Mixed anion compounds can generate the emergence of novel properties that differ from those with mono-type anion due to the difference of electronegativities, ionic radii, polarizabilities, and oxidation states between unlike anions. Abundant research has been conducted on metallic mixed-anion materials with potential application in electronics, detectors of moisture, gas sensors, electrodes for solar batteries, etc. The flux method has been widely applied for mixed-anion crystal growth, which based on metathetical reaction with appropriate metal-salts ?ux under mild conditions. It is meaningful to synthesize the mixed anion compounds by the flux method. Single crystals of tungsten oxychloride Li23CuW10O40Cl5 were prepared via CuCl2 flux-growth method by two steps, which using high quality and phase-pure polycrystalline Li4WO5 as precursor. The crystal structure was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis, which indicates that Li23CuW10O40Cl5 crystallizes in P63/mcm space group (a= 1.02846(3) nm, c=1.98768(9) nm, V=1.82076(11) nm 3, and Z=2). There are crystallographically independent five Li, two W, one Cu, two Cl, and five O atoms in the unit cell, where W(1) atoms are coordinated with one Cl and five O atoms in a distorted octahedra geometry, while W(2) atoms are connected with four O atoms in a tetrahedral coordination. The Cu atoms are connected with six O atoms forming [CuO6] octahedra. Thus, the crystal structure of the titled compound consists of [CuO6] and [W(1)O5Cl] octahedra, and [W(2)O4] tetrahedra. The successful synthesis of tungsten oxychloride Li23CuW10O40Cl5 through flux-growth method is meaningful for explore new mixed anion compounds in future.Mixed anion compounds, especially their unique structures and excellent physical properties, have been extensively studied and have great applications in military and civilization. They have attracted abundant attention since the difference of electronegativities, ionic radii, polarizabilities, and oxidation states between unlike anions can generate the emergence of novel properties that differ from those with mono-type anion[1,2,3,4]. The active research of metallic mixed-anion materials with potential application in electronics, detectors of moisture, gas sensors, electrodes for solar batteries, etc. has been realized in several types of crystalline and thin film materials[5]. It is meaningful to search a suitable method to synthesize aforementioned compounds. The main hotpot to research this kind of compounds lies in how to control the arrangement of anions to refine their electronic structures, such as the two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnetism in Sr2CuO2Cl2 with trans-configuration of Cl ions in the CuO4Cl2 octahedra[6].
Recently, it has been reported that incorporation of halides into oxides can strikingly change their electronic structures and modify the physical properties[7,8]. Several novel transition-metal oxychlorides have been reported to date, such as MnSb4O6Cl2[9], PbCu2(SeO3)2Cl2[10], Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Cl[11], FeTe2O5X (X=Cl, Br)[12], SrCu2(SeO3)2Cl2[13], SmSb2O4Cl[14], and MSb2O3(OH)Cl (M=Co, Fe, Mn)[15]. Above-mentioned materials show novel structures and special magnetic properties due to their diversity structural which was more helpful to generate the magnetic ordering during low temperature. This was especially manifested in layered transition metal oxyhalide FeTe2O5X (X=Br, Cl), where the layers are built by [FeO6] octahedra, and then forming the [Fe4O16]20- units which were linked via [Te4O10X2]6- anionic groups. The magnetic properties are reported within a cluster approach of antiferromagnetically coupled tetramers including spin frustration and a ferromagnetic inter-tetramer interaction[12].
The flux method widely applied for mixed-anion crystal growth is based on metathetical reaction with appropriate metal-salts flux under mild conditions. Experimentally, zone melting and hydrothermal synthesis methods are all comparatively complex and expensive for growing single crystals, and the flux method is at present one of the most economic and convenient methods for mixed anions compounds[16]. In this study, we report the single crystal growth of tungsten oxychloride Li23CuW10O40Cl5 in copper chloride (CuCl2, melting point of 498 ℃) flux, and analyze its crystal in details.
