• Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
  • Vol. 60, Issue 17, 1700001 (2023)
Jianyu Long, Bing Zhang, Xiongwei Yang, and Jianjun Yu*
Author Affiliations
  • Key Laboratory of EMW Information, Department of Communication Science and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
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    DOI: 10.3788/LOP222826 Cite this Article Set citation alerts
    Jianyu Long, Bing Zhang, Xiongwei Yang, Jianjun Yu. Survey of Signal Recovery Technique in Few-Mode Fiber Communication System with Strong Mode Coupling[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2023, 60(17): 1700001 Copy Citation Text show less
    Schematic of a typical few-mode fiber communication system with strong mode coupling
    Fig. 1. Schematic of a typical few-mode fiber communication system with strong mode coupling
    Schematic of a two-mode fiber transmitting LP01 and LP11 modes, two parallel lines represent two modes. (a) Ideal two-mode fiber transmitting two orthogonal modes; (b) a real fiber that has distributed crosstalk
    Fig. 2. Schematic of a two-mode fiber transmitting LP01 and LP11 modes, two parallel lines represent two modes. (a) Ideal two-mode fiber transmitting two orthogonal modes; (b) a real fiber that has distributed crosstalk
    Schematic of DMD in a few-mode fiber transmitting three modes (LP01, LP11a, and LP11b)
    Fig. 3. Schematic of DMD in a few-mode fiber transmitting three modes (LP01, LP11a, and LP11b)
    Schematic of segmentations of few-mode fiber modeling, transmitting N modes
    Fig. 4. Schematic of segmentations of few-mode fiber modeling, transmitting N modes
    Typical MIMO TDE structure
    Fig. 5. Typical MIMO TDE structure
    Typical MIMO FDE structure
    Fig. 6. Typical MIMO FDE structure
    System structure of a few-mode fiber with strong coupling system based on MIMO TDE[24]
    Fig. 7. System structure of a few-mode fiber with strong coupling system based on MIMO TDE[24]
    System bit error rate and optical power mapping[24]. (a) First data set with suboptimal condition, and the filter tap is 120; (b)(c) second data set with optimized coupling condition, the filter taps are 120 and 80, respectively
    Fig. 8. System bit error rate and optical power mapping[24]. (a) First data set with suboptimal condition, and the filter tap is 120; (b)(c) second data set with optimized coupling condition, the filter taps are 120 and 80, respectively
    MDM system with ANN equalizer[74]
    Fig. 9. MDM system with ANN equalizer[74]
    Impulse response of the channel. (a) Input channel; (b) target channel; (c) output channel[74]
    Fig. 10. Impulse response of the channel. (a) Input channel; (b) target channel; (c) output channel[74]
    MDM system based on DLNN[75]
    Fig. 11. MDM system based on DLNN[75]
    Structure of DLNN[75]
    Fig. 12. Structure of DLNN[75]
    BER performance of DLNN, ZF, and SDR-RBR[75]
    Fig. 13. BER performance of DLNN, ZF, and SDR-RBR[75]
    MDM system architecture with STC[27]
    Fig. 14. MDM system architecture with STC[27]
    BER performance of STC compensating MDL under strong coupling[27]. (a) With STC; (b) with multi-block STC
    Fig. 15. BER performance of STC compensating MDL under strong coupling[27]. (a) With STC; (b) with multi-block STC
    U-PIC method compensates MDL experiment. (a) Experimental structure; (b) comparison of transmission distance and spatial multiplicity[70]
    Fig. 16. U-PIC method compensates MDL experiment. (a) Experimental structure; (b) comparison of transmission distance and spatial multiplicity[70]
    System algorithm architecture with ML[32]
    Fig. 17. System algorithm architecture with ML[32]
    Performance comparison of ML algorithm under different gain differences[32]. (a) 0.5 dB; (b) 1 dB; (c) 2 dB
    Fig. 18. Performance comparison of ML algorithm under different gain differences[32]. (a) 0.5 dB; (b) 1 dB; (c) 2 dB
    AlgorithmConvergence speedPerformanceComplexity
    LMSSlowLarge steady-state error(channel related)Low
    RLSFastSmall steady-state error(resistant to noise)Middle
    VRLSFastSmall steady-state error(resistant to noise)High
    Table 1. Comparison of three algorithms for taps update
    YearReferenceResearch instituteCore× modeDistance /kmSpan length /kmData rate(Gb/s/mode/core/λMIMO taps and types
    2011Ref.[52University of Melbourne1×24.54.5107
    2011Ref.[53Bell Labs1×240401129-15 TDE
    2011Ref.[54Bell Labs1×3101011220-100 TDE
    2011Ref.[24Bell Labs1×3333311280-120 TDE
    2011Ref.[55NEC Labs1×35050112301 TDE
    2011Ref.[56Bell Labs1×54040112
    2012Ref.[57Bell Labs1×3969680120 TDE
