• Journal of Inorganic Materials
  • Vol. 39, Issue 11, 1254 (2024)
Quanxin YUE1,2,3, Ruihua GUO1,2,3,*, Ruifen WANG1,2,3, Shengli AN1,2,3..., Guofang ZHANG1 and Lili GUAN1,2|Show fewer author(s)
Author Affiliations
  • 11. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Science & Technology, Baotou 014010, China
  • 22. Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Advanced Ceramic Materials and Devices, Inner Mongolia University of Science & Technology, Baotou 014010, China
  • 33. Key Laboratory of Green Extraction & Efficient Utilization of Light Rare-Earth Resources, Ministry of Education, Inner Mongolia University of Science & Technology, Baotou 014010, China
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    DOI: 10.15541/jim20240098 Cite this Article
    Quanxin YUE, Ruihua GUO, Ruifen WANG, Shengli AN, Guofang ZHANG, Lili GUAN. 3D Core-shell Structured NiMoO4@CoFe-LDH Nanorods: Performance of Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction and Overall Water Splitting [J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2024, 39(11): 1254 Copy Citation Text show less
    Synthesis process of NiMoO4@CoFe-LDH/NF
    1. Synthesis process of NiMoO4@CoFe-LDH/NF
    (a) XRD patterns of NiMoO4@CoFe-LDH/NF and CoFe-LDH/NF, and (b) Raman spectrum of CoFe-LDH
    2. (a) XRD patterns of NiMoO4@CoFe-LDH/NF and CoFe-LDH/NF, and (b) Raman spectrum of CoFe-LDH
    SEM images of catalyst samples
    3. SEM images of catalyst samples
    TEM, HRTEM and EDS mapping images of NiMoO4@CoFe-LDH/NF
    4. TEM, HRTEM and EDS mapping images of NiMoO4@CoFe-LDH/NF
    XPS spectra of NiMoO4@CoFe-LDH and NiMoO4
    5. XPS spectra of NiMoO4@CoFe-LDH and NiMoO4
    Electrochemical performance of different catalytic samples
    6. Electrochemical performance of different catalytic samples
    Stability of NiMoO4@CoFe-LDH/NF
    7. Stability of NiMoO4@CoFe-LDH/NF
    XPS spectra of NiMoO4@CoFe-LDH after OER stability test
    8. XPS spectra of NiMoO4@CoFe-LDH after OER stability test
    Overall water splitting performance of NiMoO4@CoFe-LDH/NF||NiMoO4/NF double electrode system
    9. Overall water splitting performance of NiMoO4@CoFe-LDH/NF||NiMoO4/NF double electrode system
    OER-LSV curves of different catalysts prepared for various deposition time
    S1. OER-LSV curves of different catalysts prepared for various deposition time
    CV plots for different samples at different sweep speeds (40-120 mV·s-1)
    S2. CV plots for different samples at different sweep speeds (40-120 mV·s-1)
    HER-LSV curve of NiMoO4/NF
    S3. HER-LSV curve of NiMoO4/NF
    CatalystOverpotential/mV (at 10 mA·cm-2) Tafel slope/(mV·dec-1) Ref.
    NiMoO4@CoFe-LDH/NF16829This work
    NiSe@CoFe LDH/NF20390[59]
    Table 1. Overpotentials and Tafel slopes of this work, other reported CoFe-LDH, and NiMoO4 related electrocatalysts in 1.0 mol·L-1 KOH
    Quanxin YUE, Ruihua GUO, Ruifen WANG, Shengli AN, Guofang ZHANG, Lili GUAN. 3D Core-shell Structured NiMoO4@CoFe-LDH Nanorods: Performance of Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction and Overall Water Splitting [J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2024, 39(11): 1254
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