1 Experimental
1.1 Materials and methods
Reagents were used as received: Li2CO3 (Macklin, 99.99%), WO3 (Aladdin, 99.99%), and CuCl2 (Macklin, 98%).
The tungsten oxychloride Li23CuW10O40Cl5 was synthesized through flux method in open-end quartz tubes. And the synthesis of Li23CuW10O40Cl5 adopt a two-step process. Firstly, precursor polycrystalline Li4WO5 were synthesized by reacting high-purity reagents in solid-state method. Li2CO3 and WO3 were mixed with the mole ratio of 2:1. Then these raw materials were placed in a covered alumina crucible and calcinated at 890 ℃ for 12 h as described in reference[17]. Then, single crystal of Li23CuW10O40Cl5 was grown from CuCl2 flux and precursor Li4WO5. Li4WO5 polycrystalline samples and ten times excess CuCl2 was loaded into an open-end quartz tube, and put into a vertical pit furnace. The raw mixture was heated at 873 K for 2 d, and then cooling down to 573 K with a cooling rate of 5 K/h before shutting down the furnace.
Finally, the reaction products were washed by hot demineralized water to eliminate the fluxing agents. After subsequent drying at 353 K, yellow, block shaped single crystals of the desired products were grown and suitable for subsequent single-crystal X-ray diffraction measurements.
1.2 Single-crystal structure determination
Block-shaped single crystal of Li23CuW10O40Cl5 was selected for single-crystal diffraction measurements. The R-AXIS Spider CCD diffractometer were used to collect data equipped with the graphite monochromated Mo Kα radiation (λ=0.071073 nm) at 293 K.
The structure of Li23CuW10O40Cl5 was determined through direct method and refined by full-matrix least-squared methods on F2 with SHELXL package[18]. ADDSYM/PLATON was performed to studied with the final structure for additional symmetry, and no other missed or higher symmetry was found[19]. Crystallographic data (including structure factors) for the structures in this study have been deposited with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, CCDC, 12 Union Road, Cambridge CB21EZ, UK. Copies of the data can be obtained free of charge on quoting the depository numbers CCDC-1952905.
2 Results and discussion
The tungsten oxychloride Li23CuW10O40Cl5 synthesized from CuCl2 flux in a vertical pit furnace crystallizes hexagonally in space group of P63/mcm with the unit cell parameters of a=1.02846(3) nm, c=1.98768(9) nm, and Z=2. There are crystallographically independent five Li, two W, one Cu, two Cl, and five O atoms in the unit cell, respectively, where W(1) atoms are coordinated with one Cl and five O atoms in a distorted octahedra geometry, while W(2) atoms are connected with four O atoms in a tetrahedral coordination. The Cu atoms are connected with six O atoms forming [CuO6] octahedra.
Every two W(2)O4 tetrahedra are in reverse symmetry along the c direction (Fig. 1 and 3). Three [W(1)O5Cl] octahedra are connected with each other via sharing one Cl atom, and three O atoms with [CuO6] octahedra to form the [W(1)6CuO24Cl2] unit (Fig. 2). The three-dimensional (3D) structure of Li23CuW10O40Cl5 is assembled by the [W(1)6CuO24Cl2] units sharing O and Cl atoms with Li. The Li atoms in Li23CuW10O40Cl5 present four kinds of environments (Fig. 4): Li(1) atoms are connected with two Cl atoms and four O atoms and Li(2) with one Cl atom and five O atoms, while Li(3) and Li(4) atoms are coordinated with six O atoms, and Li(5) atoms are surrounded by three Cl and four O atoms.

