- Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications
- Vol. 20, Issue 1, 2024027 (2024)
1 Introduction
The demand to increase bandwidth and capacity in telecommunications has become absolutely necessary. In particular, academia, social media, business affairs, and government Administration have been impacted by Internet networks [
2 OAM/SDM Optical communication system
SDM achieves spatial multiplexing by controlling the entry initiation angles, increasing the bandwidth of the optical fiber [
The potential of carrying data on OAM modes, multiplexing it, transmitting it over SDM, and de-multiplexing it is proposed.OAM mode could carry data in huge capacity [
Figure 1.SDM system block diagram.
Scientists have proposed different types of optical fiber to enhance the coupling of OAM. As the refractive index profile, this type must be a ring shape to match OAM modes, high contrast between core and clad to ameliorate the separation between the channels, and the smooth interface between core and cladding (i.e., the preferred profile of graded index). These criteria could enhance the capacity transmission and efficiency of SDM platform technology. SDM or BSM multiplexer employs a spatial filter to link each input channel with a helical wavefront at the end of the output optical fiber. So the signal could be independently captured and processed. The SDM has a different configuration of the optical components, such as taper waveguide, diode optical source, and other optical bulk, etc. Researcher Murshid et al. have suggested a novel configuration of SDM as (CAD) analyses made by an array of lenses then de-multiplexed to a separated detector [
3 Path losses in OAM/SDM G-PON network
3.1 Geometrical losses
The structure of the OAM/SDM system is illustrated in
Figure 2.Three channel OAM/SDM system.
3.2 The losses of the system
Different sources of the loss in the optical system could be affected in free space as defects of the lens and other optical elements; for example, a lens could be transmitted 95% of light and reflect or absorb the rest of light. This loss depends on the quality and characterization of the equipment. Therefore, this value of the loss could be obtained from the manufacturer.
3.3 The attenuation of the molecular
The absorption and diffusion effect of infrared light present the molecular attenuation that appears in the terrestrial atmosphere. This phenomenon affects the beam of light and then directly impacts the transmission distance. Many types of this attenuation, such as carbon dioxide, water, and ozone, make the absorption of molecules a selective phenomenon. The total attenuation is a summation of free space attenuation in the gap and the geometric loss. Total attenuation for a combination guided and free space optical communication system is given by the following
4 OAM/SDM G-PON optical link budget
Several parameters are considered when calculating the OAM/SDM G-PON optical link budget, such as geometric loss, link margin received power and Bit Error Rate (BER). Due to the medium’s attenuation and total loss, the received power is less than the transmitted power. In the basic free-space channel, the optical field generated at the transmitter propagates only with an associated beam spreading loss. Therefore, the received power in the OAM/SDM G-PON system can be determined by calculating the difference between transmitted power through the transmission medium and the total loss of the medium using the mathematical formula in equation (3)
For any path we have:
5 Experimental setup
The schematic diagram of the experimental setup is shown in
Figure 3.Schematic diagram of the experimental setup of the OAM/SDM G-PON system.
The evaluation of the OAM/SDM G-PON system is calculated based on the eye diagram that has been obtained from the spectrum analyzer
Figure 4.Global evaluation of the system in practice.
Figure 5.The illustration diagram of the OAM modes (rings).
6 Results and discussion
The experimental results indicated the effect of the path loss, and the angle of OAM has been carefully taken. The results showed an increase in loss when the path length increased, especially at the gap of free space. Moreover, the incident angle also contributed to increasing the losses.
6.1 SMOF to MMOF path losses
This section first processed the free space path (gap) between the multi-mode and single-mode optical fiber.
Figure 6.SMF-MMF path losses.
Table Infomation Is Not Enable6.2 MMF path losses
The path loss was studied using multimode optical fiber at each incident angle for three wavelengths (1330 nm, 1490 nm, 1550 nm). The results are illustrated in
Figure 7.MMF path losses.
Table Infomation Is Not Enable6.3 MMF-detector path losses
This path represents the free space path between the output of multi-mode optical fiber to the photodetectors.
Figure 8.MMF-detector path losses.
Table Infomation Is Not Enable6.4 Total path losses
The total path loss has been evaluated from equation (2). This parameter presents the multiplication of all losses. The results are illustrated in
Figure 9.OAM system overall path losses.
Table Infomation Is Not Enable6.5 BER and SNR
Both SNR and BER are used to assess the quality of communication systems. BER performance depends on the average received power, the scintillation strength, and the receiver noise. With an appropriate design of aperture averaging, the received optical power could be increased, and the effect of the scintillation can be dumped under the effect of the gap in the OAM/SDM system, the correlation between the optical SNR and BER are expressed as in
Figure 10.Experimental results of BER as a function of incident angles.
Figure 11.Theoretical results of BER as a function of incident angle.
An estimate for BER can be obtained by approximating the noise density of nj with a Gaussian distribution, which gives:
Therefore, to test the characterization of the system for real applications,
7 Conclusion
This paper proposed an OAM/SDM multiplexing architecture for a G-PON multi-optical communication system. The outcomes showed the path length effect as a function of total power and the BER. Furthermore, the impact of the coupling angle has been carefully taken into account, and the performance of the SDM has been approved as a function of coupling efficiency. It is concluded that OAM multiplexing is a technique that utilizes the orbital angular momentum of light to increase the capacity of a single optical fiber in optical communication networks. When combined with space-division multiplexing (SDM) and implemented in a G-PON system, it can provide higher data rates, lower costs, and better scalability than traditional PON systems. The architecture of an OAM/SDM G-PON system typically includes a central office and several optical network units connected via optical fibers, with the use of wavelength division multiplexing and OAM multiplexer/demultiplexer (OAM-MUX/DEMUX) units to multiplex and demultiplex the OAM and SDM channels. The OAM/SDM G-PON system can provide better capacity and scalability than the traditional PON system.
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