Borui Yang, Li Zhao, Ying Lu. PLC and VLC Cascade Communication System Based on CNDM-OFDM[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2022, 59(23): 2306002

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- Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
- Vol. 59, Issue 23, 2306002 (2022)
![Structure of the PLC-VLC cascade system based on CNDM-OFDM[8]](/richHtml/lop/2022/59/23/2306002/img_01.jpg)
Fig. 1. Structure of the PLC-VLC cascade system based on CNDM-OFDM[8]

Fig. 2. Geometric model of the indoor PLC-VLC system

Fig. 3. Cascade signal transmission model of PLC-VLC based on DCO-OFDM

Fig. 4. Frame structure of multi-segment joint control signal

Fig. 5. Training structure of the OFDM

Fig. 6. Frequency response characteristics of PLC channel

Fig. 7. Frequency response characteristics of VLC channel

Fig. 8. Frequency response characteristics of PLC-VLC cascade channel

Fig. 9. Evaluation of integrated characteristics of cascade systems. (a) Eye diagram and Q factor; (b) eye diagram and minimum BER

Fig. 10. OFDM performance of different modulation methods

Fig. 11. Experimental platform of the DCO-OFDM cascade communication

Fig. 12. Waveforms of off-line modulation and reception of cascaded systems. (a) Waveform obtained by off-line modulation at the transmitter; (b) waveform received by the cascaded system

Fig. 13. Constellation diagram of the received signal of the cascaded system
Table 1. Frame parameters of multi-segment joint control signals
Table 2. Simulation parameters of PLC channel multipath attenuation (6-path)
Table 3. Gain simulation parameters of VLC channel
Table 4. Parameters for the hierarchical simulation environment of the cascaded system
Table 5. Parameters of the cascade system

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