Du HONG, Yaran NIU, Hong LI, Xin ZHONG, Xuebin ZHENG. Tribological Properties of Plasma Sprayed TiC-Graphite Composite Coatings [J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2022, 37(6): 643

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- Journal of Inorganic Materials
- Vol. 37, Issue 6, 643 (2022)

1. Low (a) and high (b) magnification morphologies, particle size distribution (c) and EDS analysis (d) of TG2.5 powder

2. XRD patterns of TiC-Graphite powders (a) and coatings (b)

3. Surface morphologies (a-e) and corresponding EDS analysis (f) of TiC-Graphite coatings

4. Cross-sectional morphologies of TiC-Graphite coatings (a-e), oxygen element mapping (f) of cross section of TG2.5 coating and EDS analyses (g-i) of different areas among (d) and (e)

5. Surface roughness (a) and Vickers hardness (b) of TiC-Graphite coatings

6. Change of friction coefficients of the TiC-Graphite coatings with time under 20 N (a) and 50 N (b)

7. Change of friction coefficients and wear rates of the TiC-Graphite coatings with graphite amount under 20 N (a) and 50 N (b)

8. Morphologies of the wear tracks of TiC-Graphite coatings (a-e, g, h), oxygen element mapping (f) of the wear tracks of TG2.5 coating and elements content of the wear tracks of TiC-Graphite coatings (i)

9. Morphologies (a-e), and EDS analysis of wear debris (f) of wear debris of TiC-Graphite coatings
Table 1. Atmospheric plasma spray parameters for Si and TiC-Graphite coatings

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