• Infrared and Laser Engineering
  • Vol. 46, Issue 9, 906001 (2017)
Yu Xueli1,*, Ding Shuanghong1, Jia Haixu2, and Xin Lei3
Author Affiliations
  • 1[in Chinese]
  • 2[in Chinese]
  • 3[in Chinese]
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    DOI: 10.3788/irla201746.0906001 Cite this Article
    Yu Xueli, Ding Shuanghong, Jia Haixu, Xin Lei. Numerical simulation of actively Q-switched intracavity sum-frequency Raman laser[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2017, 46(9): 906001 Copy Citation Text show less


    The normalized rate equations of the LD pumped actively Q-switched intracavity sum-frequency Raman laser were deduced, and the reasonable value scope of seven comprehensive factors of the rate equations was estimated respectively according to the parameters of typical experimental setups. The influences of the comprehensive factors on the laser output peak power, single pulse energy and pulse width were researched by the numerical simulation of the actively Q-switched intracavity sum-frequency Raman laser. It was found that there was a matching relation between the normalized sum-frequency factor F and the normalized Raman gain coefficient M, and the matching equations and curves of F and M at different inversion population density N were obtained by making use of the method of numerical fitting, the result demonstrates that the matching values of F and M are basically linearly related, which can be employed to guide the optimization of parameters of the length of Raman medium and sum-frequency crystal in the experiment to accomplish the high efficient sum-frequency laser. Finally, the results are used to calculate and analyze the reported experiment to optimize the parameters of setups to gain higher output power and more efficient laser.
    Yu Xueli, Ding Shuanghong, Jia Haixu, Xin Lei. Numerical simulation of actively Q-switched intracavity sum-frequency Raman laser[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2017, 46(9): 906001
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