• Acta Physica Sinica
  • Vol. 69, Issue 11, 112801-1 (2020)
Li Deng1,2, Rui Li2,*, Xin Wang2, and Yuan-Guang Fu2
Author Affiliations
  • 1Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics (IAPCM), Beijing 100094, China
  • 2CAEP Software Centre for High Performance Numerical Simulation (CAEP-SCNS), Beijing 100088, China
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    DOI: 10.7498/aps.69.20200279 Cite this Article
    Li Deng, Rui Li, Xin Wang, Yuan-Guang Fu. Monte Carlo simulation technology based on characteristic γ-ray spectrum analysis[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2020, 69(11): 112801-1 Copy Citation Text show less
    The timing diagram of neutron induced inelastic γ and capture γ in C/O well-logging.
    Fig. 1. The timing diagram of neutron induced inelastic γ and capture γ in C/O well-logging.
    Sketch of luggage model.
    Fig. 2. Sketch of luggage model.
    Comparison of calculated result about energy spectra of secondary γ: (a) JMCT primary line γ; (b) JMCT Compton γ; (c) JMCT total γ; (d) MCNP total γ.
    Fig. 3. Comparison of calculated result about energy spectra of secondary γ: (a) JMCT primary line γ; (b) JMCT Compton γ; (c) JMCT total γ; (d) MCNP total γ.
    Comparison of secondary γ-fluent tine spectrum between JMCT and MCNP.
    Fig. 4. Comparison of secondary γ-fluent tine spectrum between JMCT and MCNP.
    元素反应类型特征γ 谱线能量/MeV
    N辐射俘获非弹性散射1.8848, 5.2692, 5.5534, 6.3224, 7.2991, 10.8290, 2.3128, 4.4444, 5.1059, 7.0280
    O非弹性散射2.7419, 3.6841, 6.1310, 6.9170, 7.1190
    F非弹性散射0.1090, 0.1971, 1.2358, 1.3480, 1.3565
    P辐射俘获非弹性散射2.1542, 3.5228, 3.9003, 4.6713, 6.7853, 1.2661, 2.2334
    S辐射俘获0.8411, 2.3797, 2.9311, 3.2208, 4.4308, 4.8698, 5.4205,
    Cl辐射俘获0.5167, 0.7884, 1.1647, 1.9509, 1.9591, 2.8639, 5.7153, 6.1109, 6.6195, 7.4138
    As辐射俘获非弹性散射6.2941, 6.8094, 7.0192, 0.2646, 0.2795, 0.5725
    Al辐射俘获非弹性散射0.9840, 2.9598, 4.1329, 4.2522, 7.7239, 0.8438, 1.0144, 2.2118
    Fe辐射俘获非弹性散射0.3522, 1.7251, 5.9203, 6.0185, 7.6311, 7.6455, 8.8860, 9.2980, 0.8468, 1.2383, 1.4082, 1.8105, 2.1129, 2.5985
    Table 1. Energy of spectrum line from inelastic γ and capture γ about H, C, N, O, etc.
    元素TNT沙林/GB神经性 毒气/VX 芥子气/HD孁烂性 毒气/L
    Table 2. Weight percentage of elements in some spirited detonators (TNT) and chemical weapons.
    程序原级线 光子 原级连续 光子 散射光子Jγ光子流 偏差/%
    注: 偏差 = [Jγ(JMCT) – Jγ(MCNP)]/ Jγ(MCNP).
    Table 3. Comparison of calculated results about secondary γ between JMCT and MCNP.
    注: 偏差 = [Jγ(JMCT) – Jγ(MCNP)]/ Jγ(MCNP).
    H3.02643 × 10–1100.56
    C1.77077 × 10–7360.49
    N1.11146 × 10–7230.12
    O2.03254 × 10–7410.18
    Table 4. Count and percentage of prompt γ from H, C, N and O.
    Li Deng, Rui Li, Xin Wang, Yuan-Guang Fu. Monte Carlo simulation technology based on characteristic γ-ray spectrum analysis[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2020, 69(11): 112801-1
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