Dawei ZHANG, Liyuan ZHU, Hongliang LU, Zuolin WANG. Titanium Modified with ZnO Nanofilm and Fibronectin: Preventing Peri-implantitis and Biocompatibility [J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2021, 36(12): 1316

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- Journal of Inorganic Materials
- Vol. 36, Issue 12, 1316 (2021)

1. (a) Schematic diagram of fabrication progress of Ti/ZnO and Ti/ZnO/Fn, and SEM images of (b, e) Ti, (c, f) Ti/ZnO and (d, g) Ti/ZnO/Fn at low (b-d) and high (e-g) magnification

2. (a) XPS spectra of Ti, Ti/ZnO, and Ti/ZnO/Fn, (b) high-resolution spectra of N1s peak of Ti, Ti/ZnO, Ti/ZnO/APTES, and Ti/ZnO/Fn, and (c) FT-IR spectra of Ti/ZnO/APTES and Ti/ZnO/Fn Ti/ZnO/APTES: Ti disc with ZnO nanofilm modified with APTES

3. Antibacterial effects and mechanisms of Ti, Ti/ZnO, and Ti/ZnO/Fn against A. a and P. g for 24 h

4. Cytocompatibility of Ti/ZnO/Fn on human gingival fibroblasts

5. Quantification of the gene expression of (a) Col1, (b) Col3 and (c) ITGB1a in hGFs on Ti, Ti/ZnO and Ti/ZnO/Fn for 3 d by qPCR

6. (a) Sagittal pictures of Micro-CT, (b) H&E-stained tissues around screws, and (c) quantification of the gene expression of IL1β , Arg1, TNFα , IL4, and TGFβ 1 by qPCR in gingiva tissues around Ti, Ti/ZnO and Ti/ZnO/Fn screws after being inserted into maxillae of rats for 4 w

S1. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) detected by fluorescence probes in bacteria cultured on materials for 24 h
Table 1. Specific forward and reverse primer sequences of detected genes of HGFs
Table 2. Specific forward and reverse primer sequences of detected genes of rat
Table 3. Elemental chemical composition of Ti, Ti/ZnO and Ti/ZnO/Fn

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