• Advanced Photonics
  • Vol. 3, Issue 6, 065001 (2021)
Christian Schimpf†,*, Santanu Manna*, Saimon F. Covre da Silva, Maximilian Aigner, and Armando Rastelli
Author Affiliations
  • Johannes Kepler University Linz, Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics, Linz, Austria
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    DOI: 10.1117/1.AP.3.6.065001 Cite this Article Set citation alerts
    Christian Schimpf, Santanu Manna, Saimon F. Covre da Silva, Maximilian Aigner, Armando Rastelli, "Entanglement-based quantum key distribution with a blinking-free quantum dot operated at a temperature up to 20 K," Adv. Photon. 3, 065001 (2021) Copy Citation Text show less
    Photoluminescence properties of GaAs QDs in a p-i-n diode structure at a temperature of 20 K, excited by resonant TPE. (a) p-i-n diode structure with a tunnel barrier between the n-doped and the intrinsic regions. The inset shows the principle of TPE, with EP the laser energy, EB the biexciton (XX) binding energy, and S the exciton (X) FSS. (b) Emission spectra at TPE conditions when sweeping the diode voltage VP in forward bias. The inset shows the diode current I over VP. The white-dashed line indicates VP,0=0.3 V, at which the diode is operated during the QKD experiment. (c) Emission at VP=VP,0. (d) Second-order correlation function g(2) of the X signal with a time-bin of 1 μs at VP=VP,0. The g(2) is shown for the QD in the diode structure (red), indicating an on-time fraction of β=1.00(2) and a QD without diode (black, dashed) with a typical value of β≈0.3. (e) Wavelength shift and β for different deviations δVP=VP−VP,0. The blue-dashed line indicates a value of β corresponding to no blinking.
    Fig. 1. Photoluminescence properties of GaAs QDs in a p-i-n diode structure at a temperature of 20 K, excited by resonant TPE. (a) p-i-n diode structure with a tunnel barrier between the n-doped and the intrinsic regions. The inset shows the principle of TPE, with EP the laser energy, EB the biexciton (XX) binding energy, and S the exciton (X) FSS. (b) Emission spectra at TPE conditions when sweeping the diode voltage VP in forward bias. The inset shows the diode current I over VP. The white-dashed line indicates VP,0=0.3  V, at which the diode is operated during the QKD experiment. (c) Emission at VP=VP,0. (d) Second-order correlation function g(2) of the X signal with a time-bin of 1  μs at VP=VP,0. The g(2) is shown for the QD in the diode structure (red), indicating an on-time fraction of β=1.00(2) and a QD without diode (black, dashed) with a typical value of β0.3. (e) Wavelength shift and β for different deviations δVP=VPVP,0. The blue-dashed line indicates a value of β corresponding to no blinking.
    Emission properties relevant for the polarization entanglement, measured at a temperature of 20 K. (a) Spectra of the individually filtered XX and X emission lines combined at a 50:50 fiber beam splitter. (b) Single-photon emission characteristics of the XX and X signals observed by detecting coincidences in a Hanbury–Brown–Twiss arrangement. The histogram for the X emission is shifted horizontally and vertically to facilitate reading. (c) Decay dynamics of the XX and X signals. The X signal exhibits a slow secondary decay channel, which is not present at temperatures lower than 10 K. (d) Examples among the 36 recorded coincidence histograms between the XX and X detections, corresponding to a measurement in the HV basis. The red-dashed lines indicate the time-bin of 2 ns, in which the coincidences are summed up to calculate the peak areas. (e) Unpolarized coincidence measurement between the XX and X photons. The excess coincidences at zero time delay stem from a nonunity photon-pair generation probability. (f) Density matrix of the two-photon polarization entangled state of the XX and X photons, recorded by full state tomography.
    Fig. 2. Emission properties relevant for the polarization entanglement, measured at a temperature of 20 K. (a) Spectra of the individually filtered XX and X emission lines combined at a 50:50 fiber beam splitter. (b) Single-photon emission characteristics of the XX and X signals observed by detecting coincidences in a Hanbury–Brown–Twiss arrangement. The histogram for the X emission is shifted horizontally and vertically to facilitate reading. (c) Decay dynamics of the XX and X signals. The X signal exhibits a slow secondary decay channel, which is not present at temperatures lower than 10 K. (d) Examples among the 36 recorded coincidence histograms between the XX and X detections, corresponding to a measurement in the HV basis. The red-dashed lines indicate the time-bin of 2 ns, in which the coincidences are summed up to calculate the peak areas. (e) Unpolarized coincidence measurement between the XX and X photons. The excess coincidences at zero time delay stem from a nonunity photon-pair generation probability. (f) Density matrix of the two-photon polarization entangled state of the XX and X photons, recorded by full state tomography.
    Key generation in the BBM92 protocol over a time span of about 8 h and entanglement-based QKD. (a) QKD arrangement. Alice and the photon source are situated on an optical table, and Bob is placed in a movable box on a table in another building and connected with the source via a 350-m long single mode fiber. (b) QBER during the key generation with an average of 8.42%. The red-dashed line marks the maximum allowed QBER for BBM92 in the infinite key regime. (c) Raw key rate (after key sifting) with an average of 54.8 bits/s. (d) Encryption of a bitmap with the dimensions of 67×70 pixels and a color-depth of 4 bits, resulting in a total size of about 2.4 kilobytes. The encryption with Alice’s key yields a scrambled message ready to be sent over a public channel. (e) Decryption at Bob’s site when using an uncorrected key (left) and a corrected key (right).
    Fig. 3. Key generation in the BBM92 protocol over a time span of about 8 h and entanglement-based QKD. (a) QKD arrangement. Alice and the photon source are situated on an optical table, and Bob is placed in a movable box on a table in another building and connected with the source via a 350-m long single mode fiber. (b) QBER during the key generation with an average of 8.42%. The red-dashed line marks the maximum allowed QBER for BBM92 in the infinite key regime. (c) Raw key rate (after key sifting) with an average of 54.8  bits/s. (d) Encryption of a bitmap with the dimensions of 67×70  pixels and a color-depth of 4 bits, resulting in a total size of about 2.4 kilobytes. The encryption with Alice’s key yields a scrambled message ready to be sent over a public channel. (e) Decryption at Bob’s site when using an uncorrected key (left) and a corrected key (right).
    Temperature5 K20 K
    Lifetime (ps)238(3)116(2)252(9)72(3)
    Pair generation efficiency0.91(2)0.87(2)
    FSS (μeV)1.13(7)0.96(9)
    Calculated concurrencea0.9050.900
    Measured concurrence0.904(3)0.713(8)
    Calculated fidelity to |ϕ+a0.9590.960
    Measured fidelity to |ϕ+0.975(1)0.925(2)
    Table 1. Summarized emitter performance for two representative QDs in a diode structure excited by TPE, measured at temperatures of 5 K and 20 K, respectively.
    Christian Schimpf, Santanu Manna, Saimon F. Covre da Silva, Maximilian Aigner, Armando Rastelli, "Entanglement-based quantum key distribution with a blinking-free quantum dot operated at a temperature up to 20 K," Adv. Photon. 3, 065001 (2021)
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