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Multiphoton path-polarization entanglement through a single gradient metasurface
Qi Liu, Xuan Liu, Yu Tian, Zhaohua Tian, Guixin Li, Xi-Feng Ren, Qihuang Gong, and Ying Gu
Multiphoton entanglement with high information capacity plays an essential role in quantum information processing. The appearance of parallel beam splitting (BS) in a gradient metasurface provides the chance to prepare the multiphoton entanglement in one step. Here, we use a single metasurface to construct multiphoton Multiphoton entanglement with high information capacity plays an essential role in quantum information processing. The appearance of parallel beam splitting (BS) in a gradient metasurface provides the chance to prepare the multiphoton entanglement in one step. Here, we use a single metasurface to construct multiphoton path-polarization entanglement. Based on the parallel BS property, entanglement among N unentangled photons is created after they pass through a gradient metasurface. Also, with this ability, entanglement fusion among several pairs of entangled photons is set up, which can greatly enlarge the entanglement dimension. These theoretical results pave the way for manipulating metasurface-based multiphoton entanglement, which holds great promise for ultracompact on-chip quantum information processing..
Advanced Photonics Nexus
- Publication Date: Feb. 13, 2025
- Vol. 4, Issue 2, 026002 (2025)
Drone-based superconducting nanowire single-photon detection system with a detection efficiency of more than 90%
Ruoyan Ma, Zhimin Guo, Dai Chen, Xiaojun Dai, You Xiao, Chengjun Zhang, Jiamin Xiong, Jia Huang, Xingyu Zhang, Xiaoyu Liu, Liangliang Rong, Hao Li, Xiaofu Zhang, and Lixing You
Conventional superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) have been typically limited in their applications due to their size, weight, and power consumption, which confine their use to laboratory settings. However, with the rapid development of remote imaging, sensing technologies, and long-range quantum cConventional superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) have been typically limited in their applications due to their size, weight, and power consumption, which confine their use to laboratory settings. However, with the rapid development of remote imaging, sensing technologies, and long-range quantum communication with fewer topographical constraints, the demand for high-efficiency single-photon detectors integrated with avionic platforms is rapidly growing. We herein designed and manufactured the first drone-based SNSPD system with a system detection efficiency (SDE) as high as 91.8%. This drone-based system incorporates high-performance NbTiN SNSPDs, a self-developed miniature liquid helium dewar, and custom-built integrated electrical setups, making it capable of being launched in complex topographical conditions. Such a drone-based SNSPD system may open the use of SNSPDs for applications that demand high SDE in complex environments..
Advanced Photonics Nexus
- Publication Date: Feb. 13, 2025
- Vol. 4, Issue 2, 026003 (2025)
O-band low loss and polarization insensitivity bilayer and double-tip edge coupler
Yuanjian Wan, Yu Zhang, and Jian Wang
Edge couplers, widely recognized for their efficiency and broad bandwidth, have gained significant attention as optical fiber-to-chip couplers. Silicon waveguides exhibit strong birefringence properties, resulting in substantial polarization-dependent loss for edge couplers in the O-band. We introduce a bilayer and douEdge couplers, widely recognized for their efficiency and broad bandwidth, have gained significant attention as optical fiber-to-chip couplers. Silicon waveguides exhibit strong birefringence properties, resulting in substantial polarization-dependent loss for edge couplers in the O-band. We introduce a bilayer and double-tip edge coupler designed to efficiently couple both transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) modes while maintaining compatibility with standard manufacturing processes used in commercial silicon photonics foundries. We have successfully designed and fabricated this edge coupler, achieving coupling losses of <1.52 dB / facet for TE mode and 2 dB / facet for TM mode when coupled with a lensed optical fiber [4-μm mode field diameter (MFD)] within the wavelength range of 1260 to 1360 nm..
Advanced Photonics Nexus
- Publication Date: Feb. 14, 2025
- Vol. 4, Issue 2, 026004 (2025)