Ziwen Wu, Xiaodong Qiu, Lixiang Chen. Current Status and Prospect for Correlated Imaging Technique[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2020, 57(6): 060001

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- Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
- Vol. 57, Issue 6, 060001 (2020)
![Schematic of entangled two-photon correlated imaging[6]](/richHtml/lop/2020/57/6/060001/img_1.jpg)
Fig. 1. Schematic of entangled two-photon correlated imaging[6]
![Klyshko geometric optical path diagram[6]](/richHtml/lop/2020/57/6/060001/img_2.jpg)
Fig. 2. Klyshko geometric optical path diagram[6]
![Experimental results of correlated imaging. (a) Object in the signal beam; (b) counts rate as a function of the fiber tip's transverse plane coordinates[6]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 3. Experimental results of correlated imaging. (a) Object in the signal beam; (b) counts rate as a function of the fiber tip's transverse plane coordinates[6]
![Experimental setup of the violation of Bell inequality[18]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 4. Experimental setup of the violation of Bell inequality[18]
![Experimental result of violation of Bell inequality (sinusoidal patterns of coincidence counts when orientations of phase filter in reference optical path are 0°, 45°, 90°, and 135°, respectively[18])](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 5. Experimental result of violation of Bell inequality (sinusoidal patterns of coincidence counts when orientations of phase filter in reference optical path are 0°, 45°, 90°, and 135°, respectively[18])
![Experimental setup of imaging with less photons[20]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 6. Experimental setup of imaging with less photons[20]
![Reconstructed images of a wasp wing. (a) Image of wasp wing using 40419 detected photons; (b) reconstructed image corresponding to Fig. 7(a) when λ=5; (c) image of the same wasp wing using 738298 detected photons; (d) reconstructed image corresponding to Fig. 7(c) when λ=10[20]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 7. Reconstructed images of a wasp wing. (a) Image of wasp wing using 40419 detected photons; (b) reconstructed image corresponding to Fig. 7 (a) when λ=5; (c) image of the same wasp wing using 738298 detected photons; (d) reconstructed image corresponding to Fig. 7 (c) when λ=10[20]
![Setup of photon-sparse microscopy experiment[25]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 8. Setup of photon-sparse microscopy experiment[25]
![Result of photon-sparse microscopy experiment[25]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 9. Result of photon-sparse microscopy experiment[25]
![Experimental setup of quantum digital spiral imaging[29]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 10. Experimental setup of quantum digital spiral imaging[29]
![Results of quantum digital spiral imaging[29] for different fractional topological charges. (a) M=-1/2; (b) M=-2/3; (c) M=-5/2; (d) M=-8/3](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 11. Results of quantum digital spiral imaging[29] for different fractional topological charges. (a) M=-1/2; (b) M=-2/3; (c) M=-5/2; (d) M=-8/3
![HBT interferometry with vortex light. (a) Experimental setup; (b) hologram displayed on SLM; (c) pseudothermal beam[56]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 12. HBT interferometry with vortex light. (a) Experimental setup; (b) hologram displayed on SLM; (c) pseudothermal beam[56]
![Experimental results of HBT interferometry with vortex light under different coherent degrees. (a)-(d) first-order Young interference; (e)-(h) second-order HBT interference[56]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 13. Experimental results of HBT interferometry with vortex light under different coherent degrees. (a)-(d) first-order Young interference; (e)-(h) second-order HBT interference[56]
![Experimental setup of 3D full-color computational correlated imaging[66]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 14. Experimental setup of 3D full-color computational correlated imaging[66]
![Experimental results of 3D full-color computational correlated imaging. (a) Full-color reconstruction; (b) red reconstruction; (c) green reconstruction; (d) blue reconstruction[66]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 15. Experimental results of 3D full-color computational correlated imaging. (a) Full-color reconstruction; (b) red reconstruction; (c) green reconstruction; (d) blue reconstruction[66]
![Reflection confocal microscopy (RCM) scans for different onion-skin samples. (a) Untreated onion-skin; (b) onion-skin incubated for 48 h in solution of pegylated gold nanoparticles; (c) onion-skin incubated for 48 h in solution of solid gold nanoparticles with bovine serum albumin (BSA) attached to them[130]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 16. Reflection confocal microscopy (RCM) scans for different onion-skin samples. (a) Untreated onion-skin; (b) onion-skin incubated for 48 h in solution of pegylated gold nanoparticles; (c) onion-skin incubated for 48 h in solution of solid gold nanoparticles with bovine serum albumin (BSA) attached to them[130]
![Experimental setup of quantum pattern recognition[132]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 17. Experimental setup of quantum pattern recognition[132]
![Experimental results for human face recognition[132]](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Fig. 18. Experimental results for human face recognition[132]

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