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Pulse Shaping in Front-end System of Solid State Laser Driver for ICF
[in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese]... and [in Chinese]|Show fewer author(s)
In this paper, we summarized the national scheme of pulse shaping in front-end system of solid state laser driver for ICF and reported the development of pulse shaping in our laboratory.In this paper, we summarized the national scheme of pulse shaping in front-end system of solid state laser driver for ICF and reported the development of pulse shaping in our laboratory..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Dec. 01, 2000
- Vol. 17, Issue 6, 479 (2000)
Realization of the Grovers Searching Algorithm in Three Qubits on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Simulator
[in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]
Grover quantum searching algorithm is one of the most important algorithm.In this paper, the famous algorithm was first realized in three qubits using NMR simulator. We discussed that quantum computer is more effective than classical electrical computer.Grover quantum searching algorithm is one of the most important algorithm.In this paper, the famous algorithm was first realized in three qubits using NMR simulator. We discussed that quantum computer is more effective than classical electrical computer..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Dec. 01, 2000
- Vol. 17, Issue 6, 493 (2000)
The Theory Research of Communication with Acousto-optical Bistable Chaos System
[in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]
In this paper we have Researched the extended acousto-optical bistable chaos system with input signal, and find that the system is still in chaos regime while select properly intensity of the signal. Then base on this extendeshow moreIn this paper we have Researched the extended acousto-optical bistable chaos system with input signal, and find that the system is still in chaos regime while select properly intensity of the signal. Then base on this extended acousto-optical bistable chaos system, we give a method for communication with the expended acousto-optical bistable chaos system..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Dec. 01, 2000
- Vol. 17, Issue 6, 500 (2000)
Two-mode Light Field Initially in Uncorrelated and Squeezed Coherent State and its Interaction with the V-type Three-level Atom in a High Q Cavity Filled with Kerr-like Medium
[in Chinese], and [in Chinese]
In this paper we have studied the interacting system of a V-type three-level atom with uncorrelated two-mode squeezed coherent states in a high-Q cavity filled with Kerr-like medium. It is shown by numerical calculation that show moreIn this paper we have studied the interacting system of a V-type three-level atom with uncorrelated two-mode squeezed coherent states in a high-Q cavity filled with Kerr-like medium. It is shown by numerical calculation that the time evolution of atomic level occupation has a additional structure, the correlation function and the degree of second-order coherence of the uncorrelated two-mode squeezed light field are affected by squeezing parameters and Kerr medium. The fluctuation of the time evolution curve is decreased when the squeezing parameters are increased. In addition, the Kerr medium caused a low-frequency fluctuation on the time evolution curve..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Dec. 01, 2000
- Vol. 17, Issue 6, 510 (2000)
The Characteristic of Yb-doped Fiber Ring Laser
[in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese]... and [in Chinese]|Show fewer author(s)
The Yb-doped fiber ringlaser using LD pumping source is reported. The laser system consists of 3 m length fiberand 1053 nm/980 nm WDM which form a crossing all-fiber ring. The length of the cavity is 4m, pump wavelength 980 nshow moreThe Yb-doped fiber ringlaser using LD pumping source is reported. The laser system consists of 3 m length fiberand 1053 nm/980 nm WDM which form a crossing all-fiber ring. The length of the cavity is 4m, pump wavelength 980 nm.The output wavelength 1042.3 nm, slope efficiency 9.6% andthreshold smaller than 0.5 mW were obtain. The tunable Ti:shapphire laser is also used aspump source and the optimal pump wavelength 978 nm was observed..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Dec. 01, 2000
- Vol. 17, Issue 6, 516 (2000)
The Research of the Location Effecting of BBO Crystal on the Output Energy of an Intracavity Frequency-doubled Flashlamp-pumped Cr:LiSAF Laser
[in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]
The location of BBO crystal in the cavity effecting the output energy in the intracavity frequency-doubling of a flashlamp-pumped Cr:LiSAF laser is researched.The benefit net phase shift due to dispersion between the fundamenshow moreThe location of BBO crystal in the cavity effecting the output energy in the intracavity frequency-doubling of a flashlamp-pumped Cr:LiSAF laser is researched.The benefit net phase shift due to dispersion between the fundamental and the harmonic wave beam in the air path between BBO crystal and the mirror M3 is a multiple of 2π. If the net phase shift ofπ/4 is allowed, this requires a BBO crystal movement of no more than 9.4 mm at the fundamental wave of 900 nm and the harmonic wave of 450 nm..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Dec. 01, 2000
- Vol. 17, Issue 6, 521 (2000)
‘Platform-like' Field Distribution of TE0 Mode in a Symmetric Planar Waveguide with Two Identical Nonlinear Claddings
[in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]
The characteristics of TE0 modes in a waveguide with two identical Kerr type nonlinear claddings and a linearuniform core are analyzed. Both theoretical analysis and numerical examples give the sameresults. For the focusing cshow moreThe characteristics of TE0 modes in a waveguide with two identical Kerr type nonlinear claddings and a linearuniform core are analyzed. Both theoretical analysis and numerical examples give the sameresults. For the focusing case,with increasing modal refractive index, the maximum valueof core field gradually decreases. At a definite optical power, when the modal refractiveindex at the core-cladding interface is equal to refractive index of core, the core fieldbecomes uniformly 'platform-like', while the cladding field rapidly reduces. As the modalrefractive index continually increases, the maximum field enters into the twocladdings,while the field profile in the core changes to concave. Curves (focusing anddefocusing cases) are given for field distributions, relations between modal index andpower,ratio of core power to total power versus total power, relations between'platform'height and core index, relations between 'platform' and core width, and so on..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Dec. 01, 2000
