• Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
  • Vol. 55, Issue 3, 030007 (2018)
Jiaqi Chen, Guoqiu Yuan, Meng Wang, and Min Cao*
Author Affiliations
  • School of Science, Nantong University, Nantong, Jiangsu 226019, China
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    DOI: 10.3788/LOP55.030007 Cite this Article Set citation alerts
    Jiaqi Chen, Guoqiu Yuan, Meng Wang, Min Cao. Advances in Directional Control of Surface Plasmon Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2018, 55(3): 030007 Copy Citation Text show less
    Schematic of a nanoshell SPASER where the gain medium is (a) outside of and (b) inside the shell, on the background of the dipole mode field[44]
    Fig. 1. Schematic of a nanoshell SPASER where the gain medium is (a) outside of and (b) inside the shell, on the background of the dipole mode field[44]
    Schematic of the spasing process[44]
    Fig. 2. Schematic of the spasing process[44]
    (a) Light radiation from a silver semishell-capped SPASER nanocavity[60]; (b) polar plot of the intensities of power flow patterns at various θinc
    Fig. 3. (a) Light radiation from a silver semishell-capped SPASER nanocavity[60]; (b) polar plot of the intensities of power flow patterns at various θinc
    (a) Schematics of the experimental configuration with the STM tip above the nanoparticle (NP) on the ITO-coated substrate[82]; (b) STM image of the NP (tip positions: numbered 1 to 4)
    Fig. 4. (a) Schematics of the experimental configuration with the STM tip above the nanoparticle (NP) on the ITO-coated substrate[82]; (b) STM image of the NP (tip positions: numbered 1 to 4)
    Polar plots of the intensity versus polar angle θ, corresponding to positions of the tip in Fig. 4 (b) with experimental (filled curve) and theoretical (red line) data[82]
    Fig. 5. Polar plots of the intensity versus polar angle θ, corresponding to positions of the tip in Fig. 4 (b) with experimental (filled curve) and theoretical (red line) data[82]
    Angular dependence of far-field scattering pattern from semishell-capped plasmon modes on glass substrates[84]. (a) Scattering of S-polarized light by an upright semishell-capped; (b) P-polarized light incident on a semishell-capped excites both the transverse and the axial plasmon modes
    Fig. 6. Angular dependence of far-field scattering pattern from semishell-capped plasmon modes on glass substrates[84]. (a) Scattering of S-polarized light by an upright semishell-capped; (b) P-polarized light incident on a semishell-capped excites both the transverse and the axial plasmon modes
    (a) Qualitative orientation of surface charge on the semishell-capped and the image charge within the substrate for the experimental polarization of incident light[84]. The green arrows depict the orientation of the effective dipole moment of the semishell-capped p, and the image charge distribution p'; (b) the angular distribution of scatter light in polar coordinates
    Fig. 7. (a) Qualitative orientation of surface charge on the semishell-capped and the image charge within the substrate for the experimental polarization of incident light[84]. The green arrows depict the orientation of the effective dipole moment of the semishell-capped p, and the image charge distribution p'; (b) the angular distribution of scatter light in polar coordinates
    (a) Schematic of a silver nanocube situated on a gold film separated by a spacer layer containing fluorescent material[87]. The red cone indicates the directionality of the enhanced emission originating from the nanogap region; (b) transmission electron microscopy images of a single silver nanocube; (c) schematic cross-section of a film-coupled silver nanocube; (d) simulated (black) and measured (red) radiation pattern from a single nanoscale patch antenna
    Fig. 8. (a) Schematic of a silver nanocube situated on a gold film separated by a spacer layer containing fluorescent material[87]. The red cone indicates the directionality of the enhanced emission originating from the nanogap region; (b) transmission electron microscopy images of a single silver nanocube; (c) schematic cross-section of a film-coupled silver nanocube; (d) simulated (black) and measured (red) radiation pattern from a single nanoscale patch antenna
    (a) and (b) A single quantum dot is positioned at the end of a metal nanowire[93]; (c) and (d) angular radiation patterns of an electric point dipole and a point quadrupole oriented parallel to the longitudinal axis of the antenna above a glass substrate
    Fig. 9. (a) and (b) A single quantum dot is positioned at the end of a metal nanowire[93]; (c) and (d) angular radiation patterns of an electric point dipole and a point quadrupole oriented parallel to the longitudinal axis of the antenna above a glass substrate
    Large-area lattice plasmon lasers[102]
    Fig. 10. Large-area lattice plasmon lasers[102]
    The lasing SPASER consists of a gain medium slab (green) supporting a regular array of metallic asymmetrically-split ring resonators[107]
    Fig. 11. The lasing SPASER consists of a gain medium slab (green) supporting a regular array of metallic asymmetrically-split ring resonators[107]
    (a) Schematics of plasmonic emitting light injected in a light guide with index n3111; (b) diagram of energy versus two-dimensional parallel wave vector; (c) horizontal cross section corresponding to the emission light energy in Fig. 12(b)
    Fig. 12. (a) Schematics of plasmonic emitting light injected in a light guide with index n3111; (b) diagram of energy versus two-dimensional parallel wave vector; (c) horizontal cross section corresponding to the emission light energy in Fig. 12(b)
    (a) Configuration of the SPASER device[118]. The system is composed of a periodic hole array covered by a thin layer of dye film; spatial distribution of the lasing emission observed in periodic holes along (b) horizontal and (c) vertical directions. The insert shows the schematic of the divergence angles θ and φ
    Fig. 13. (a) Configuration of the SPASER device[118]. The system is composed of a periodic hole array covered by a thin layer of dye film; spatial distribution of the lasing emission observed in periodic holes along (b) horizontal and (c) vertical directions. The insert shows the schematic of the divergence angles θ and φ
    Jiaqi Chen, Guoqiu Yuan, Meng Wang, Min Cao. Advances in Directional Control of Surface Plasmon Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2018, 55(3): 030007
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