• Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
  • Vol. 59, Issue 23, 2320003 (2022)
Jing Zhang, Wenqing Li*, Yang Cao, Xiaofeng Peng, and Fangding Du
Author Affiliations
  • School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China
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    DOI: 10.3788/LOP2022059.2320003 Cite this Article Set citation alerts
    Jing Zhang, Wenqing Li, Yang Cao, Xiaofeng Peng, Fangding Du. Performance Analysis of SCB-Spinal Code in Free-Space Optical Communication[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2022, 59(23): 2320003 Copy Citation Text show less
    FSO system model of SCB-Spinal codes
    Fig. 1. FSO system model of SCB-Spinal codes
    Encoding structure of Spinal code
    Fig. 2. Encoding structure of Spinal code
    Segmentation and traditional schemes
    Fig. 3. Segmentation and traditional schemes
    CRC scheme with 4 segments
    Fig. 4. CRC scheme with 4 segments
    Encoding structure of SCB-Spinal code
    Fig. 5. Encoding structure of SCB-Spinal code
    Decoding tree of SCB-Spinal
    Fig. 6. Decoding tree of SCB-Spinal
    Complexity of different scheme in weak turbulence
    Fig. 7. Complexity of different scheme in weak turbulence
    Complexity of different scheme in moderate turbulence
    Fig. 8. Complexity of different scheme in moderate turbulence
    Complexity of different scheme in strong turbulence
    Fig. 9. Complexity of different scheme in strong turbulence
    Rate performance of SCB-Spinal and traditional Spinal code
    Fig. 10. Rate performance of SCB-Spinal and traditional Spinal code
    Bit error rate performance under different turbulence intensities and schemes
    Fig. 11. Bit error rate performance under different turbulence intensities and schemes

    Algorithm 1


    2:while i=1S-1 do  #decoding segment by segment;

    3:   Dn-m/kS

    4:    for j=1 to D do

    5:     calculate B2k nodes and sort them;

    6:      PATHthe best B paths;

    7:    end for

    8:    for z=1 to B do

    9:     if CRC PASS

    10:       save the path

    11:    else

    12:      delete

    13:   end for

    14:    if CRC all failed

    15:       declare a decoding failure and feedback ACK message to the sender

    16:   end if

    17:for i=1 tom+p/kdo

    18:  calculate B2k nodes and sort them;

    19:  calculate adjoint matrix

    20:  if adjoint matrix check is 0

    21:    return the path

    22:  else

    23:   calculate error locating polynomial σ(x) and error correction

    24:  end if

    25:    if adjoint matrix check is 0

    26:     return the path

    27:    else

    28:     declare a decoding failure

    Table 0. [in Chinese]
    Wavelength /nm1550
    Air fluctuation-distributionGamma-Gamma
    Transmission distance /km2
    Turbulence intensity0.2,1.6,3.5
    Table 1. Simulation parameters
    Jing Zhang, Wenqing Li, Yang Cao, Xiaofeng Peng, Fangding Du. Performance Analysis of SCB-Spinal Code in Free-Space Optical Communication[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2022, 59(23): 2320003
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