Chunting Li, Youyou Zhang, Huazhou Chen, Jie Gu, Lina Mo, Xiaoyu Li. Near-Infrared Spectral Waveband Selection for Soil Potassium Content Based on Simulated Annealing[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2022, 59(13): 1330002

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- Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
- Vol. 59, Issue 13, 1330002 (2022)

Fig. 1. NIR spectra of 135 soil samples. (a) Raw spectra; (b) spectra obtained after preprocessing

Fig. 2. corresponding to the optimal feature waveband of different models

Fig. 3. Iterative optimization process of the SA-iPLS model. (a) N=60; (b) N=70; (c) N=80; (d) N=90; (e) N=100

Fig. 4. Optimal feature waveband selected by SA-iPLS model (N=90)

Fig. 5. Prediction results of SA-iPLS for the test samples
Table 1. Mass fraction of potassium element in the sample set
Table 2. Optimal characteristic bands screened by different models
Table 3. Modeling results of different models

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