• Advanced Photonics
  • Vol. 3, Issue 1, 016004 (2021)
Lujun Huang1,†, Lei Xu2, Mohsen Rahmani2, Dragomir Neshev3, and Andrey E. Miroshnichenko1,*
Author Affiliations
  • 1University of New South Wales, School of Engineering and Information Technology, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
  • 2Nottingham Trent University, School of Science and Technology, Department of Engineering, Advanced Optics and Photonics Laboratory, Nottingham, United Kingdom
  • 3The Australia National University, Research School of Physics, Department of Electronic Material Engineering, ARC Centre of Excellence for Transformative Meta-Optical Systems (TMOS), Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
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    DOI: 10.1117/1.AP.3.1.016004 Cite this Article Set citation alerts
    Lujun Huang, Lei Xu, Mohsen Rahmani, Dragomir Neshev, Andrey E. Miroshnichenko, "Pushing the limit of high-Q mode of a single dielectric nanocavity," Adv. Photon. 3, 016004 (2021) Copy Citation Text show less

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    Lujun Huang, Lei Xu, Mohsen Rahmani, Dragomir Neshev, Andrey E. Miroshnichenko, "Pushing the limit of high-Q mode of a single dielectric nanocavity," Adv. Photon. 3, 016004 (2021)
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