Da Xu, Zi-Zhao Han, Yu-Kun Lu, Qihuang Gong, Cheng-Wei Qiu, Gang Chen, Yun-Feng Xiao, "Synchronization and temporal nonreciprocity of optical microresonators via spontaneous symmetry breaking," Adv. Photon. 1, 046002 (2019)

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- Advanced Photonics
- Vol. 1, Issue 4, 046002 (2019)

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the system. (a) Two detuned and self-sustained optical microcavities with different resonant frequencies, and , which are directly coupled at strength . (b)–(d) Frequency spectra of the coupled cavities, showing three different long-term states: unsynchronized, limit cycle (LC), and synchronized (Sync.). Light blue represents the noise backgrounds from which the first- and second-order synchronizations are distinguished.

Fig. 2. Long-term evolutions of the two cavity modes under different coupling strengths. Three different categories are shown: (a) the unsynchronized ( ), (b) limit cycle ( ), and (c) synchronized states ( ). (a1)–(c1) Phase difference; (a2)–(c2) transient frequencies; (a3)–(c3) trajectory encircling types (black cross as the axis); and (a4)–(c4) dynamical potential near the synchrony point. In all figures, the given detuning and Kerr factor .

Fig. 3. Parameter dependence of the synchronization. (a), (b) Maximum of the frequency differences, , versus the coupling strength , with ( , ) in (a) and ( , ) in (b); inset shows the derivative. (c) Phase diagram in the plane with the Kerr factor . The inaccessible (gray), limit cycle (dark blue), and synchronized (light blue) regimes are marked. The red cross stands for the triple phase point . (d) The triple phase point depending on the Kerr factor .

Fig. 4. Hysteresis behavior in frequency difference. (a), (b) Frequency differences versus the evolution time in the first- and second-order transition regimes. Insets: the real-time evolution of the coupling strength . (c), (d) Maxima of the frequency differences, versus . For each plot, the Kerr factor ; the detuning in (a) and (c), and in (b) and (d).

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