Aming LIN, Yiyang SUN. Stability of Low-index Surfaces of Cs2SnI6 Studied by First-principles Calculations [J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2022, 37(6): 691

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- Journal of Inorganic Materials
- Vol. 37, Issue 6, 691 (2022)

1. (a) Atomic structure and (b) band structure and projected density of states (pDOS) of Cs2SnI6Colorful figures are available on website

2. Seven supercell models of Cs2SnI6 surfaces
(a) For (001) surface: CsI2-terminated and SnI4-terminated slabs; (b) For (011) surface: I4-terminated and Cs2SnI2-terminated slabs; (c) For (111) surface: non-stoichiometric Sn-terminated, CsI3-terminated and stoichiometric CsI3-terminated slabs

3. Calculated total cleavage, relaxation and surface energies of two complementary non-stoichiometric terminations in (001), (011) and (111) orientations, which are compared with the cleavage, relaxation and surface energies of the stoichiometric CsI3-terminated (111) surface

4. Illustration of the accessible chemical potential region for Cs2SnI6Constraints imposed by the formation of competing secondary phases resulting in the allowed region shaded in green

5. Stability of low-index surfaces of Cs2SnI6 as a function of chemical potentials
(a) Analysis of stability of the two terminations of Cs2SnI6 (001) surface with respect to the allowed region for maintaining equilibrium with the primary phase Cs2SnI6. The orange and blue regions indicate the stable region for CsI2- and SnI4-terminations, respectively; (b) Similar to (a) for the Cs2SnI6 (011) surface. The orange and blue regions are for the I4- and Cs2SnI2-terminations, respectively; (c) Similar to (a) for the Cs2SnI6 (111) surface. The orange and blue regions are for the Sn- and stoichiometric CsI3-terminations, respectively; (d) Surface energies of the seven surface models of Cs2SnI6 as a function of the chemical potentials colorful figures are available on website

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