• Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
  • Vol. 58, Issue 4, 0400003 (2021)
Changyou Chen and Jiansheng Yang*
Author Affiliations
  • College of Electrical Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025, China
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    DOI: 10.3788/LOP202158.0400003 Cite this Article Set citation alerts
    Changyou Chen, Jiansheng Yang. Review on Smoke Detection Algorithms for Video Images[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2021, 58(4): 0400003 Copy Citation Text show less
    Flow chart of smoke detection for video images
    Fig. 1. Flow chart of smoke detection for video images
    Discrete diagram for estimating smoke motion direction [52]
    Fig. 2. Discrete diagram for estimating smoke motion direction [52]
    Examples for smoke detection under different scenes[15]
    Fig. 3. Examples for smoke detection under different scenes[15]
    Smoke detection based on multi-feature fusion
    Fig. 4. Smoke detection based on multi-feature fusion
    Metric parameterFormula
    EntropyE=-a=0N1-1Qa(ln Qa)
    Standard deviationσ=1N1a=0N1-1x1(a)-μ2
    Table 1. Formulas for calculating statistical metric parameters of texture features
    Table 2. Statistical parameters for characterizing GLCM[32]
    MethodPre-processingSmoke featureClassificationAccuracy/%Falsepositive/%Falsenegative/%
    Method inRef. [57]Color segmentation techniqueTexture, energy, and motionNeural network(NN)80--
    Method inRef. [15]Color segmentation techniqueEnergy and textureSVM96.293.711.74
    Method inRef. [5]Motion segmentation techniqueColor , fuzzy feature, shape irregularity, and motionPSO-SVM97.162.84-
    Method inRef. [52]Motion segmentation techniqueColor, texture, energy, HOG feature, shape irregularity, and motionAdaBoost-RBFSVM91.250.31-
    Method inRef. [67]Motion segmentation techniqueShape irregularity, diffusion property, and textureANFIS-Bayes-MR99.091.94-
    Table 3. Smoke detection algorithm for video images
    ReferenceNetwork modelAccuracy/%False positive/%
    Method in Ref. [89]Deep normalization and CNN(14 layers)97.520.6
    Method in Ref. [90]RCNN+3D CNN95.230.39
    Method in Ref. [91]CNN(AlexNet)99.440.44
    Method in Ref. [92]CaffeNet CNN981.7
    Method in Ref. [93]DN-CNN96.370.60
    Method in Ref. [87]YOLOv294.75.2
    Method in Ref. [87]GMM+YOLOv298.10.8
    Table 4. Smoke detection results for video images based on different deep learning network models