• Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
  • Vol. 59, Issue 17, 1700001 (2022)
Qianwen Ying1,2,3, Hongliang Zhang1,2,3, and Zhichao Ruan1,2,3,4,*
Author Affiliations
  • 1Interdisciplinary Center of Quantum Information, School of Physics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, Zhejiang , China
  • 2State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation, Hangzhou 310027, Zhejiang , China
  • 3Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Quantum Technology and Device, Hangzhou 310027, Zhejiang , China
  • 4College of Optical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, Zhejiang , China
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    DOI: 10.3788/LOP202259.1700001 Cite this Article Set citation alerts
    Qianwen Ying, Hongliang Zhang, Zhichao Ruan. Progress and Application of Spatial Modulation Spectroscopy Technique for Detection of Extinction Cross Section of Single Nanoparticle[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2022, 59(17): 1700001 Copy Citation Text show less
    Schematic of field propagation direction and detection area of a Gaussian beam incident on a single nanoparticle from above down
    Fig. 1. Schematic of field propagation direction and detection area of a Gaussian beam incident on a single nanoparticle from above down
    Typical example of SMS technique. (a) Schematic setup for SMS technique[33]; signal components of (b) f and (c) 2f of particles at different x,y relative to beam measured by SMS technique[19]
    Fig. 2. Typical example of SMS technique. (a) Schematic setup for SMS technique[33]; signal components of (b) f and (c) 2f of particles at different x,y relative to beam measured by SMS technique[19]
    Comparison of schematic setups for T-SMS and R-SMS. (a) T-SMS technique[33]; (b) R-SMS technique[34]
    Fig. 3. Comparison of schematic setups for T-SMS and R-SMS. (a) T-SMS technique[33]; (b) R-SMS technique[34]
    Schematic of experimental setup for modulating beam position[37]. Beam modulation is realized by changing angle at back focal plane by using a Glavo mirror; inset shows that modulation can also be achieved by an acousto-optic deflector (AOD)
    Fig. 4. Schematic of experimental setup for modulating beam position[37]. Beam modulation is realized by changing angle at back focal plane by using a Glavo mirror; inset shows that modulation can also be achieved by an acousto-optic deflector (AOD)
    Experimental schematic of modulating polarization[44]. (a) Experimental setup of rotating linear polarization of laser at ω0 and temporal modulation through a chopper at ω2; (b) spectrum of output signal where interested 4f frequency (angular frequency 4ω0) component is separated from interfering ones; (c) geometric diagram of a nanoantenna to be measured; (d) scanning electron micrograph (TEM) image of a nanoantenna
    Fig. 5. Experimental schematic of modulating polarization[44]. (a) Experimental setup of rotating linear polarization of laser at ω0 and temporal modulation through a chopper at ω2; (b) spectrum of output signal where interested 4f frequency (angular frequency 4ω0) component is separated from interfering ones; (c) geometric diagram of a nanoantenna to be measured; (d) scanning electron micrograph (TEM) image of a nanoantenna
    Schematic of ultrafast time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy for sample nonlinearity measurement[48]
    Fig. 6. Schematic of ultrafast time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy for sample nonlinearity measurement[48]
    Schematic of FT-SMS setup[62]
    Fig. 7. Schematic of FT-SMS setup[62]
    Experimental setup for separation of scattering and absorption cross section spectra using a common-path interferometer[63]
    Fig. 8. Experimental setup for separation of scattering and absorption cross section spectra using a common-path interferometer[63]
    SMS technique combined with incoherent imaging system[36]. (a) Schematic of SMS technology combined with incoherent imaging; (b), (c) comparison of stability effects of extinction cross section with and without defocus feedback
    Fig. 9. SMS technique combined with incoherent imaging system[36]. (a) Schematic of SMS technology combined with incoherent imaging; (b), (c) comparison of stability effects of extinction cross section with and without defocus feedback
    Relationship between size of nanostructure and its spectrum[79].(a)Diagram of environment-controlled Ag@SiO2 particle;(b)extinction cross section spectrum of particle measured by SMS technique;(c)linear dependence of extinction cross section spectrum Γ of small size single Ag@SiO2 particle on inverse of Deq
    Fig. 10. Relationship between size of nanostructure and its spectrum79.(a)Diagram of environment-controlled Ag@SiO2 particle;(b)extinction cross section spectrum of particle measured by SMS technique;(c)linear dependence of extinction cross section spectrum Γ of small size single Ag@SiO2 particle on inverse of Deq
    Comparison of polarized light spectra in different directions for asymmetric particles. (a) Absorption cross section spectra (approximately equal to extinction) of a single elliptic gold nanoparticle[82]; (b) extinction cross section spectra of a single gold nanorod[81]
    Fig. 11. Comparison of polarized light spectra in different directions for asymmetric particles. (a) Absorption cross section spectra (approximately equal to extinction) of a single elliptic gold nanoparticle[82]; (b) extinction cross section spectra of a single gold nanorod[81]
    Spectra comparison of bare nanorods and silicon-coated nanorods in different environments[93]
    Fig. 12. Spectra comparison of bare nanorods and silicon-coated nanorods in different environments[93]
    Relationship between extinction cross section spectrum cext and d of a pair of gold spheres (R=50 nm, light polarization along dimer axis, and refractive index of surrounding medium is 1.15) [105]
    Fig. 13. Relationship between extinction cross section spectrum cext and d of a pair of gold spheres (R=50 nm, light polarization along dimer axis, and refractive index of surrounding medium is 1.15) [105]
    SchemeModulated quantityModulation method at frequency fMeasured quantity(subscript:frequency of the component)Target quantityMeasured quantity versus target quantity
    1Particle position relative to spotVibrating samplePfσext(rigid sample)Pfσext
    Deflecting beam in rear focal planeσext(nonrigid sample)
    2Beam polarization angleRotating a λ/2 plateP4fσext,(polarization parallel to long axis of particle)P4f σext,
    Operating a photoelastic modulatorP2fP2f σext,
    3Pump-probe delay τChopping pump beamProbe beam ΔPpro,fΔσextτΔnτ(time-resolved femtosecond nonlinear)ΔPpro,fτΔσextτΔnτ
    Table 1. Major modulation schemes of SMS technique
    Qianwen Ying, Hongliang Zhang, Zhichao Ruan. Progress and Application of Spatial Modulation Spectroscopy Technique for Detection of Extinction Cross Section of Single Nanoparticle[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2022, 59(17): 1700001
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