- Vol. 17, Issue 6, 525 (2000)
Mode Transmission Properties of Tapered Fiber and Optimal Fabrication Position of Fiber Microlenses
[in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]
Transmission properties of the pulled and the etched fiber tapers have been analyzed with local couple mode theory. To decrease the mode coupling loss and increase the focusing effect, the characteristic transition points areshow moreTransmission properties of the pulled and the etched fiber tapers have been analyzed with local couple mode theory. To decrease the mode coupling loss and increase the focusing effect, the characteristic transition points are introduced.For taper pulled fiber, the optimal fabrication position of fiber microlens is near the characteristic transition point, while for the taper etched fiber, the optimal fabrication position is between the taper tip and the characteristic transition point.The focusing property of Gaussial beam through fiber microlens for trapping of particles is also discussed..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Dec. 01, 2000
- Vol. 17, Issue 6, 534 (2000)
Study of Transmission Properties of Dark Soliton Train in Distributed Amplification System
[in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]
The properties of dark soliton train in distributed amplification and transmission system are studied. The results show: in distributed amplification transmission system, the properties of dark soliton cascaded by odd and even number dark solitons are different, train transmission of dark soliton train cascaded by odd The properties of dark soliton train in distributed amplification and transmission system are studied. The results show: in distributed amplification transmission system, the properties of dark soliton cascaded by odd and even number dark solitons are different, train transmission of dark soliton train cascaded by odd number dark solitons is stability, but train transmission of dark soliton train cascaded by even number dark solitons is instability, there are apparent soliton self-frequency shift and deformation of soliton caused by interaction among dark solitons..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Dec. 01, 2000
- Vol. 17, Issue 6, 539 (2000)
Variational Analysis of Guided Mode and Effective Refractive Index at 1085 and 815 nm of Ti-diffused Nd:LiNbO<sub>3</sub>Waveguide Lasers
[in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]
An analysis of TM modeand effective refractive index in c-cut Ti-diffused Nd:LiNbO3 strip waveguide lasers hasbeen carried out at the laser wavelength 1085 nm and pump wavelength 815 nm by usingvariational technique. The modeshow moreAn analysis of TM modeand effective refractive index in c-cut Ti-diffused Nd:LiNbO3 strip waveguide lasers hasbeen carried out at the laser wavelength 1085 nm and pump wavelength 815 nm by usingvariational technique. The mode size and effective refractive index as function of thecontrollable waveguide fabrication parameters(initial Ti-strip width W, diffusiontemperature T and initial Ti-strip thickness H) have been calculated for severallower-order modes. The single-mode and cut-off conditions were discussed. The numericalresults are compared with previously published experimental data..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Dec. 01, 2000
- Vol. 17, Issue 6, 545 (2000)
Nonlinear Optical Characteristic Measurement of Chemically Enhanced Bacteriorhodopsin Film Using Z-scan Technology Xu Jun(Second Artillery Engineering College Xi'an 710025) He Junfa(Second Artillery Engineering College Xi'an 710025) Hou Suxia(Second Artillery Engineering College Xi'an 710025)
[in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]
We present a unique biological material that exhibits interesting photochromic characteristics and important optoelectric properties. This distinctive material is related to the visual pigment rhodopsin and is called bacterioshow moreWe present a unique biological material that exhibits interesting photochromic characteristics and important optoelectric properties. This distinctive material is related to the visual pigment rhodopsin and is called bacteriorhodopsin (bR). In this paper the films of the chemically enhanced bacteriorhodopsin are prepared and the effective nonlinearity n2 of the film is measured with the Z-scan Technology. Anomalous absorption at three wavelengths is observed. Large optical nonlinearities of bR should be useful for both information storage and compulation..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Dec. 01, 2000
- Vol. 17, Issue 6, 553 (2000)
Numerical Simulation of Image Reconstruction from FewerViews by a Maximum Entropy Approach
[in Chinese]
A new algorithm for the reconstruction of tomographic images from fewer views by a maximum entropy approach is presented. The numerical simulation studies the effect of reconstruction on the different field distribution functshow moreA new algorithm for the reconstruction of tomographic images from fewer views by a maximum entropy approach is presented. The numerical simulation studies the effect of reconstruction on the different field distribution functions and the stability against noise. The results show that this algorithm has fairly high accuracy and good stability against noise..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Dec. 01, 2000
- Vol. 17, Issue 6, 557 (2000)
Simulation of I-V Property of Au Nanoparticle Self-assembly System Using Finite Well Potential
[in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]
In this paper, the hopping rates of electrons in nanoparticle self-assembly system are computed using transfer Hamiltonian based on the finite well potential model of quantum dots. Then the relation between tunneling current and bias voltage is gotten by the solution of the master equation of electron hopping.In this paper, the hopping rates of electrons in nanoparticle self-assembly system are computed using transfer Hamiltonian based on the finite well potential model of quantum dots. Then the relation between tunneling current and bias voltage is gotten by the solution of the master equation of electron hopping..
Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Publication Date: Dec. 01, 2000
- Vol. 17, Issue 6, 562 (2000)