Pengfei Huang, Xiangbing Kong, Haitao Jing. Improved Hyperspectral Unmixed Initialization Method Based on Non-Negative Matrix Factorization[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2020, 57(6): 061020

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- Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
- Vol. 57, Issue 6, 061020 (2020)

Fig. 1. Initialization flow chart of IISSF

Fig. 2. Segmentation image and confidence index. (a) Segmentation image; (b) confidence index

Fig. 3. Endmember spectra. (a) Acmite; (b) Alunite; (c) Ammonio; (d) Analcime; (e) Andalusite

Fig. 4. Endmember abundance

Fig. 5. Cuprite Image

Fig. 6. Endmember abundance estimated by RESGSNMF. (a) Sphene; (b) Pyrope; (c) Alunite; (d) Muscovite; (e) Kaolinite_2; (f) Chalcedony; (g) Dumortierite; (h) Montmorillonite; (i) Kaolinite_1; (j) Andradite; (k) Nontronite; (l) Buddingtonite

Fig. 7. RMSE of reconstructed image
Table 1. RMSE at different SNR
Table 2. SAD at different SNR
Table 3. SAD of 12 kinds of endmembers for different methods
Table 4. Running time of four different methods

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