Jia CAI, Fangxia ZHAO, Dong FAN, Liping HUANG, Yaran NIU, Xuebin ZHENG, Zhenzhong ZHANG. Pyrolysis Behavior and Laser Ablation Resistance of PCS in Polycarbosilane Composite Coatings [J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2023, 38(11): 1271

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- Journal of Inorganic Materials
- Vol. 38, Issue 11, 1271 (2023)

1. Schematic of 10.6 μm CO2 laser examination device

2. XRD patterns of PT (a) and PY (b) coatings

3. Infrared spectra of products pyrolyzed from PT (a) and PY (b) coatings at different temperatures

4. TG (a) and DSC (b) curves of PT, PY and PCS

5. XRD patterns of PT (a) and PY (b) coatings after heat-treated at different temperatures in air for 2 h

6. Morphologies of YPT and YPY coatings ablated by 425 W/cm2 laser for different periods

7. Temperature curves of YPT (a) and YPY (b) coatings ablated by 425 W/cm2 laser for different periods

8. XRD patterns of YPT (a) and YPY (b) coatings after 425 W/cm2 laser ablation for different periods

9. Surface SEM morphologies of YPT and YPY coatings after 425 W/cm2, 5 s laser ablation

10. Cross-sectional original SEM morphologies (a, d), cross-sectional morphologies (b, c, e, f) and EDS results (g, h) of YPT and YPY coatings after 425 W/cm2, 5 s laser ablation

11. Surface morphologies (a) and back surface morphologies (b) of YSZ, YPT and YPY coatings ablated by 2123 and 4246 W/cm2 laser for 5 and 10 s, respectively

12. XRD patterns of YPT (a) and YPY (b) coatings after 4246 W/cm2, 10 s laser ablation

13. SEM surface morphologies and EDS analyses of YSZ, YPT and YPY coatingsafter 4246 W/cm2, 10 s laser ablation

14. Cross-sectional SEM morphologies and corresponding elements mapping of the central ablation area of YSZ (a), YPT (b) and YPY (c) coatings after 4246 W/cm2, 10 s laser ablation
Table 1. Spray parameters of YSZ and NiCrAlY coatings[18]

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