Weijia AN, Jing LI, Shuyao WANG, Jinshan HU, Zaiyuan LIN, Wenquan CUI, Li LIU, Jun XIE, Yinghua LIANG. Fe(III)/rGO/Bi2MoO6 Composite Photocatalyst Preparation and Phenol Degradation by Photocatalytic Fenton Synergy [J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2021, 36(6): 615

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- Journal of Inorganic Materials
- Vol. 36, Issue 6, 615 (2021)

1. (a) SEM images of Bi2MoO6 and (b) rGO/Bi2MoO6; TEM (c) and HRTEM (d) images of Fe(III)/rGO/Bi2MoO6

2. XRD patterns of Bi2MoO6, rGO/Bi2MoO6, Fe(III)/rGO/ Bi2MoO6

3. XPS spectra of the compared composites

4. (a) Phenol degradation activity by photocatalysis, Fenton, and photocatalysis-Fenton synergy, and (b) degradation rate constant over different conditions

5. (a) Photocatalysis-Fenton synergy degradation stability test, (b) TOC removal of phenol over photocatalysis, Fenton reaction, and photocatalysis-Fenton synergy

6. Photocurrent response curves of different composites (a) before and (b) after adding H2O2

7. (a) Influence of degradation activity with the addition of quenchers, and (b) concentration of •OH generated at photocatalysis, Fenton and photocatalysis-Fenton synergy

8. Mechanism of photocatalysis-Fenton synergy degradation over Fe(III)/rGO/Bi2MoO6

S1. (a) Diffusive UV-Vis spectra and (b) Kubelka- Munk conversion curve of the composites

S2. (a, b) the comparison of degradation activity over synergy and photocatalysis, Fenton

S3. Comparison of the activity of different phenol removal efficiency

S4. (a) EIS of different photocatalyst composites; (b) EIS of Fe(III)/rGO/Bi2MoO6 and Fe(III)/rGO/Bi2MoO6 + H2O2

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