Figure 1.View of Li23CuW10O40Cl5 along a direction, the Li atoms are omitted for clarityCu: blue; W(1): brown; W(2): cyan; Cl: Green; O: red
![[W(1)6CuO24Cl2] unit in Li23CuW10O40Cl5Cu: blue; W(1): brown; Cl: Green; O: red](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Figure 2.[W(1)6CuO24Cl2] unit in Li23CuW10O40Cl5Cu: blue; W(1): brown; Cl: Green; O: red

Figure 3.View of Li23CuW10O40Cl5 along c axis, the Li atoms are omitted for clarityCu: blue; W(1): brown; W(2): cyan; Cl: Green; O: red

Figure 4.Coordination geometry Li atoms in Li23CuW10O40Cl5Cl: Green ball; O: red ball; Li: pink ball
In Li23CuW10O40Cl5, the W-O distances ranging from 0.1778(9) to 0.2154(5) and the bond lengths of W-Cl are 0.2141(5) nm, which are comparable to those in Ba3WO5Cl2[20], K2W3O10[21], WCl6[22], and WOCl4[23], the Cu-O distances are 0.1992(8) nm in good agreement with Ba3Cu2O4Cl2[23], and BaCuSi2O6[24], from bond valence sums (BVS, Table 3) calculations in Li23CuW10O40Cl5, Cu displays +2 formal oxidation states according to charge balance.
The Li-O and Li-Cl distances range from 0.2012(6) to 0.249(3) nm and 0.248(3) to 0.295(4) nm, which are closed to those in Li2MnCl4[25], Li2ZnCl4[26], LiWCl6[27], Li2CaTa2O7[28]. The crystallographic data and structural refinements for Li23CuW10O40Cl5 are summarized in Table 1.
Chemical formula | Li23CuW10O40Cl5 | Chemical formula | Li23CuW10O40Cl5 |
Formula weight | 2878.91 | μ/mm-1 | 32.505 |
Crystal size/mm3 | 0.162×0.115×0.090 | θrange/(°) | 3.07-25.49 |
Crystal system | Hexagonal | GOF on F2 | 1.171 |
Space group | P63/mcm | R1a [I >2s (I)] | 0.0229 |
a/nm | 1.02846(3) | wR2b [I >2s (I)] | 0.0637 |
c/nm | 1.98768(9) | R1a (all data) | 0.0232 |
V/nm3 | 1.82076(11) | wR2b(all data) | 0.0640 |
Z | 2 | Extinction coefficient | 0.00171(14) |
Dcalcd/(g·cm-3) | 5.251 | | |
Table 1.
Summary of crystallographic data and structure refinement parameters for Li23CuW10O40Cl5
Atomic coordinates and equivalent isotropic displacement parameters are listed in Table 2. Selected bond distances and atomic BVS are displayed in Table 3.
Atom | Site | x | y | z | Ueq./nm2 |
W(1) | 12k | 0.1904(1) | 0 | 0.6257(1) | 0.6(1) |
W(2) | 8h | 2/3 | 1/3 | 0.5947(1) | 0.6(1) |
Cu(1) | 2b | 0 | 0 | 1/2 | 2.0(1) |
Cl(1) | 6g | 0.4831(4) | 0.4831(4) | 3/4 | 1.6(1) |
Cl(2) | 4e | 0 | 0 | 0.6693(6) | 7.9(3) |
O(1) | 12k | 0 | 0.8520(8) | 0.5647(4) | 1.3(2) |
O(2) | 12k | 0.3077(8) | 0 | 0.5594(4) | 1.1(2) |
O(3) | 24l | 0.3150(6) | 0.1562(6) | 0.6766(3) | 1.1(1) |
O(4) | 24l | 0.5092(7) | 0.3447(6) | 0.5644(3) | 1.2(1) |
O(5) | 8h | 2/3 | 1/3 | 0.6842(5) | 1.2(2) |
Li(1) | 12j | 0.2060(40) | 0.2060(40) | 3/4 | 1.4(2) |
Li(2) | 12k | 1/2 | 1/2 | 1/2 | 2.2(6) |
Li(3) | 12i | 0.3510(20) | z0.1755(12) | 1/2 | 2.3(5) |
Li(4) | 6f | 0.3520(30) | 0.3520(30) | 0.6319(1) | 4.2(7) |
Li(5) | 6g | 0.4800(30) | 0.2210(30) | 3/4 | 2.8(5) |
Table 2.
