• Journal of Inorganic Materials
  • Vol. 36, Issue 12, 1316 (2021)
Dawei ZHANG1, Liyuan ZHU2, Hongliang LU2, and Zuolin WANG1,*
Author Affiliations
  • 11. Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Tooth Restoration and Regeneration, Department of Implantology, School & Hospital of Stomatology, Tongji University, Shanghai 200072, China
  • 22. State Key Laboratory of ASIC and System, Shanghai Institute of Intelligent Electronics & Systems, School of Microelectronics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
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    DOI: 10.15541/jim20210125 Cite this Article
    Dawei ZHANG, Liyuan ZHU, Hongliang LU, Zuolin WANG. Titanium Modified with ZnO Nanofilm and Fibronectin: Preventing Peri-implantitis and Biocompatibility[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2021, 36(12): 1316 Copy Citation Text show less
    (a) Schematic diagram of fabrication progress of Ti/ZnO and Ti/ZnO/Fn, and SEM images of (b, e) Ti, (c, f) Ti/ZnO and (d, g) Ti/ZnO/Fn at low (b-d) and high (e-g) magnification
    1. (a) Schematic diagram of fabrication progress of Ti/ZnO and Ti/ZnO/Fn, and SEM images of (b, e) Ti, (c, f) Ti/ZnO and (d, g) Ti/ZnO/Fn at low (b-d) and high (e-g) magnification
    (a) XPS spectra of Ti, Ti/ZnO, and Ti/ZnO/Fn, (b) high-resolution spectra of N1s peak of Ti, Ti/ZnO, Ti/ZnO/APTES, and Ti/ZnO/Fn, and (c) FT-IR spectra of Ti/ZnO/APTES and Ti/ZnO/Fn Ti/ZnO/APTES: Ti disc with ZnO nanofilm modified with APTES
    2. (a) XPS spectra of Ti, Ti/ZnO, and Ti/ZnO/Fn, (b) high-resolution spectra of N1s peak of Ti, Ti/ZnO, Ti/ZnO/APTES, and Ti/ZnO/Fn, and (c) FT-IR spectra of Ti/ZnO/APTES and Ti/ZnO/Fn Ti/ZnO/APTES: Ti disc with ZnO nanofilm modified with APTES
    Antibacterial effects and mechanisms of Ti, Ti/ZnO, and Ti/ZnO/Fn against A. a and P. g for 24 h
    3. Antibacterial effects and mechanisms of Ti, Ti/ZnO, and Ti/ZnO/Fn against A. a and P. g for 24 h
    Cytocompatibility of Ti/ZnO/Fn on human gingival fibroblasts
    4. Cytocompatibility of Ti/ZnO/Fn on human gingival fibroblasts
    Quantification of the gene expression of (a) Col1, (b) Col3 and (c) ITGB1a in hGFs on Ti, Ti/ZnO and Ti/ZnO/Fn for 3 d by qPCR
    5. Quantification of the gene expression of (a) Col1, (b) Col3 and (c) ITGB1a in hGFs on Ti, Ti/ZnO and Ti/ZnO/Fn for 3 d by qPCR
    (a) Sagittal pictures of Micro-CT, (b) H&E-stained tissues around screws, and (c) quantification of the gene expression of IL1β, Arg1, TNFα, IL4, and TGFβ1 by qPCR in gingiva tissues around Ti, Ti/ZnO and Ti/ZnO/Fn screws after being inserted into maxillae of rats for 4 w
    6. (a) Sagittal pictures of Micro-CT, (b) H&E-stained tissues around screws, and (c) quantification of the gene expression of IL1β, Arg1, TNFα, IL4, and TGFβ1 by qPCR in gingiva tissues around Ti, Ti/ZnO and Ti/ZnO/Fn screws after being inserted into maxillae of rats for 4 w
    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) detected by fluorescence probes in bacteria cultured on materials for 24 h
    S1. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) detected by fluorescence probes in bacteria cultured on materials for 24 h
    GeneForward primer sequence (5′-3′)Reverse primer sequence (3′-5′)
    Table 1. Specific forward and reverse primer sequences of detected genes of HGFs
    GeneForward primer sequence (5′-3′)Reverse primer sequence (3′-5′)
    Table 2. Specific forward and reverse primer sequences of detected genes of rat
    Table 3. Elemental chemical composition of Ti, Ti/ZnO and Ti/ZnO/Fn
    Dawei ZHANG, Liyuan ZHU, Hongliang LU, Zuolin WANG. Titanium Modified with ZnO Nanofilm and Fibronectin: Preventing Peri-implantitis and Biocompatibility[J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2021, 36(12): 1316
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