Wei ZHANG, Peng GAO, Chengyi HOU, Yaogang LI, Qinghong ZHANG, Hongzhi WANG. Chip Sensor for pH and Temperature Monitoring Based on ZnO Composite [J]. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2020, 35(4): 416

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- Journal of Inorganic Materials
- Vol. 35, Issue 4, 416 (2020)

1. (a) Digital photograph and (b) schematic diagram of pH and temperature sensor

2. Schematic diagram of apparatus prepared with ZnO nanorod arrays

3. Reversible transform between reduced polyaniline and emeraldine

4. FE-SEM images of (a, b) ZnO nanorod arrays on the surface of PET/ITO, (c, d) PAni nanosheet arrays on the surface of ZnO nanorods

5. Digital photographs of (a) pure PET/ITO films, (b) PET/ITO films modified with ZnO nanorod arrays and (c) PET/ITO films modified with ZnO/PAni micro-nanostructures

6. (a) Time dependence of the open circuit potential between work electrode and reference electrode in various solutions with different pH with in 100 s, and (b) variation of open circuit potential versus pH for work electrode

7. FE-TEM images (a, b) of ZnO/rGO, and corresponding element mapping of (c) Zn and (d) C

8. XRD pattern of ZnO/rGO

9. (a) Variation and (b) percentage variation of resistance versus temperature for ZnO/rGO nanocomposites

10. (a) Digital photo of the sensor chip in the test solution; (b) pH sensing and (c) temperature sensing performances of the sensor chip

11. (a) Digital photo of PET/ITO modified with ZnO/ PAni micro-nanostructure, (b) SEM image of ZnO/PAni micro- nanostructure. and (c) Linear I -V curves of ZnO/rGO thermistor measured under 25 and 40 ℃
Table 1. Resistance-temperature performance of ZnO/rGO nanocomposites

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