Atomic coordinates and equivalent isotropic displacement parameters of Li23CuW10O40Cl5
Bond | Bond length/nm | Bond | Bond length/nm | Bond | Bond length/nm |
W(1)-O(3) | 0.1786(6) | Li(1)-O(3) | 0.2075(2) | Li(4)-O(4) | 0.2086(5) |
W(1)-O(3) | 0.1786(6) | Li(1)-O(3) | 0.2075(2) | Li(4)-O(4) | 0.2086(5) |
W(1)-O(2) | 0.1787(7) | Li(1)-O(5) | 0.213(2) | Li(4)-O(4) | 0.2086(5) |
W(1)-Cl(2) | 0.2141(5) | Li(1)-O(5) | 0.213(2) | Li(4)-O(4) | 0.2086(5) |
W(1)-O(1) | 0.2154(5) | Li(1)-Cl(1) | 0.248(3) | Li(4)-O(2) | 0.2303(8) |
W(1)-O(1) | 0.2154(5) | Li(1)-Cl(1) | 0.268(3) | Li(4)-O(2) | 0.2303(8) |
W(2)-O(5) | 0.1778(9) | Li(2)-O(3) | 0.2056(2) | (Li(4)-O) | 0.2158(3) |
W(2)-O(4) | 0.1785(6) | Li(2)-O(3) | 0.2056(2) | BVS | 0.096 |
W(2)-O(4) | 0.1785(6) | Li(2)-O(1) | 0.2490(3) | Li(5)-O(3) | 0.2054(8) |
W(2)-O(4) | 0.1785(6) | Li(2)-Cl(1) | 0.2710(3) | Li(5)-O(3) | 0.2054(8) |
(W(2)-O) | 0.1784(2) | Li(2)-O(4) | 0.213(2) | Li(5)-O(3) | 0.2054(8) |
BVS | 0.574 | Li(2)-O(4) | 0.213(2) | Li(5)-O(3) | 0.2054(8) |
Cu(1)-O(1) | 0.1992(8) | Li(3)-O(2) | 0.2012(6) | Li(5)-Cl(2) | 0.266(3) |
Cu(1)-O(1) | 0.1992(8) | Li(3)-O(2) | 0.2012(6) | Li(5)-Cl(2) | 0.266(3) |
Cu(1)-O(1) | 0.1992(8) | Li(3)-O(1) | 0.2346(2) | Li(5)-Cl(1) | 0.285(4) |
Cu(1)-O(1) | 0.1992(8) | Li(3)-O(1) | 0.2346(2) | | |
Cu(1)-O(1) | 0.1992(8) | Li(3)-O(4) | 0.2117(2) | | |
Cu(1)-O(1) | 0.1992(8) | Li(3)-O(4) | 0.2117(2) | | |
(Cu(1)-O) | 0.1992(8) | (Li(3)-O) | 0.2158(3) | | |
BVS | 0.250 | BVS | 0.099 | | |
Table 3.
Selected bond lengths and atomic BVS for Li23CuW10O40Cl5
3 Conclusion
In summary, new single crystals Li23CuW10O40Cl5(1) have been successfully grown by flux growth method in open-end silica tubes. The crystal structure of Li23CuW10O40Cl5 has been characterized by single crystal diffraction method. The 3D framework is built by [CuO6] octahedra, [W(1)O5Cl] octahedra and [W(2)O4] tetrahedra. The adjacent [W(1)O5Cl] octahedra are connected with each other via sharing one Cl atom, and further sharing three O atoms with [CuO6] octahedra to form the [W(1)6CuO24Cl2] unit. The successful synthesis of Li23CuW10O40Cl5 through flux-growth method is meaningful for explore new mixed anion compounds in the future work.
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