• Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
  • Vol. 56, Issue 11, 110003 (2019)
Lin Han1,*, Yige Lin2, Jing Yang1, Yingjie Lan1..., Ye Li2, Xiaojun Wang1, Yong Bo1 and Qinjun Peng1|Show fewer author(s)
Author Affiliations
  • 1 Research Center of Laser Physics and Technology, Key Laboratory of Functional Crystal and Laser Technology, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
  • 2 Time and Frequency Division, National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China
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    DOI: 10.3788/LOP56.110003 Cite this Article Set citation alerts
    Lin Han, Yige Lin, Jing Yang, Yingjie Lan, Ye Li, Xiaojun Wang, Yong Bo, Qinjun Peng. Research and Development on Laser Frequency Stabilization Based on Spectral Hole-Burning Effect[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2019, 56(11): 110003 Copy Citation Text show less
    Diagram of spectral hole-burning
    Fig. 1. Diagram of spectral hole-burning
    Diagram of interaction between incident laser and spectral hole-burning. (a) Laser frequency equal to central frequency of spectral hole-burning; (b) laser frequency higher than central frequency of spectral hole-burning; (c) laser frequency lower than central frequency of spectral hole-burning
    Fig. 2. Diagram of interaction between incident laser and spectral hole-burning. (a) Laser frequency equal to central frequency of spectral hole-burning; (b) laser frequency higher than central frequency of spectral hole-burning; (c) laser frequency lower than central frequency of spectral hole-burning
    Energy-level structure of ions for spectral hole-burning
    Fig. 3. Energy-level structure of ions for spectral hole-burning
    Experimental setup of laser frequency stabilization based on spectral hole-burning effect
    Fig. 4. Experimental setup of laser frequency stabilization based on spectral hole-burning effect
    Experimental setup of laser frequency stabilization based on spectral hole-burning effect with pre-stabilization on F-P cavity
    Fig. 5. Experimental setup of laser frequency stabilization based on spectral hole-burning effect with pre-stabilization on F-P cavity
    IonLockedwavelength /nmEnergy-level-transitionHostmaterial
    Table 1. Materials for laser frequency stabilization based on spectral hole-burning effect in cryogenic rare-earth-ion-doped crystals
    YearTeamLaserStabilizationwavelength /nmSpectral Hole-burningmaterialResultMethod
    1999Montana StateUniversity, USAExternal cavitydiode laser798Tm3+∶CaF2Allandeviation of 780±120 Hzfor 20-50 ms integration timeRef. [19]
    2000Montana StateUniversity, USAExternal cavitydiode lasers793Tm3+∶Y3Al5O12Stabilization to 20 Hz on10 ms time scaleRef. [20]
    2001Montana StateUniversity, USADiode lasers1536Er3+∶Y2SiO5Allandeviation of 500 Hzfor 2 ms integration time drift of7 kHz/min over several minutesRef. [21],[22], [23]
    2002Montana StateUniversity, USADiode lasers1537Er3+∶KTP200 Hz at 1.5 μm and independentto 20 Hz at 793 nm over10 ms integration timeRef. [24]
    2003Montana StateUniversity, USADiode lasers1523Er3+∶D2 ∶CaF2Frequency stability of 2 kHzto 680 Hz over 20 ms to 500 sintegration timeRef. [25]
    2007Lund Institute ofTechnology, SwedenDye lasers606Pr3+∶Y2SiO5Frequency stability of1 kHz over 10 μs time scaletogether with long-term frequencydrift below 1 kHz/sRef. [17]
    2007Montana StateUniversity, USASingle-frequencydiode lasers1530.4Er3+∶LiYF4Allan deviation of 1.5 kHzover 0.05-50 s integration times,with laser frequency drift reducedto less than 1.4 kHz/minRef. [26]
    2011National Instituteof Standards andTechnology, USADye lasers580Eu3+∶Y2SiO5Allan deviation of≤6×10-16 for 2 s≤t≤8 sintegration timeRef. [14]
    2013National Instituteof Standardsand Technology(NIST), USADye lasers580Eu3+∶Y2SiO5Short-term frequencystability of 7×10-16τ-1/2that averages down to@204 s integration timeRef. [28]
    2015National Instituteof Standards andTechnology(NIST), USADye lasers580Eu3+∶Y2SiO5Fractional frequencyinstability of 1×10-15τ-1/2that averages to @73 sintegration timeRef. [39]
    2017PSL ResearchUniversity,FranceExternal cavity diodelasers + frequencydoubling in PPLN580Eu3+∶Y2SiO5Fractional frequencystability of 2×10-14 from1 to 100 s integration timeRef. [40]
    Table 2. Research progress on laser frequency stabilization based on spectral hole-burning effect in cryogenic rare- earth-ion-doped crystals
    Lin Han, Yige Lin, Jing Yang, Yingjie Lan, Ye Li, Xiaojun Wang, Yong Bo, Qinjun Peng. Research and Development on Laser Frequency Stabilization Based on Spectral Hole-Burning Effect[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2019, 56(11): 110003
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