    2012Ref.[58NEC Labs1×38585112481 TDE
    2012Ref.[59Bell Labs1×312003080400 TDE
    2012Ref.[60Bell Labs1×320920980400 TDE
    2012Ref.[61Eindhoven University of Technology1×3119119256401 TDE
    2012Ref.[62Bell Labs1×61306580400-600 TDE
    2013Ref.[63Bell Labs1×617759160800 FDE
    2014Ref.[64NEC Labs1×35005076511 TDE
    2015Ref.[65Technical University of Munich1×674.1774.1727.18
    2016Ref.[66NTT Network Innovation Laboratories12×352752.780128 FDE
    2017Ref.[67Photonic Network System Laboratory1×3350070360600 FDE
    2018Ref.[68Eindhoven University of Technology1×659059240NA FDE
    2018Ref.[69NTT Network Innovation Laboratories1×310205160400 FDE
    2019Ref.[70NTT Network Innovation Laboratories12×3>300052.724600 FDE
    2019Ref.[35NTT Network Innovation Laboratories1×36316.875.296
    2020Ref.[71NTT Network Innovation Laboratories1×3306051192896 FDE
    Table 2. Main research results of transmission experiments using MIMO equalizer in low-mode fiber strongly coupled systems
    YearResearch instituteResearch resultReference
    2012University of Central FloridaPropose single-carrier adaptive FDE for MDM transmission;verify and compare performances of both FDE and TDERef.[25
    2013Bell LabsImplement and analyze the complexity of an adaptive FDE for a 12×12 MIMO-SDM transmission systemRef.[34
    2013University of Louisiana at LafayettePropose modified MIMO FDE LMS algorithm to improve the convergence speed by 30%Ref.[49
    2014Eindhoven University of TechnologyUsing an experimental 3-mode dual polarization coherent transmission setup,the convergence time of the MMSE TDE and FDE can be reduced by approximately 50% and 30%Ref.[72
    2018Juniper NetworksShow RLS algorithm in MIMO could improve the convergence speed by 53.7% over conventional frequency domain LMSRef.[73
    Table 3. Main Research results of MIMO equalizer algorithms in MDM system
    YearResearch instituteResearch resultReference
    2015TELECOM ParisTechPropose space-time(ST)coding as a DSP solution to mitigate MDL in the optical channelRef.[27
    2016TELECOM ParisTechDerive an upper bound that yields the design criterion of space-time codes allowing total mitigation of MDL in SDMRef.[81
    2016Peking UniversityPropose a STBC with MIMO scheme to mitigate MDLRef.[82
    2016TELECOM ParisTechInvestigate MIMO techniques to reduce the impact of the MDL and DSP solutions based on TASTRef.[83
    2016NTT Network Innovation LaboratoriesA method is described for applying space-time coding implemented by Hadamard transform to SDM transmissionRef.[84
    2017TELECOM ParisTechStudy a complete transmission scheme,concatenating forward error correction(FEC)and TASTRef.[85
    2017University of Louisiana at LafayetteExplore the performance of STBC assisted MIMO scheme for modal dispersion and MDL mitigation in SDM systemsRef.[28
    2017Xidian UniversityOrthogonal STBC-based SDM transmission system was investigated to test its efficiency in mitigating MDLRef.[77
    2018University of WaterlooPropose a new low-complexity,essentially optimal detection algorithm for TAST codes over MMF channels with MDLRef.[86
    2019TELECOM ParisTechAnalyze the performance of TAST over MMF optic channels with the MDL under the ML and ZF detection schemesRef.[87
    2019Xidian UniversityPropose a method can achieve near-optimal solutions and has a low computational complexity in TAST-assist systemRef.[88
    Table 4. Main research results of MDL compensation in MDM system with STC
    YearResearch instituteResearch resultReference
    2017NTT Network Innovation LaboratoriesUnreplicated SIC for MDL-impact mitigation is proposedRef.[93
    2018NTT Network Innovation LaboratoriesAnalyze the transmission results over 2500 km multicore FMF with unreplicated SIC schemeRef.[94
    2019NTT Network Innovation LaboratoriesDemonstrate the reach of transmission of 6300 km for 3-mode FMF with unreplicated SIC schemeRef.[35
    2019NTT Network Innovation LaboratoriesAchieve 12-core 3-mode multicore FMF transmission over 3000 km with proposed unreplicated PIC schemeRef.[70
    Table 5. Main research results of MDL compensation in MDM system with IC
    STCMiddleHigh compatibility with other solutionsAdditional coder and decoder is required
    ICLowSuboptimal equalizerBad performance
    MLHighSimple principleHigh complexity
    Table 6. Comparison of three algorithms for MDL mitigation
    Jianyu Long, Bing Zhang, Xiongwei Yang, Jianjun Yu. Survey of Signal Recovery Technique in Few-Mode Fiber Communication System with Strong Mode Coupling[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2023, 60(17): 1700001
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