Algorithm on Mushroom Image Classification Based on CA-EfficientNetV2[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2022, 59(24): 2410005

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- Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
- Vol. 59, Issue 24, 2410005 (2022)

Fig. 1. MBConv module

Fig. 2. Fused-MBConv module

Fig. 3. CA module flowchart

Fig. 4. Overall framework of the improved EfficientNetV2 network model

Fig. 5. Internal structure diagram of main modules of improved EfficientNetV2

Fig. 6. Data enhancement results. (a) Original picture; (b) random resize; (c) padding; (d) random rotation; (e) color jitter; (f) random crop

Fig. 7. Accuracy comparison curve of EfficientNetV2 and other networks

Fig. 8. Loss function comparison curve of EfficientNetV2 and other networks

Fig. 9. Accuracy comparison curve of EfficientNetV2 network before and after improvement

Fig. 10. Loss function comparison curve of NetworkNetV2 network before and after improvement

Fig. 11. Comparison of image visualization results. (a) Input; (b) EfficientNetV2; (c) CA- EfficientNetV2
Table 1. EfficientNetV2-S structure table
Table 2. Experimental parameter settings
Table 3. Structural parameters of improved EfficientNetV2 model
Table 4. Comparison of classification accuracy for different models

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