Zhiyong Tao, jie Li, Xiaoliang Tang. Texture Images Classification Algorithm Combining Wavelet Transform and Capsule Network[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2020, 57(24): 241002

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- Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
- Vol. 57, Issue 24, 241002 (2020)

Fig. 1. Structure of matrix capsule network

Fig. 2. Structure of wavelet capsule network

Fig. 3. KTH data set

Fig. 4. KTD data set

Fig. 5. UIUC data set

Fig. 6. Classification accuracies of DWTCapsNet on different texture data sets. (a) Train set; (b) test set

Fig. 7. Visualization of DWTCapsNet output feature

Fig. 8. Images after adding different levels of Gaussian noise

Fig. 9. Classification accuracies of wavelet capsule network at different noise levels (KTH dataset)
Table 1. Structural parameter of wavelet capsule network
Table 2. Division of different data sets
Table 3. Classification accuracies of different texture classification algorithms
Table 4. Classification accuracies of DWTCapsNet on color and gray texture images unit: %
Table 5. Classification result of DWTDenseNet unit: %
Table 6. Classification result of DenseCapsNet unit: %
Table 7. Classification accuracy of wavelet capsule network on rotating image data set

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