Weilong Ni, Yufu Zheng, Chuying Feng. Application of Pilot-Assisted Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction Technology in Optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Communication System[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2019, 56(14): 140601

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- Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
- Vol. 56, Issue 14, 140601 (2019)

Fig. 1. Illustration of pilot-assisted OFDM signal frame

Fig. 2. Constellations of 16-QAM optical OFDM. (a) Constellation of basic OFDM signals; (b) pilot-assisted signal constellation without ML-symbol estimation; (c) pilot-assisted signal constellation using ML-symbol estimation; (d) signal constellation with limited amplitude (Ccl=Ccu=40)

Fig. 3. PAPR CCDF plots for wave-clipped and pilot-assisted optical OFDM

Fig. 4. Relationship between fPAPR0 value and iteration number of pilot signal

Fig. 5. DC-bias CCDF plots for basic and pilot-assisted optical OFDM

Fig. 6. Comparison between SLM and pilot-assisted PAPR reduction technology

Fig. 7. BER-performance comparison between wave-clipped optical OFDM (Ccl=Ccu=40) and pilot-assisted optical OFDM (16-QAM)

Fig. 8. BER-performance comparison between wave-clipped optical OFDM (Ccl=Ccu=25) and pilot-assisted optical OFDM (64-QAM)

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